Urban Unlimited Choice System

Chapter 307: love you?

  Chapter 307 Love you?

   "Uh huh, then I wish Young Master Huang every success. It is not easy for a charming man like you to win a little girl." The woman deliberately flattered there.

   "By the way, I hired a group of people to solve a wild boy, but now there is no news, I don't know how it is." Huang Tianxing said to himself.

  Huang Tianxing still remembers the humiliation he suffered in the back mountains of the Chu family a few hours ago. As soon as he left the scene, he contacted the thugs, hired a group of desperadoes, and promised a lot of money to kill the dogs.

  "Oh, don't worry, Master Huang, you are just a wild boy. What should I care about? How can I make you dignified and angry." The woman said again.

   "Xiao Cui, you are still better at talking. I like your sweet mouth. I know how to please this young master. Don't worry. If you follow this young master, it won't matter what you want in the future." Huang Tianxing smiled.

  In the villa bedroom, Huang Tianxing had a very open chat with the mature woman.

   Huang Tianxing has already expressed his intention to approach Chu Li, nothing more than wanting Chu Li's family property, and treating Chu Li as a plaything.

  All this shows how Huang Tianxing is a self-reliant and defiant guy who is also doing some shameful deeds behind his back.

   Stirring his wings, Bai Huang flew into the air again, making sure that Huang Tianxing was inside. He was not interested in eavesdropping on other people's conversations outside.

  Or it can be said that he is not interested in listening to a dead person.

  A thought flashed, and Bai Huang immediately summoned the Ice Soul in his hand, swaying a sword energy out of thin air.


  Suddenly, the entire villa below was frozen by the ice. Within a hundred meters, it was like an ice hell. Birds flying over would instantly become ice sculptures.

  With the bonus of enchanting stone, the coldness of the ice soul is much higher than before, but anyone who is frozen will be instantly killed by the ice, and there is no possibility of survival.

  Furthermore, if it were not for Bai Huang himself to lift the ice, the ice would not dissipate so easily even if it was exposed to the sun. It would take at least one day and one night.

   In other words, when Bai Huang wielded this sword aura, it created an area that isolates life.

  Huang Tianxing and the woman inside have already gone to see the King of Yama.

  Recovered the ice soul, Baihuang instigated his wings and flew to the 10,000-meter high school, and then hurried towards the Mu’s villa. The matter was settled.

During this period of time, Bai Huang has invented something more and more white. There are always people with the highest interests in this world. Once they affect the interests of others, even if they do nothing, they will still be targeted by the other party, even Take human life.

  Through part of his experience, Bai Huang gradually understood a truth. Only by mastering absolute power can he not become a fish to be slaughtered.

  If it weren’t for getting the system, then Baihuang wouldn’t know how many times he has died today. It is precisely because he has enough strength that he is qualified to live well and not be bullied!

  Strength is indeed a good thing.

  After a short period of time, Bai Huang landed not far from the Mu's Manor, and walked for the remaining distance.

  Later, after entering the manor, the surrounding bodyguards greeted Bai Huang one after another.

  In the eyes of many bodyguards, Bai Huang has long become one of the masters here, and belongs to the existence they need to respect extremely.

  When he walked outside the villa, Bai Huang stopped his steps.

   "Huh? Hasn't she returned yet?" Bai Huang was stunned.

   Strangely, she didn't see Mu Qianlian's car at the door. According to reason, Mu Qianlian should have returned long ago, and she couldn't be slower than herself.

  Looking at the bodyguard not far away, Bai Huang immediately asked, "Has Mu Qianli returned?"

   "No, the lady hasn't come back yet. It was Young Master Baihuang that you came back first." A bodyguard replied truthfully.

  After listening, Bai Huang immediately took out the phone in his pocket.

  At that time, he told Mu Qianlian to leave alone, because he didn't want Mu Qianlian to get involved in the dangerous situation. In terms of time, she couldn't have returned yet.

  Subconsciously, Bai Huang always felt that something might have happened, and had a not-so-good premonition.

  Resolved those desperadoes in a secluded area before, but if there are other members of those desperadoes, Mu Qianli might be in danger!

   "Beep! Beep! Beep!"

  Called Mu Qianlian, Bai Huang was waiting for Mu Qianlian to answer.

  Even if Mu Qianlian is unwilling to speak, as long as Mu Qianlian answers the phone and confirms that there is nothing wrong.

  Of course, after a long time, there is no one on the other side of the call.

  In this case, Bai Huang called Mu Qianlian several times in a row, but in the end there was no response at all.

  If something happened to Mu Qianlian, it must have been caused by him, and Baihuang didn't want this to happen.

  For a moment of contemplation, Bai Huang planned to leave the Mu Family Manor again. With the flying speed of his six colorful wings, he might be able to find Mu Qianlian's figure along the way.

   Reminiscent of this, Bai Huang stepped forward. Time is waiting for no one. He has to get serious this time!

   "Young Master Baihuang, it is the young lady who is back."

  At this moment, a bodyguard shouted in the distance.

   Immediately afterwards, Bai Huang saw a car approaching, and the person in it was naturally Mu Qianli.

   Seeing this, Bai Huang sighed in relief. It seemed that he was thinking too much, and Mu Qianli had nothing to do.

  It’s just that, what’s wrong with the bad feeling that I just had?

  You must know that Bai Huang has gained a sixth sense increase, and has the ability to predict danger a little bit, so he shouldn’t make mistakes inexplicably.

  As soon as the car stopped, a bodyguard stepped forward to help open the car door, and Mu Qianlian walked out of the car unhurriedly.

  When she saw Bai Huang standing at the door of the villa, Mu Qianli was a little surprised. Why did Bai Huang come back faster than himself?

   "What did you do?" Bai Huang stepped forward and asked.

   Hearing the question, Mu Qianli made a few simple gestures and told Baihuang about his travel trajectory.

  After reading it, Bai Huang immediately understood that the co-author Mu Qianli ran to the supermarket, no wonder the speed of returning was slower than his own...

  After that, Mu Qianli walked to the trunk of the car and took out a big bag from inside.

   "What is it, so much."

  Bai Huang walked over to help carry it.

  At this moment, Mu Qianlian made several gestures to Bai Huang, which seemed to be an action of stripping things.

  After reading it, Bai Huang's mood suddenly became bad, and now he finally understood why he had a bad premonition just now.

  It turns out that the so-called bad premonition just now comes from Mu Qianli’s buying a large bag of lotus plants and preparing to let herself help peel the lotus seeds...

  Everyone understands, Bai Huang had already entered the pit that Mu Qianli had dug before, and was forced by routine to peel lotus seeds in the middle of the night. Those pictures are still very clear.

  Walking up to Baihuang, Mu Qianlian made a gesture of "comparing heart" to Baihuang.

  To the effect, love you?

  (End of this chapter)