Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 123: Evil and Covenant

"I'm afraid the time in the crack is not consistent with the external time flow. Bayi Chinese? Network WWWW81.WWCOM." Wen Jiubai said slowly, "Chinese people have long ago said," One day in heaven, one year underground " Then, the crack opens up another dimension of space, and it is not surprising that time is different. "

"Oh my gosh ..." Su Xiaoming murmured, "how many things happened during my absence."

I sneered twice, "Nothing, not many. It's just that countless people are missing, Liang Kaifeng and another girl from the journalism department have passed away. There is no heartbeat, but there is still breathing."

Su Xiaoyi covered her mouth in surprise, "How could this be ..."

"The evil spirit called Parasitic Soul stole their souls, and definitely wanted to strengthen their power to seek your revenge." I said, "We should still have a chance to rescue them now, otherwise ... I'm afraid they Will end like your sister did. "

Su Xiaoyan tightened his lips, his body was shaking, and he turned to Wen Jiubai for help, "Mr. Wen ..."

Wen Jiubai seemed to know what she was going to say, and sat down in a more comfortable position, "not without it."


"How to save people." Wen Jiubai looked at Su Xiaozheng, "I said before that any connection between monsters and people is plainly based on a certain contract. Because Yin and Yang, people and ghosts are in The two parallel worlds, which are exactly parallel, logically say that the two will never intersect. However, because of the contract, there is a connection. Because of the existence of this contract, talents will be troubled by ghosts. "

I frowned impatiently, interrupting Wen Jiubai's words, "It's time like this, can you stop pulling at your incomprehensible theory? Tell us directly what the solution is, is it over? ? "

Wen Jiubai smiled as if he couldn't help me. "Well, the method is very simple. Eliminate or seal the cursed parasitic soul, and your friend's soul will naturally return to the body."

Su Xiaoyi and I glanced at each other, both dumbfounded. This method is very simple, but it is too simple to say.

However, Wen Jiubai seemed to see our worries and said with a smile, "Don't worry too much. Everything that has existed will always leave a trace. I also took the commission of Liang Kaifeng's father, where the evil spirit is. I will definitely help you find out. "

Then, Wen Jiubai stood up and motioned to end today's conversation.

"It's not too late, and now I can't even sleep for a while."

Although Su Xiaoying still looked anxious, he nodded and stood up. I was relieved, and when I was about to leave the door of the old house with Su Xiaoyu, I was stopped by Wen Jiubai.

"Gu Yu, you stay."

I immediately turned back angrily, "Ah?"

"It's already three o'clock in the middle of the night anyway," Wen Jiubai said, "you don't have to sleep anymore, I have something to tell you."

"Hey, what is your difference!" I said dissatisfied.

"Well, they are girls. They always have to be fragrant and precious." Wen Jiubai's peach blossoms narrowed her eyes, and she looked very happy. "White, take her back to the dormitory, please make sure she arrives safely."

"Okay!" The voice jumped out as soon as the voice fell out, and went all the way to Su Xiaoyu's shoulder. "Let's go, it's dangerous at night, let Master Ben **** you back!"

Su Xiaoying couldn't help showing a smile. She looked at me and seemed to want to say something, but was urged to leave by Bai Yilu.

The room suddenly opened up, leaving me and Wen Jiubai alone. I looked back at him, but this guy has sat down, drinking tea slowly.

"Are you going for a cup?" He felt my sight and raised his cup. "Good Longjing tea."

"No, thank you," I said dryly, and sat across from him, "I still drink Longjing tea, just like a little old man."

Wen Jiubai couldn't help laughing, shook his head, and even the tea in his quilt rippled, "You."

"I still don't quite understand." I was too lazy to talk to him, and started the topic straightforwardly. "Isn't that parasitic soul originally coming to the Yang world to get a skin? Isn't it that you can only get the body to get it? Go through that gap, come to our world? "

"That's right I said so." Wen Jiubai took a sip of tea.

"Then it has a skin now?"

"It shouldn't be. Otherwise, our Su Xiaoyi should have died of Huang Quan long ago, instead of being able to find us the whole story and tell us why."

"So how did it steal the souls of those people? It doesn't make sense," I explained.

"So I said, it's a contract, a contract." Wen Jiubai tapped my head lightly with his fingers.

I rolled my eyes, "I don't understand what a contract is!"

"The parasitic soul is much smarter than you." Wen Jiubai said with a raised lip corner. "Don't you realize that all those who have been taken away have had strange dreams before?"

Ah, that's true. I remembered the school talk weirdly circulated before. Everyone who disappeared later dreamed that someone was knocking outside.

"Dream dreamed that someone knocked on the door, right?" Wen Jiubai asked again.

I nodded.

Wen Jiubai touched his chin. "So, who among the dreamers hasn't opened the door?"

I froze and thought for a while, "Should ... no, right? After all, I heard the knock on the door, basically I would open the door to see who it is?"

Having said that, I suddenly reacted and opened my eyes and looked at Wen Jiubai. "No, right? Is it because of the door?"

Wen Jiubai nodded, "This is the same as agreeing with the name. The action of opening the door is equivalent to agreeing that the parasitic soul occupies his body and controls his spirit. I think that many people were actually controlled by the parasitic soul that night. But they don't know it themselves. So those people will somehow disappear or even die. "

At this moment, the truth of the campus spiritual event is completely unlocked. There is no dispute between who and who, nor is the girl who jumped to commit suicide with resentment, but it is just a simple evil spirit, killing innocent humans unilaterally. I stretched back to my chair, with sadness, anger, resentment, and so on in my chest. Many feelings filled my chest, and it felt like it was about to explode.

"Abominable." I scratched my head and murmured, "Why are there any evil spirits and monsters in this world! What is the reason for such purely evil things to exist in the world!"

As long as I think of Liang Kaifeng and that journalist's sister, they might not be saved but die like this, and I have an unexplainable feeling of distress in my heart.