Urban Unlimited Choice System

Chapter 203: Guest

   Chapter 203

The   A Midsummer Night’s Dream booth is in full swing. As the main force, Mu Qianli has always been in good control of the rhythm. No matter how chaotic the scene is, she can maintain a calm mind to make her own baked muffins.

  There are fifty muffins baked every ten minutes, but when they start to sell, they are sold out immediately. They are always going back and forth, and they have never changed.

  Some customers who have not bought it have been waiting, no matter what the time is, they are determined to taste the baked muffins made by Mu Qianli.

  Furthermore, the word-of-mouth spread is very good, but everyone who has eaten is given the highest praise, and none of them say that it is not tasty.

  With such a passing story, there will only be more and more guests at the Midsummer Night’s Dream booth.

  In such a situation, the time unknowingly came to more than five o'clock in the afternoon.

  At this time, there are relatively fewer guests in line at the booth, which allows Baihuang people to have time to rest.

   "Huh? That is Mr. Mulin, right?"

  Looking at the crowd in front of him, Bai Huang, who was stealing the baked muffins, said.

   Hearing this, Mu Qianli immediately followed Bai Huang’s sight, and when she saw it, she really saw his grandfather, the old man came by himself.

  Without any hesitation, Mu Qianlian left the booth for the time being, and hurriedly went over to greet his grandfather.

  It was past five o'clock. She thought that her grandfather might not be coming, but she did not expect that he would come. It was really rare.

  After a while, Mu Qianli brought Mulin to the front of the Midsummer Night’s Dream booth.

   "Master, have a baked muffin, your granddaughter made it yourself." Bai Huang handed a baked muffin to Mulin.

   nodded, Mullin reached out and took it, took a tentative bite first, the taste was really good, it was the first time he had eaten the baked muffins made by his granddaughter.

  At this moment, Chu Li, who had been sitting aside, gradually walked over, preaching to Mulin in the manner of a younger generation: "Hello, Grandpa Mu, I am Chu Li, and Lian'er's friend."

  This is the first time that Chu Li has seen Mu Qianlian's grandfather, so she is somewhat nervous. She is actually not very good at dealing with elders, and she always feels pressured.

   "Well, hello, you are the daughter of Chu Xiao and Ning Wanrou. I have heard of you a long time ago, the top musical instrument talent." Mulin said very easily.

   "No, no, no, no matter where it is, this is just for fun. I just know a little musical instrument and I can't be called a talented woman." Chu Li quickly waved her hand to indicate that she could not pretend to be a talented woman in front of Mulin.

"By the way, it is said that your booth is very famous. I asked directly all the way. When it comes to booth No. 66, someone will definitely know that you are doing very well." Mulin said, touching the long beard. .

  Mu Qianlian and Chu Li are naturally very happy for the compliment from Mulin. Everyone has been busy all afternoon, so there is no problem in accepting a little compliment.

   Moved a few steps, Mulin walked to Bai Huang, and then told his granddaughter and Chu Li: "I have something to tell Xiao Huang, is it okay to borrow it?"

  At the same time, even though they didn't understand Murin's intentions, Mu Qianlian and Chu Li both nodded their heads, without any comments.

  Later, Mulin took Bai Huang away a dozen or twenty steps away. It seemed that there was something important to say, and he had to distract others.

   "Master, what important thing do you want to say?" Bai Huang asked directly.

As Baihuang’s voice fell, Mulin thought for a while, "Xiaohuang, do you know that you have actually done an incredible thing. In my opinion, you are really a kind of magical existence." Makes me very happy."

   "Huh? What is the old man referring to?" Bai Huang didn't understand a little, and didn't know what Mulin was alluding to.

Touching his long beard, Mulin looked back at his granddaughter and spoke earnestly: "Since the car accident happened seven years ago, Xiao Lian has almost stopped participating in public activities, and only likes to stay at home alone. Even if she didn't notice it, the truth is that her character is indeed increasingly withdrawn, and I even worried for a while. If this continues, she will suffer from extremely severe depression."

   "Yeah, depression, this is definitely not a joke. With Xiao Lian's previous state, it is indeed possible to suffer from depression, and it is almost very large. Many top doctors have come to this conclusion."

   "However, she is suffering from heart disease. There is no medicine in this world that can be treated, and no doctor can treat it. Because of these things, my old man has been worried for many years."

  "Since you appeared, although you didn't deal with each other at first, but now, your relationship has indeed changed drastically. It is no longer the stranger you met on the first day."

  "The mystery of the authorities, bystanders are clear, maybe you and Xiao Lian two young people did not find these details, but my words are relatively thorough."

   "I'm sure, if it wasn't for you, Xiao Lian would never come to the campus festival this year, and would still stay at home and read by herself."

   "So, seeing this girl can gradually reveal his heart, my grandpa is happy from the heart, and I must also thank you for your existence."

   "Thanks a lot."

  After a long passage, Mulin kept looking at his granddaughter and saw that his granddaughter was amused with Chu Li.

  At this moment, Bai Huang's expression has gradually become solemn.

  It’s not right. Why would the good-natured Mr. Mulin say this? It can't be a sudden feeling.

  It seems that there is a kind of entrusted meaning inexplicably?

  What to entrust?

  Entrust Mu Qianli to yourself?

  The more he thought about it, the more Bai Huang felt that there was a problem. Such an entrustment was too sudden, and it did not fit the personality of Mr. Mulin.

  Although Bai Huang always knew that the old man wanted to match himself with Mu Qianlian, he still felt something was wrong.

  What was the specifics, but Bai Huang couldn't tell, he was confused.

   "Okay, I'm done with everything that should be said, I still have some things to be busy, so let's go first." Mulin patted Bai Huang on the shoulder.

   "Hey? Are you leaving now?" Bai Huang asked.

   "Hmm." Mulin replied.

  Next, he walked back and said something to his granddaughter and Chu Li, Mr. Mulin left the playground, and the bodyguards at home were all waiting outside.

After watching the old man leave, the three set out to make new baked muffins. Only the last three batches were made, which is one hundred and fifty.

   more than ten minutes later.

  For some reason, a cry of exclamation suddenly heard not far away, making the scene suddenly very noisy.

  Only at this moment, in the middle of the crowd, there are more than 20 people walking around.

  The reason that caused the scenes to continuously appear in exclamation, it was from a beauty who walked in the forefront.

  The beauty has an extremely remarkable characteristic, that is, she is seductive!

  (End of this chapter)