Urban Inventor

Chapter 346: Dream can be 1 point bigger

Many people on the stage had done their homework before they came. They knew everything they needed to pay attention to in space exploration. They even planned everything according to their own capital and so on. Some people even formed a team. Therefore, with regard to the risks in space and the excellent expedition team that Zhang Wei emphasized, they said that they are ready, and as to be under the supervision of the future technology company, the resources they mine must be sold to the future technology company first. They can fully understand and accept, as long as they can make a fortune!

It is worth mentioning that the country has promulgated and implemented a policy to serve the space age in 2020. According to this policy, all human, material, financial and policy services are for the advancement of space. All domestic universities must establish aerospace majors and astronomy. Departments and other majors related to space technology focus on training relevant talents and reserve human resources for the development of space. Three years have passed. Some outstanding talents have stood out and become useful, and there will be no embarrassing situation of not recruiting people.

However, after all, excellent talents are a few. In order to compete for these talents, all domestic companies that are interested in entering the space have poured into famous universities such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, China University of Science and Technology, Nanjing University, etc. As long as you have the ability, you can be hired on the spot. The annual salary is basically two million yuan starting, plus the commission of each income, as long as you are lucky, a year's income can reach hundreds of millions, or even tens of billions. The most popular among enterprises are students of astrophysics, because astrophysics is the physics of studying the universe, and the learning content includes the physical properties of the stars (luminosity, density, temperature, chemical composition, etc.) and the stars and the stars. The interaction between these knowledge can help the expedition team formed by the enterprise to find the most valuable asteroid, and then use the most economical and safe way to transport the asteroid back to the moon.

In addition to these excellent students becoming 饽饽 饽, some professors in various universities and staff of the major observatories in the country also chose to go to the sea under the sugar-coated shells of the enterprise. Graduates have also been stimulated to pick up textbooks again and study hard!

This is the power of capital! After the future technology companies and China announced the sale of spaceships, stimulated by huge wealth, social capital is madly concentrated here, they are about to enter this space age! Driven by capital, the entire society is accelerating its transition to the space age!

This is actually the goal of the country and the future technology company. Space is too big. It is impossible to quickly explore and develop only by the power of the country and the future technology company. Only when the entire country and nation are invested can it be in space. With the rapid expansion, only when everyone is involved can the entire country and nation move towards the vast universe!

On the stage, Zhang Wei continued, "The emphasis should be over, and my speech seems to be over. However, here, I would like to ask everyone a question. You have now obtained tickets to enter the space. You will also have your own ideas, so what do your dreams look like? "

The audience suddenly became lively.

The audience watching the live broadcast also discussed.

"Of course, it is to find an asteroid rich in mineral resources and come back to sell a few trillion yuan to become a trillionaire!"

"I ’m going to the Diamond Planet and I ’ll bring all the diamonds from that planet back! Then, I ’m going to build a diamond palace with a diamond floor on the ground, a diamond gate on the door, a diamond bed on the bed, even the toilet. If it was a diamond toilet. "

"If possible, I want to lead a fleet to the depths of space to conquer all the alien civilizations I met along the way and make the earth civilization immortal!"

"It's better to have your own planet, to be a planet farmer, or to be the governor of the planet, or even build an empire!"

"What time is it, still want to play the imperial system, is it really feasible?"

"Who knows, maybe in the interstellar age, imperialism is better than democracy, maybe imperialist countries do not often appear in science fiction?"

"Democracy is the product of compromises brought about by people ’s long struggle to pursue a better life, but there is a premise that the productivity brought by everyone is still on the order of magnitude. However, in the future, intelligent robots will definitely be popularized. However, the productivity of ordinary people is of little importance to those in power. At this time, the greatest significance of ordinary people ’s existence is to cultivate “elites” such as scientists, artists, and artists with high IQ for those in power. The biggest meaning is the fertility machine. Do you think that for those in power and "elites" at this time, do we need to engage in democracy? As for the struggle, okay, how can ordinary people at the bottom of the society with the army of intelligent robots and at all times can destroy Planetary weapons come to fight? So, in the interstellar age, perhaps a monarchy or dictatorship will really be born, and once a country chooses an monarchy or dictatorship, without external intervention, ordinary people at the bottom have no power to come Restore 'Democratic for All'. "

"The future described upstairs ... seems a bit scary. It seems that no matter what era, the people at the bottom are not easy to mix."

Zhang Wei looked at the hotly debated people, smiled, and then said, "Everyone, the universe is huge and incredible, beyond what we know now. The earth we live in is only one of the eight planets in the solar system; Compared with the Milky Way, the solar system is also insignificant. The Milky Way includes 150 to 400 billion stars and a large number of star clusters and nebulae. The total mass is 210 billion times the mass of the sun. There are as many as 200 billion galaxies in the observable universe.

So, in the space age, everything is possible, if you just want to mine in the solar system, then this dream is too small.

I think you must have seen a lot of science fiction films or science fiction novels, there are always aliens to conquer the earth, however, we actually have hope to conquer other planets now! The power system of the current spacecraft is a nuclear fusion engine, which can reach up to 10% of the speed of light. This speed is a bit slow, and it is not enough to explore the broader space. However, when we have an antimatter engine, the speed of the spacecraft can reach about 80% of the speed of light. At this time, we can explore the galaxy. If we have a curved engine, we can even explore the entire universe. In this process, we can definitely find many planets suitable for human habitation, and even many alien civilizations. These places are the objects we conquer! Perhaps, many of us can own a planet in the future, even if we ca n’t, our children and grandchildren can certainly do it! "

Zhang Wei paused, pointed his finger to the sky, and said, "Everyone, please look up at this sky. This is a vast land of no lord. One of the stars here may be our territory!"

In fact, Zhang Wei did not intend to say this at the press conference, because this would expose his ambitions with future technology companies and would have some subtle effects on the relationship between future technology companies and the country. However, when discussing the relevant matters of this conference with him, the chief took the initiative to mention this topic, and then asked Zhang Wei for his opinions.

Zhang Wei also realized that the Chief Executive might have seen through when he insisted on getting a piece of land on Mars. He and Liu Hai and others would eventually take this step one day, and it was no longer necessary to hide, so they simply talked about it. When the head heard that Zhang Wei only wanted to find a planet outside the solar system, he expressed that the country was willing to support it, and secretly stated two reasons why the country was willing to support. On the one hand, it was to reward Zhang Wei and future technology companies for doing The huge contribution, on the one hand, is because after the technology company becomes larger and larger in the future, it will inevitably conflict with national interests in the future. This is determined by the expansion of capital and cannot be avoided. Once such a thing happens It is a great loss to the country, to the future technology company, and to the entire nation. Therefore, it is a great good for the future technology company to have such an idea, and the country is willing to strongly support it.

At this time, the country only planned to specialize in special affairs for future technology companies, but when the news gradually spread in a small area of ​​the national political and military circles, it caused a chain reaction. In the domestic political and military circles, there are almost 80 % Of the forces united and said that if other Chinese citizens found a planet suitable for human habitation outside the solar system, they should support this Chinese citizen to become the lord of this planet, just like the future technology companies ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ This is mainly for profit, because everyone has an ambition, but this ambition is wiped out by reality, and now, this ambition is burning up again, if such a planet can be found in the future, and Becoming the lord of the planet has laid the foundation of all generations. This is a temptation that cannot be refused! In fact, even the head's own family believes that Chinese citizens should be supported beyond the solar system to become planet lords and even establish interstellar countries! The National Think Tank also believes that the universe is too vast, and the two planets controlled by the state may be tens of light years or even thousands of light years away. It is almost impossible to maintain the current mode of domination. In fact, the rebellion of the colony will happen from time to time, and the central government will be exhausted. It should adopt a model that is more suitable for the space age.

After intense discussions, the domestic political and military circles finally reached a unified opinion. The solar system is controlled by the state and is the root of the Chinese nation. Whereas, outside the solar system, let the descendants of the Chinese nation go to explore and develop, as long as they have the ability, You can have one or even countless planets, and you can also build an interstellar country. In the future, China will be equivalent to the central government, and these interstellar countries will be equivalent to dependent countries. They need to pay certain taxes to the central government, and the central government can provide military, scientific and technological support to these dependent countries. To a certain extent, China is like Britain in the era of great navigation, and those Chinese citizens who went out to develop are equivalent to East India companies. China's future positioning is the cosmic version of the "Sunless Empire". (To be continued.)