Urban: Town Country War God

Chapter 871: test

After arriving at the steelmaking plant, Ning Yi took the Ning family members and the 10,000 employees arranged by Lin Xiao to begin intensive preparations.

And Xu Hao also used the powerful ability of the Death Scythe to find all the materials Ning Yi needed in just a few hours.

With the blazing fire in the hot furnace of the steelmaking plant, casting began.

Ning Yi also personally checks and is meticulous.

I have to admit that although Ning Yi is indecisive and pedantic, he is indeed a master of forging.

After all, the title of the Iron King was not for nothing.

In the office above the steel mill, Lin Xiao did not go to other places, but stood in the office, standing with his hand held down, watching the forging below through the huge transparent glass.

This time, he personally supervised the work.

After all, this is about whether his Imperial Guard can be equipped with Minghong Swords in the first place.

At this moment, Xu Hao slowly walked over and said, "Lin Shuai, you asked me to pay more attention to the Magi Kingdom and the Japanese Kingdom a few days ago. There is news now."

"Say" Lin Xiao said.

"When we started fighting with Mamen at the frontier fortress, the spies from the Magi Kingdom and the Wa Kingdom frequented the border fortresses, as if they were watching us."

"Furthermore, according to intelligence, they have assembled almost two million elites, all of which are ace legions."

"I'm afraid, it's for us."

Xu Hao analyzed it methodically.

At this moment, Xu Hao had to admire Lin Shuai's keen intuition for war.

This time, the magnesium country and the Japanese country conducted very top secret.

If it hadn't been for Lin Shuai to remind in advance, the scouts of Death's sickle all over the world would really not be able to spot it.

"Haozi, you have been with me for so long, analyze it," Lin Xiao said.

"The subordinate has the courage to analyze it." Xu Hao thought for a while, and said, "I guess the Magnesium and the Japanese have already known about your contact with the Hell Corps."

"The Intelligence Bureau of this magnesium country is still capable, I am afraid that a lot of data has been collected."

"They know that this **** corps is coming for you, and they are confident that the **** corps can deal with you, that's why they act so recklessly."

Hearing Xu Hao's analysis, Lin Xiao nodded slightly: "Well, the analysis is good, but you missed one."

Hearing this, Xu Hao froze for a moment, and said, "Lin Shuai, please."

"The Hell Corps is not a product of the world. It comes from hell. It is impossible for the Magnesium and the Wa Kingdom to know these things in advance."

"There is one thing that is basically certain now that the upper commander has already contacted them."

"And some agreement has been reached."

Lin Xiao said slowly.

"You mean, the Magnesium Kingdom and the Japanese Kingdom didn't know about the Hell Corps, but they were found by the Hell Corps?" Xu Hao felt incredible.

"Yeah," Lin Xiao nodded slightly.

"It seems that our enemy is not only the Hell Corps this time, but also two wolves with ambitions." Xu Hao's eyes were slightly cold.

"If they feel that they can take advantage of the presence of the Hell Corps to surprise them, then it would be too small to look down on me," Lin Xiao smiled lightly.

"Lin Shuai means" Xu Hao said.

"Pretend to be ignorant for the time being, and wait for Minghong Dao to be forged first," Lin Xiao said.

"Yes," Xu Hao nodded respectfully.

Five hours have passed, and the first ten samples of Minghong knives have been created.

"Commander Lin, this is a sample of ten Minghong knives. If feasible, I will mass-produce it within three days." Ning Yi dutifully took the sample of ten Minghong knives.

"Haozi, choose ten imperial guards and go to the field to try their swords" Lin Xiao said.

Xu Hao followed the ten imperial guards, replaced all their Xiuchun knives with Minghong knives, and went to the field outside the steelmaking plant.

"Lin Shuai, the three mirror images of the Hell Corps captured by Zhuoli have arrived, and they can try their swords at any time" Xu Hao said.

"Well, let's start" Lin Xiao finished speaking, then slowly sat on the chair with her legs folded, and slowly lit a cigarette.

The ten imperial guards dressed in black armor were lined up in an orderly manner. The Xiuchun knives on their waists had also been replaced by Minghong knives at this moment.

At this moment, three men with stiff whole bodies and green eyes radiating green light were forcibly pulled out.

These three are all mirror images of the Hell Corps.

At the moment they were pulled out, the three of them looked at the young man sitting not far away calmly smoking.

"Night Death!"

The three people were locked with electronic locks around their necks, and they were controlled by a special guard.

But the moment the three of them saw Lin Xiao, they were struggling and shouting frantically, as if they wanted to pounce on Lin Xiao.

"This...what kind of monster is this!" Ning Yi looked at the sight not far away, his face was shocked.

Even Xiaofeng who was watching the show was so frightened that Huarong turned pale, and subconsciously leaned toward Lin Xiao.

"Open the locks" Xu Hao said.

As the electronic lock test was opened, the three mirror images seemed to be under control and attacked Lin Xiao like crazy.

However, Lin Xiao was still sitting on the chair at the moment, standing still.


In an instant, ten imperial guards drew their knives almost at the same time, and in an instant they turned into ten violent winds and attacked the three mirror images.


Accompanied by the dazzling steel knife slashing across the mirror person, large swaths of blood sprayed out.

The original mirror man with strong healing ability, after being slashed by the Minghong knife, the wound showed no signs of healing.


As the light of three swords flashed, the heads of the three mirror images were cut off.

Three corpses fell to the ground...

"Sure enough! With this Minghong Sword, the Mirror Man loses the advantage of rapid healing and becomes weaker than ordinary soldiers." Xu Hao was also greatly surprised.

"Mr. Ning, I am very satisfied, so I will mass produce according to this sample" Lin Xiao slowly got up and said.

"Yes...yes" Ning Guang stammered and nodded.

"Oh, by the way, build my black sword first," Lin Xiao reminded.

"Yes, I will arrange this." Ning Yi nodded.

After seeing what happened in front of her with her own eyes, Ning Yi's heart was overwhelming.

It turned out that Commander Lin asked him to come to build this weapon and deal with this monster!

He had never seen such a thing in his life.

Today is an eye-opener.

At the same time, I felt a trace of panic in my heart.

In this world, the secrets of unknown events are unknown.

It happens in every kingdom of the world.

But never exposed to the world.

The world is ignorant, and the fear of the unknown will drive them into madness.

The best way is to keep them in the dark.

In fact, before the great disaster, people's madness was just to vent the most primitive evil.

Human nature is the most difficult to withstand scrutiny. Never try to test a person's human nature.