Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 114: Monster's Grave

I opened my mouth, surprised that I couldn't speak, but Wen Jiubai continued. Eight Eight One Chinese Network W≈WW. 81ZW. Com

"And, do you remember what the tile patterns look like in the corridor of your school building?"

I froze, but I couldn't remember it. Sometimes people are so weird, they are obviously things that they see every day, so when they ask them suddenly, they don't remember them.

"That's it." Wen Jiubai suddenly pulled up my hand, flattened my fingers, drew a circle in the middle of my palm, and drawn an arc in the circle, "It's a gossip."

Then I nodded suddenly, "Yes, it's true that the gossip pattern is correct."

Wen Jiubai smiled, then let go of my hand, "But it's funny. It's really funny. Gu Yu, don't you think?"

"What's interesting?"

"You." Wen Jiubai looked at me with both arms and his mouth evoked an interesting arc. "It seems that everything is around you, all strange things are born around you, you don't find it very interesting. ?"

As soon as I wanted to say something to answer Wen Jiubai, I was interrupted by Bai's voice.

"Mr. Wen!"

Bai Mai ran up to us from the grove with four flexible short legs.

"How?" Wen Jiubai looked at Bai. "Is it here?"

Nodding his head in white, "That's right here. This is the heaviest part of the campus. The graveyard must be under these trees."

"Well, good job." Wen Jiubai stooped down and patted his white head. That white guy still enjoyed it.

It is indeed a weasel. It was so simple to be tamed, and I expressed distaste for it in my heart.

"Get your shovel, let's go down." Wen Jiubai dropped this sentence and took the lead in the small woods.

I hurried to follow, "Wait, we really have to dig a grave!"

Wen Jiubai did not hesitate, digging with a shovel toward the seemingly flat ground.

I had no choice but to pick up the shovel and learn from Wen Jiubai to get started. Really don't say that this tomb digging was not ordinary labor. Both of us dug down a one-person high pit, and still saw nothing.

"Is there really something underneath?" I gasped, "We've been digging for so long, not yet ..."

Just then, I felt that the shovel under my hand vibrated a little, apparently hitting something.

"Yes." Wen Jiubai immediately lowered the shovel and plucked out the surrounding soil with his hands. A cover of a coffin was exposed. "Come and help me."

"Ah? What, what?" I was a little hesitant.

"Pry open the coffin, or smash it open." Wen Jiubai said he could do it. He picked up the shovel and began to look for the gap along the coffin cover. It's easy to pry open. "

"Wait, wait, but why do we pry open these coffins." There was a hair in my heart, "What on earth are you looking for?"

"You'll know right away." As Wen Jiubai pushed hard, the rotten coffin squeaked and was lifted up, and a pungent smell got into my nose immediately. I frowned, held my breath, and watched Wen Jiubai throw the coffin board aside, and the board was broken into pieces directly.

Wen Jiubai glanced into the coffin, then smiled, and murmured, "Sure enough, it is not bad as I expected."

I looked into the coffin in wonder and curiosity, but it almost scared my soul out of it.

A dark thing curled up in the coffin, that thing has sharp fangs, rotten skin with uneven spots like toads, hands and feet are very long compared to the body proportions, anyway, no matter how you look, That thing is definitely not a human body.

"This, what is this!" I cried out of my voice, "Isn't this human?"

"Of course not, this is the monster's body." Wen Jiubai gasped, bypassing the coffin and standing by my side.

"The corpse of the monster?" No expression can express my surprise now. I stared at the weird corpse and felt that the scalp monster seemed to be able to jump out of the coffin at any time. "Just kidding, Where's the monster body? "

"It's true!" Bai didn't know when he jumped on the coffin board, with a surprised expression, "Is this a monster like a water ghost?"

"It may also be a roadside ghost." Wen Jiubai said.

"Wait, what water ghosts and roadside ghosts." I interrupted two people, still feeling very incredible, "How could this be a monster's body? No, take a step back and say 10,000 steps, even if there is a monster Die, but how could a monster leave a body? "

"Good question." Wen Jiubai didn't want to answer me, but threw the shovel at me again. "I'll explain to you later, now we'll dig another coffin to see."

I was baffled, so I had to temporarily obey Wen Jiubai's order and dig in the vicinity of the excavated coffin. This time I saw another coffin and pry open it. It is also a monster with a blue face and fangs. It looks terrible. .

"This basically can be determined." Wen Jiubai thoughtfully, inserted the shovel aside, and said to me, "This graveyard is probably not a human, but a corpse of a monster."

"If you want to say it, you can understand a little bit. Why is there a monster's body? What is going on?" I asked eagerly.

"This is a long time ago, many local villagers removed the demon." Wen Jiubai said, "Simply, as long as you are haunted, ask the priests to come and do it. The haunted people will provide a pig or a sheep at home. Please ask the mage to attach the invisible evil spirit to the animal, so that the evil spirit cannot escape. Then the family buried the animal with the ghost alive and put a spell on the coffin. They thought that the monster would Can be completely killed. "

"So, is this useful?" I asked curiously.

"In a way, it's still a bit useful." Wen Jiubai said with his arms folded. "For the weak curbs, it's not difficult to trap them in the animal's body. Many priests can do it. After being buried alive, It can really prevent the monster from continuing to go to the village to cause trouble, but ... the monster is different from humans, even if the possessed skin dies, the monster itself will not die. After these poor little monsters are buried alive, they become ground-bound spirits and cannot leave. This land. Therefore, this place has become a place where the wicked monsters wander. "