Urban Unlimited Choice System

Chapter 216: What to look for

  Chapter 216 What I want to find

  After reading the text message in a blink of an eye, Bai Huang hurriedly dialed the phone of Mr. Mulin. He had a very bad premonition.

  If the increase in his sixth sense had an effect at this moment, then it is very likely that Muya has something wrong!


  After a call sound.

   "Hey! Xiaohuang, I'm sorry, this old man is ashamed of you, I'm so sorry!" Mulin at the other end seemed heavy, and his tone sounded extremely bad.

   "Master, what's wrong, don't worry, speak slowly." Even though Bai Huang is very anxious now, he still pretends to be very calm.

   "That is, Mu Ya, that girl, when I went out shopping before, she secretly left by herself, I just found out." Mulin apologized greatly.

   "Well..., OK, I know, I will go back now, sir, don't worry too much, let me talk about everything when I go back." When the words fell, Bai Huang hung up the phone.

   Bai Huang did not expect that his hunch would come true, and he felt that something was wrong with Muya.

  Now I heard Mr. Mu Lin said that Mu Ya had left Mu's house secretly by himself, and there must be some reason for this.

  With Muya's character, it is absolutely impossible for Muya to sneak away by herself for no reason, because Muya knew that such an approach would make Bai Huang worry, and this must be a phenomenon that Muya didn't want to see.

  In other words, even though she knew that Bai Huang was worried, Muya still chose to sneak away.

  In any case, Bai Huang must figure out the tricks in it!

  The next moment, Bai Huang just walked out of the classroom, and received a text message from Mu Qianlian again. It seemed that the old man Mu Lin told Mu Qianlian the matter.

  Simply posted a few pieces of content, and Baihuang and Mu Qianli agreed to meet on a street outside the school.

   After more than ten minutes, Bai Huang arrived at the meeting place first, and Mu Qianli arrived after a while. Seeing that panting appearance, he should have walked quickly.

  At the same time, Mu Qianli quickly took out colored pens and cardboard, and wrote in front of Bai Huang: "What should I do now?"

Mu Ya's sudden departure made Mu Qianli also very worried.

  After last night, Mu Qianlian has treated Muya as a younger sister. She likes Muya's character and chats with Muya very much.

  Since growing up, Mu Qianli has only liked two girls.

  One is Chu Li, whom I met before.

  One is Muya who met yesterday.

  The reason why Mu Qianli knew Chu Li and Muya was because of the existence of Baihuang, otherwise there would be no contact with them.

   Therefore, now Muya suddenly left, Bai Huang must return her a Muya, otherwise this is deceiving her feelings!

   "Go home first, and talk later." Bai Huang looked at Mu Qianlian.

   Hearing this, Mu Qianli was surprised and immediately wrote: "Don’t you think you should go to Muya first?"

  I didn’t understand, Mu Qianli didn’t understand why Bai Huang wanted to go home now. Logically speaking, finding someone should be the priority.

  I even worried about Muya so much, Bai Huang couldn't help but worry about it.

   Regained his sight, Bai Huang stopped a car on the side of the road to rent a car, and then preached to Mu Qianlian: "I understand Ya'er, so we must go home now."

  The voice fell, Bai Huang and Mu Qianlian had already boarded the taxi, and asked the driver to drive faster.

When    just walked along the school road, Bai Huang called Muya, but Muya didn't respond at all. This meant that she didn't want to answer the call on purpose.

  Because of this, Bai Huang was convinced that he had to go home.

  If she still knows Muya as she did more than ten years ago!

  A period of time passed, Baihuang and Mu Qianlian walked into the lobby of the Mu's villa, and saw that Mr. Mulin was lamenting there.

  Hearing the movement, Mr. Mulin immediately saw Bai Huang and Mu Qianli who had come back from school.

  For the first time, Mulin stood up and said apologetically: "Xiaohuang, I'm so sorry, I didn't take a good look at Mu Ya's girl."

   shook his head, and Bai Huang replied: "No, this is not your problem, my father. If Ya'er insists on slipping away, then no matter how you pay attention, it will be useless."

  After listening, Mulin sighed, "Hey, I had known that the bodyguard at home would stare at Mu Ya's girl, otherwise the girl would not have successfully left the Mu's house so easily."

  Mulin’s remarks reminded Bai Huang of some very important details.

There are many bodyguards at Mujia Manor at all times, but when Muya left, no bodyguard came forward to stop him, because all the bodyguards regarded Muya as a distinguished guest. Without prior notice, no one could restrain Muya. free.

   Judging from the current situation, Mu Ya 80% knew this very well, so she chose to leave when Baihuang and Mu Qianlian were in school.

  To put it more straightforwardly, from the first second of last night when she entered the Mu's house, Muya had probably settled everything, but she was always shocked, shocked by the luxury of the Mu's house.

  At this moment, Bai Huang had to sigh with emotion secretly, time can really change people greatly.

  Muya is no longer the idiot and silly girl more than ten years ago. She is now so smart that everyone can play around.

  Including Baihuang...

After regaining his senses, Bai Huang stepped forward and walked upstairs.

   "Huh? Xiaohuang, what are you doing upstairs? That girl Muya has already left and is not upstairs." Mulin shouted.

   "Wait for me here, I'll go up and find something." Without looking back, Bai Huang empty shook back.

  With his own understanding of Muya, if Muya remembers what happened when he was a child, he would definitely be able to find what he was looking for upstairs.

  I hope that stupid girl will not do too much.

   Otherwise, Bai Huang has nothing to find her way.

   Soon, Bai Huang walked into Mu Qianlian's room, and his eyes swept back and forth, looking for what he was looking for.

  However, after watching it several times, Baihuang still didn't see anything. The room was full of Mu Qianlian's objects, and Muya left nothing.

  Take advantage of the situation to help close the door, step into the white wasteland in the corridor, and plan to go downstairs.

  It seems that his understanding of Muya no longer exists.

  After more than ten years, both of them no longer know each other.

  Thinking of this, Bai Huang felt quite disappointed, and it shouldn't be like this.

  Walking, when he walked outside the door of his room, Bai Huang stopped his steps.

   Just because he suddenly thought that he seemed to be in the wrong place...

Turning half of his body, Bai Huang slowly pushed the door open and walked into his room.

  In the next second, Bai Huang saw that on the desk in his room, there was something he was looking for.

   is not something special, just a very ordinary letter.

  However, what is said here is ordinary for others.

   But here in Baihuang, it has far-reaching significance.

  (End of this chapter)