Urban Inventor

Chapter 52: Future plan

(Thanks for "Silent Achen", "Big Word Xiao Xiang", "Despising the Darkness", and thank you for your recommendation. Thank you.)

One minute later.

The system upgrade was completed, and Zhang Wei also received the information transmitted by the system. After digesting the information, he was more excited.

According to the explanation of the system, although he was also the host of the system before, he did not get the real recognition of the system. As long as he did not complete the system task once, he would immediately be abandoned by the system and erased all the memory after the system was obtained.

Is different now. He passed the test of the system and became the real host of the system, and it is bound to the system. As long as he is not dead, the system will not leave him.

Moreover, now not only can you get rewards after completing system tasks, when he completes a more meaningful invention, the system will also reward him with some advanced technologies. As for how to judge "more meaningful", well, the right of interpretation belongs to the system.

But anyway, compared with before, he has one more method of acquiring advanced technology, which can also make his way as a big inventor smoother!


Zhang Wei waved his fist happily and gave a praise to the system in his heart, and then he began to study the technology of gene evolution fluid manufacturing technology rewarded by the system.

After two hours of research, he already had a general understanding of the technology of genetic evolution fluid manufacturing. This technology also contains theoretical knowledge and manufacturing methods. It is about fifty years more advanced than the current technological level. The genetic evolution fluid produced by this technology can optimize human genes and strengthen human physical fitness. However, the use effect varies from person to person, some people will not be strengthened, but the body will become very healthy from now on, and some people may become superhuman, with ten times the physical quality of ordinary people, life expectancy can also be greatly improved, live By the age of two hundred there is no problem.

"After using the genetic evolution fluid, it can reach up to ten times the physical quality of ordinary people? It is possible to live to two hundred years old!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei was full of expectations. He began to imagine how powerful he would be after becoming a superman. To pick one hundred? The time can be long and long?

Then, he was so sleepy that he fell asleep unconsciously ...

The next day, at 8 o'clock in the morning, Zhang Wei was woken up by Beidou's "Goddess Waking Up Service". Although he only slept for more than three hours and was still very tired, he immediately climbed out of bed ~ Got up.

Take a bath, change clothes, and make a hairstyle again, the whole person looks radiant.

The former Zhang Wei is back!

In the courtyard of the villa, after seeing Zhang Wei who had just come out of the house, Ning Wei suddenly felt stunned. He found that Zhang Wei's mental state was completely different from the previous days. It's so restless these days.

Such Zhang Wei is full of charm and makes people feel comfortable looking at it.

Why did Zhang Wei suddenly change so much?

Ning Wei remembered what happened last night and murmured in his heart, "Can playing upgrade games bring such a big change?"

After breakfast, Zhang Wei came to the company with three bodyguards, and then asked the secretary to notify Liu Hai, Qin Xiaobu and other company executives to go to the meeting room.

Soon, Liu Hai and others came to the conference room one after another. When they saw Zhang Wei at first glance, they realized that Zhang Wei's mental outlook was completely different from the previous days. Looking at it, there was a kind of intimacy instead of Feel a kind of depression like the other day.

After everyone was there, the meeting started immediately.

Zhang Wei cleared his throat and said sincerely, "Everyone, I'm sorry, I was in a bad mood the other day, and I brought this bad emotion to my work. I may have inadvertently offended everyone. Everyone apologizes. "

He remembered very clearly that he had been worried about the inability to complete system tasks the other day. The whole person was restless and stressed. He had no good face when he saw anyone in the company, making everyone in the company self-defeating and very worried. Attentiveness angered him as a boss.

Now, he no longer has to worry about losing the big inventor system, and the mental state of the whole person has been adjusted. He also realized that he shouldn't have done that, so he admits the mistake, apologizes, and restores his image.

Everyone was a little stunned. I didn't expect Zhang Wei to take the initiative to admit the mistake and apologize. This is not what the average person can do. I also admire Zhang Wei's behavior a little, and I open my mouth and laugh and expose it.

Zhang Wei also clearly felt that his relationship with everyone had become more harmonious, and he was also very happy in his heart, and said with a smile, "Here I will announce one more thing. The publicity plan I arranged before was officially ended today."

Everyone was stunned again. Zhang Wei agreed with them yesterday afternoon, saying that the progress of the propaganda work was unsatisfactory. They should immediately invest another 5 billion yuan in propaganda, and then they made a plan. Only one night had passed now, but Zhang Wei's attitude came in a 180-degree turn, and directly said that the publicity plan was over. What kind of trouble is this?

What happened to Zhang Wei last night?

However, they always feel that this propaganda plan is a bit wasteful. Now Zhang Wei proposes to end the propaganda, and of course they agree.

The following meetings were all conducted in a harmonious and warm atmosphere. The company's backlog of work plans these days were brought up for discussion, and then all were resolved.

After the meeting, Zhang Wei chatted with the three good buddies Liu Hai, Qin Xiaobu and Zhang Zhijian, and then came to the experiment building.

"Beidou, how is the work of collecting robot technical information."

After entering the computer room, Zhang Wei asked Beidou immediately.

"Sir, I have invaded the intranets of four companies, including Fanuc of Japan, Kuka of Germany, ABB of Switzerland, and Yaskawa Electric of Japan, according to your instructions, and downloaded all the data related to robot technology stored in the intranet to My server is ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and it is ready for classification, please check it. "

Beidou responded, and then a sorted folder appeared on the computer screen.

Zhang Wei opened the folder and checked for a while, and found that most of the files in it were what he wanted, so he was also very satisfied. With these materials, coupled with the robot technology that the big inventor system had given him before Knowledge, his robot plan can be launched soon.

However, it has not been possible for a while, and he seems to have a lot of things to deal with.

Zhang Wei instructed, "Beidou, please repeat the important matters that I recorded before."

"Okay, sir, here are the important things you asked to record."

Beidou responded, "

The first item is to buy a supercomputer so that Beidou's ability can be fully exerted.

The second item is to establish a world-leading personal laboratory.

The third item is to launch the ‘Skynet Project’.

The fourth item is to start the 'Robot Guarding Program'.

The fifth item is to develop your own influence.

The sixth item is to cooperate with the military to develop weapons based on anti-gravity technology and to develop spacecraft with the government.

The seventh item helps Beidou evolve into real artificial intelligence.

...... "

Beidou said more than a dozen important things in a row, making Zhang Wei feel a bit big when he listened. Then he realized that he still has so many things to do, and each one is very important. It seems that his next I have been busy for a long time ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Welcome readers to read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Mobile phone users, please read.