Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 150: Eagle eagle

The weight of these ancient books was surprisingly heavy, and I almost missed them, "What is this, what are these?"

"This is the Book of Mountains and Seas, and this is" The Book of Xuanzhong. "Eighteen One Chinese? W? W㈧W?? 8㈧1㈧? W㈧.? C㈠O? M? There are also" Search God "," You Minglu " And "Lianxian Biography." Bai didn't give me more opportunities to ask, and put several heavy documents on my knees. "Be careful, there are many ancient books of great value." "

"Wait, what?" I finally couldn't hold it, and put all the stacks of books on the ground. "What are you doing here? Wen Jiubai is finally out of money and plans to become a seller?"

"What insane words to say."

As soon as I spoke, I felt a knock on my head. Wen Jiubai was holding a thick ancient book in his hand, which was completely used as a brick.

"Since it's over, help us check it together." Wen Jiubai sat cross-legged on the floor and opened a book in his hand. "This is a very tedious job."

"What are you looking for?" I asked curiously.

It is rare that Wen Jiubai would set up such a big battle to check the information. Generally speaking, all the knowledge about the monsters and ghosts is in his own mind. What is the evil spirit who can use Wen Jiubai's entire book?

"The eagle eagle." Wen Jiubai saw through my mind and replied, "This is the guy."

"Bone ... what?" I was confused.

Wen Jiubai smiled and looked up at me. "Actually, I received a commission yesterday. Three or five strong men came to commission. They came together. It is said that they came here overnight from the northern suburb of Yancheng. Just to ask me to expel a cannibalistic monster for their village. "


Wen Jiubai nodded. "But unfortunately, they didn't have photos or pictures. All the clues were just a glimpse of one of them. But even then, when that person was pushed out by another big man, his legs were still shaking. . "

I was fascinated, nodded and motioned him to continue.

"When I asked 'what's the matter', several people pushed the witness out. The witness had a pale face and was shaking completely, and he started talking for a long time. He told me such a Story. "Wen Jiubai simply put down the book in his hand and began to tell me the cause and effect.

"The eyewitness is an ordinary farmer in their village with a wife and three children. I don't know why recently, the children in the village are always missing 66. At first everyone thought that there were wolves in the village Li took the child away, and put a few pieces of pork in the village entrance, hoping to lead the wolf away. But the child was still missing the next day, but the meat at the village entrance didn't move. Later, several mature men in the village could not stand it. Just organized, and ran into the mountains opposite the village in groups of three to fight wolves. What was unexpected was that the next day, none of these men came back. At this time, the people in the village also realized that it is likely that Not a wolf, but something more scary. "

"Then, on a dim evening after the rain, the farmer came back from the field, and when he was about to see his house, he heard a woman's heartbreaking cry, and that voice was familiar to him. His wife's voice. In addition, there was a weird baby cry. "

"Baby is crying?" I stumbled, I always felt that this statement seemed to be heard somewhere, but I couldn't remember it when I thought about it.

"Yes, according to the farmer, it was a strange sound between the baby's cry and the roar of the beast." Wen Jiubai continued, "After hearing that voice, the farmer immediately lifted a **** and rushed into the house. And then the scene he saw made him unforgettable all his life. A huge monster curled up in his house, blood was everywhere on the ground and walls, his three children were gone, and his wife— —The monster's mouth also showed a fair-skinned calf. The embroidered shoes on the leg of that leg were his wife's. "

"So ... all four of his family were eaten by that monster?" I took a breath of air.

Wen Jiubai nodded, "That's right."

"Then how did he survive?"

"In fact, the moment he saw that monster, he was scared and almost fainted, but maybe because the monster was full, he just flung his tail and glanced at him, and ran out very quickly. I do n’t know where to go. According to the farmer, the monster ’s body is like a big eagle, but with a leopard pattern on it, and a bird-like mouth is full of sharp teeth, which can easily tear an adult. Human. It has a single horn on its head, and its limbs are like hoofs of a deer. "

The more I heard, the more familiar I became. Where do I seem to have seen this creature ... Where, where exactly?

Before I could think about it clearly, Wen Jiubai said again, "Although I can't make a precise judgment with a farmer's incoherent narrative, I can generally guess that it is close to ten. Almost two hundred years ago, I have seen this guy once."

"Have you seen it?" I quickly pulled my thoughts back to each other's conversation.

"Yes, if I guess well, this guy has been sealed by me." Wen Jiubai picked up a book from the books on the ground and handed it to me. I took it and read it, barely recognizing the one on the cover. Li wrote the three words "Shan Hai Jing".

"The eagle eagle, the first record of human beings is in the volume of" Shan Hai Jing · Nan Shan Jing ". There is a note in the" Nan Shan Jing "," Five hundred miles east, said Mount Lu and Wu Zhi, there is no grass, many gold stones. " Ze Geng's water comes out of the water, and the south stream is injected into the water. The water has animal beasts, which are called eagle eagles, whose shapes are like eagles and horns, and whose sounds are like the sound of a baby. They are cannibals. '"

Wen Jiubai opened the ancient Shan Hai Jing, and read it to me with a finger, "It means that in a place without flowers and trees and only jade minerals, it is called Luwu Mountain. Ze Gengshui Cong This mountain source then flows southwards into the 滂 water. There is a beast named 蛊 eagle in the water, which looks like an ordinary eagle eagle but has horns on its head. The sound is like a baby crying. . After that, it was recorded in Ming Dynasty's "Things of Thousands of Pearls", "The eagle eagle is like a leopard, the corner of its beak is like a baby." "

I nodded confused.

"As for folklore, the eagle owl appears every nine years, and ran to a village to eat a special meal, and then returned to the cave to sleep contented. But in addition, how to eliminate it There are very few records on how to seal it. "Wen Jiubai sighed," If the monster the peasant said is a eagle, then he must have escaped my previous seal and escaped. This No wonder, the eagle owl is different from other messy monsters. It is a large monster that has been in existence since ancient times. It has almost the same life span as Chinese history. If a small human wants to stop it, it is not easy. . "