Urban Inventor

Chapter 374: Brand new Mars

Golden autumn October is a harvest season.

The gains of future technology companies are not small, it is a brand new Mars. Well, in fact, it can only be divided into 10% of the Martian territory, which is about 14.3 million square kilometers.

It has been two years since Ceres hit Mars. In the past two years, future technology companies and national spaceships have dragged countless icy planets from the asteroid belt and Kuiper belt to hit Mars, making poor Mars bear every day. The massive energy generated during the collision caused the Mars to continuously boil and roll over. The earthquake and volcano never stopped, nor did the lightning and torrential rain stop!

Until now, Mars has slowly calmed down, showing his new image in front of humanity.

Mars has appeared on land, oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. The red iron oxide dust that was originally scattered on Mars has been washed away by the rain, revealing the original dark brown, and in the sky, there are white clouds floating.

From the earth's point of view, Mars is no longer monotonous red, about 70% is dark brown, that is land, and the rest is basically blue and white, which is the ocean and thick atmosphere.

This is a very beautiful new world, a new world full of hope, let the earth human heart yearning.

Especially after the latest technology company released the latest data of Mars, the whole world is boiling, turning its attention to Mars.

The latest data on Mars is as follows:

Mass: from 0.11 times the earth to 0.16 times the current, directly increased by a small half.

Gravity: from 0.38 times of the Earth to 0.67 times of the present, it is still not suitable for human long-term survival, but it does not matter, Zhang Wei ’s genetic modification technology can solve the problem of gravity, which actually means that all immigrants to Mars must rely on Zhang Wei!

Atmosphere: The thickness is about 90 kilometers, which is similar to the atmosphere of the earth. It is also divided into troposphere, stratosphere, intermediate layer, thermostratigraphy and outer atmosphere, 95% of which are below the stratosphere. (The boundary between the Earth ’s atmosphere and space defined by the International Aeronautical Federation is the Carmen line with a height of 100 kilometers, and the outer space of the Carmen line is space.)

Atmospheric composition: 81.7% is carbon dioxide, 11.2% is water vapor, 3.5% is nitrogen, the rest is mainly helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and other rare gases and sulfides, as for oxygen, only poor 0.53%.

This is a very unfriendly environment for human beings. If humans do not wear oxygen masks, they will soon suffocate and die. Therefore, the next step in the transformation of Mars is to increase the atmospheric concentration and change the atmospheric composition.

Temperature: Because the residual heat of the collision has not been dissipated, in the equatorial area, the maximum temperature during the day is 50 degrees Celsius, the minimum temperature at night is 10 degrees Celsius, and in the north and south poles, the temperature is between -30 degrees Celsius and 20 degrees Celsius. According to the simulation results of the quantum computer, as the residual heat of the collision is exhausted, the temperature of Mars will drop by 30 degrees Celsius in the next month.

This temperature is not very friendly to humans, but the future technology company's six-sided mirror with a space of up to 250 kilometers in diameter is ready. It is placed at a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers from Mars and can reflect sunlight to Mars to improve Mars. temperature.

Water: Water is the source of life, and its importance is self-evident. In the past two years, future technology companies and national spaceships have dragged many planets with high water content from the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt. The total resources have reached 17% of the earth, so much water is enough to make Mars the star of life.

Sunshine: Mars has only 1/3 of the sunshine time of the earth, but with six mirrors in space, the sunshine can be accepted.

Magnetic field: This is the most exciting change. After two years, the magnetic field of Mars has reached 0.9 times that of the earth, which is almost the same as that of the earth. It can resist most solar winds and cosmic rays and protect the Martian atmosphere and life on Mars. In fact, humans don't have to be afraid of cosmic rays now, because Zhang Wei's genetic modification technology can make human skin have a strong ability to resist radiation, even if completely exposed to cosmic rays, will not be harmed.

Satellite: The original Phobos and Phobos have been thrown onto Mars by the future technology company. Mars ’s current satellite is a planet dragged from the Kuiper belt, with a diameter of 1743 kilometers, which is about a quarter of the diameter of Mars. It is as important to Mars as the moon is to the earth. It can cause tidal movement of the ocean, slow down the rotation speed of Mars, maintain the long-term stability of the Martian climate, and block most of the meteorite for Mars. In addition, with this satellite, Martians can also read "Moonlight in bed before, suspected of frost on the ground" in the future.

In general, Mars is still a restricted zone for humans, but everyone is confident in the next transformation.

China, Future Technology, and the remaining 71 participating Mars transformation plans have jointly held a press conference to announce the next transformation plan for Mars. Of course, 71 other countries have been relegated to the XYZ. For example, the United States is now called the American-Federal-American Administrative Region, and South Korea is called the Chinese Special Administrative Region of Korea! This is really impermanent!

First of all, it is to continue to raise the temperature of Mars to the extent suitable for the survival of human beings and other animals and plants.

Secondly, according to the original Mars atmospheric reform plan, increase the atmospheric concentration of Mars, increase the oxygen content in the atmosphere, and filter out harmful gases in the atmosphere. Eventually, the atmosphere on Mars will be close to the atmosphere on Earth, mainly composed of nitrogen and oxygen, and the atmospheric concentration and atmospheric pressure will also be close to Earth.

Again, shape the ecosystem.

A large number of genetically modified cyanobacteria, mosses and other autotrophic organisms are first released. These genetically modified organisms have a very strong vitality. Even under high temperatures of more than 200 degrees, they can still survive and reproduce. The carbon source grows and releases oxygen. In fact, as early as 2.4 billion years ago, the activity of cyanobacteria filled the atmosphere with oxygen, allowing the appearance and evolution of aerobic organisms.

Then there is a super plant that can release more oxygen to accelerate the growth rate of oxygen on Mars, and at the same time a large number of microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi that are vital to human survival. The existence of life is inseparable from bacteria. The substances in nature are in a non-stop cycle, changing from the inorganic state to the organic state, and then from the organic state to the inorganic state. Bacteria are working hard in this material circulation process ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ away from it, animal and plant corpses will pile up like a mountain, and these organic matter can not be decomposed, green plants "starved" to die, animals also follow The extinction, the life activities will be terminated.

When oxygen reaches a certain concentration, genetically modified animals can be introduced to increase the diversity of the biosphere.

At this time, humans can also set foot on Mars without wearing spacesuits. However, if you want to emigrate, you need to establish Mars agriculture and animal husbandry, form agricultural and sideline food self-sufficiency, carry out production, and build energy and raw material industrial facilities. It is building a house. These tasks can be done by robots, as long as humans can sit and enjoy their achievements.

This announcement will make the global public boiling, immigration to Mars, as if it will be tomorrow! There are also countless businessmen who are excited because the transformation of Mars requires countless machines and raw materials. As long as they can get a piece of soup, even if they only supply screws, they can make a lot of money! Businessmen in all related industries are anxiously red eyes, pull gangs or find relationships, want to participate. However, the money does not need to be paid by future technology companies, but by other countries participating in the Mars transformation plan. Of course, if you want to get benefits, you must pay for it. Without technology, you can only pay.

However, at this time, the new chief found Zhang Wei and seemed to want to do something. (To be continued.)