Urban Medical God

Chapter 8699: Fan of Ren Feifei

Chapter 8699 Ren Feifei's fan

The girl he led had a temperament similar to his, and she was also indifferent and numb, with eyes as silent as sculptures.

"This is the Bone Emperor?"

"Wait, this girl!"

Ye Chen looked at the man, and suddenly saw the girl who was being led by the man, whose appearance seemed a little familiar.

It's 80% similar to Ji Lin!

Ye Chen took a sudden look and almost thought that the girl was Ji Lin.

But take a closer look, the girl's appearance is bigger than Ji Lin's.

Moreover, the girl's expression was indifferent, not as lively as Ji Lin's.

Ren Feifei said to Ye Chen: "That's not Ji Lin, it's the apprentice of Emperor Gutian, and also the saint of the ancient star gate, called Shanhu Gongyu."

Ye Chen was taken aback: "Coral Palace Rain?"

Ren Feifei said: "Yes, this Coral Palace Rain is a peerless genius created by Emperor Gu Tian from his fantasy, and he entrusted the ancient Xingmen's desire for the law of destiny."

"Ancient Xingmen wants this Coral Palace Yu to become the legendary Lord of Fate."

Ye Chen: "Master of Destiny? No wonder this Shan Huan Gongyu looks so much like Ji Lin."

All fantasies are related to reality.

In reality, the master of fate is Ji Siqing.

And Ji Lin is Ji Siqing's younger sister.

Therefore, it is normal that the Master of Destiny created by Gu Tiandi is similar to Ji Lin.

However, this Coral Palace Yu is only similar to Ji Lin, not Ji Siqing. It also proves from the side that Ji Siqing's position is stable, and it is not easy to replace her as the master of destiny.

Ren Feifei: "Any holy and great existence needs the assistance of the law of destiny. If destiny cannot be controlled, no matter how great an existence is, it will collapse."

Ye Chen nodded. That's true. Even if he wants to build the supreme kingdom of reincarnation, he still needs the assistance of the law of fate to maintain the stability of the world and order.

Ren Feifei: "The ancient star gate has great ambitions. In fact, their initial birth is related to the Tianbei."

"There is a Heavenly Emperor Star hidden on the Tianbei. This Heavenly Emperor Star is the last of your Seven Stars of Reincarnation."

"If you want to awaken the last reincarnation star, you must get the Tianbei and completely refine it."

"At the very beginning of the Heavenly Emperor Star, the stars illuminated time and space, and the ancient star gates were born from the fantasy dreams of the stars. They were in charge of the order of reincarnation at the very beginning, but they didn't like this order."

"The order of reincarnation is that everyone is equal, life and death, good and evil, have a fixed relationship, those who do good enjoy peace and happiness, and those who do evil suffer retribution, and are not affected by human will. Everything is judged by order and law."

"However, the Ancient Star Sect doesn't like this order. What they want is to dominate the world and be the only one who can decide the life and death of people. They gave up the order of reincarnation and tried to hunt down the gods to create a great supreme god. The king is King Xuanyuan, who dominates all time and space and is eternally invincible."

"In other words, their ambitions were too inflated and they were abandoned by reincarnation."

Ye Chen was shocked after hearing Ren Feifei's words.

It turns out that this ancient star gate is actually related to the Tianbei, and even controlled the order of reincarnation.

However, they had great ambitions and wanted to dominate the heavens, but they were finally abandoned by reincarnation.

Ren Feifei: "However, no matter what kind of world the ancient star gate wants to build, it is necessary to control the law of destiny, so the Gutian Emperor inherited the will of the ancestors of the ancient star gate and created this coral palace rain, as the future master of destiny. .”

Ye Chen nodded, and finally knew the origin of this coral palace rain, and also understood all the origins of the ancient star gate.

Emperor Gutian smiled at Ren Feifei and said, "Brother Ren, don't come here without any harm."

Shan Huan Gongyu bent down to salute Ren Feifei: "Uncle Ren, long time no see, we were waiting for you in Wuwu time and space, and thought you had already ascended."

Ren Feifei said: "I have unfinished business in the starry sky of this world. After I solve all the causes and effects, I will go to our ancient star gate as a guest in the future."

Emperor Gutian smiled again, looked at Luo Qingli who was standing aside, and said, "Brother Ren, are you going to stand up for the water **** Tianzun today?"

Ren Feifei said: "You can't tell the truth, but she is kind to reincarnation, and I need to repay it, Emperor Gu, please look at my face, and don't hunt her down in the future."

Emperor Gutian chuckled, and said: "Hunting and killing the water **** is a death order from the Supreme Heavenly Emperor of the ancient star gate. I cannot disobey it. Brother Ren, please don't make things difficult for me, otherwise we will be injured if we meet each other with swords. Peaceful."

Ren Feifei said: "I don't care if you hunt other gods, I just want you to let the water **** Tianzun go."

Hearing this, a gleam of cold light flashed across Gu Tiandi's eyes, and his voice also became cold, saying: "Brother Ren, then I have no choice but to offend."

As soon as the words fell, Gu Tiandi's body suddenly burst out with a snort without warning.


His whole body was covered with bones, and there were bursts of bursting sounds, and sharp bone spurs pierced through the skin and muscles, exposing them.

In an instant, he seemed to have become a bone demon.


A bone spur was broken off by Emperor Gu, held in his hand, and pierced Ren Feifei's heart like a spear.

This blow was sharp and murderous, and the majesty it displayed, smashing time and space, and shattering the avenue, has gone far beyond the scope of an immortal emperor. It is the means of a truly stepless superpower, even comparable to the legendary main **** !

Tianxinyu is a fantasy world, in this fantasy world, it is not bound by reality.

That is to say, Emperor Gu's cultivation base has not declined at all, and is in its heyday and peak state.

If this bone spur of his fell into the Supreme World, it could directly pierce thousands of layers of the Supreme World.

The horror of power has reached such a level.

Ye Chen and Xiao Jing were shocked when they saw such a sharp blow from Emperor Gu.

They have never seen ~lightnovelpub.net~ such a terrifying attacking momentum.

Luo Qingli also exclaimed, wanting to help Ren Feifan.

After all, Ren Feifei is a person in the world, and he has not ascended to the sky, so how can he resist such a fierce blow.

However, facing Emperor Gu's attack, Ren Feifei did not panic at all, his face remained calm.

He lightly stretched out two fingers, and an incredible scene appeared, the bone spur from Emperor Gu's explosive killing was actually caught by his **** lightly, and could no longer penetrate half an inch.


Ye Chen, Xiao Jing, Luo Qingli, Shan Shan Gongyu and others were all shocked when they saw that Ren Feifei was able to block the blow of Emperor Gu with such ease.

Emperor Gu Tian was also stunned and couldn't believe his eyes.

He felt that at this moment, his strength had weakened thousands of times, and the attacking aura that caused this bone spur had also weakened thousands of times, and he was easily caught by Ren Feifei.

Ye Chen and the others also saw that at the last moment, Emperor Gu's aura suddenly weakened as if he had been cursed.

(end of this chapter)