Urban Unlimited Choice System

Chapter 311: Rumengling

  Chapter 311 Dreamlike Order

  A few minutes passed.

  Bai Huang walked to the thirty-first class of high school. There were still more than ten minutes before the morning reading. A bunch of people gathered to listen to music, and Bai Huang heard it all far away.

  Indeed, as he and Mu Qianlian had guessed, what everyone played was Rumengling, the song they created together some time ago.

   "Student Baihuang, come over and listen to it, and recommend a new single for you. It’s super nice."

  "Yes, yes, this new song must be listened to, I don't allow people around me to not hear this new song!"

  "It’s a coincidence that the codename used by the person who released this song is called Midsummer Night’s Dream, which is exactly the same as the name of your previous campus festival booth."

The classmates in the    class are crazy recommending to Bai Huang, but any new classmates who come in will be pulled by them to listen together. The scene is very lively.

   Bai Huang did not expect that Ru Mengling would become like this. Since getting off the car, he has been listening to others mentioning this song.

   Sit down to his position, Bai Huang took out his mobile phone to search for the song Ru Mengling, and then plugged in the earphones to listen.

  Even if he is one of the creators, he has never heard of the final version. Chu Li suddenly released it in the middle of the night last night, thinking that he should have stayed up all night alone for a while.

  After listening for a while, Bai Huang had to marvel at Chu Li's post-processing, the arrangement was so good, and he secretly worked **** his own.

   Baihuang immediately understands why Rumengling is so popular, and songs that really move people's hearts are not allowed to be popular.

  At this time, a girl sitting in the front row turned her head and looked at Bai Huang preaching: "Student Bai Huang, have you noticed that this singer's voice is very similar to Chu Li?"

  As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted the attention of others at the same time. Many people had long thought that the singer’s voice was not like Chu Li.

  Throughout the audience, Bai Huang is undoubtedly the best questioner. There is only one boy in the school, Bai Huang, who has a good relationship with Chu Li, regardless of who Bai Huang asks.

  Perhaps, the singer is really likely to be Chu Li?


  Hesitated, Bai Huang directly replied: "Yes, it is indeed Chu Li, you heard that right."


  Hearing this, the audience was shocked and shocked without exception.

  God, they were only tentatively guessing, but who knew they had guessed it right. This was proved by Baihuang himself, no matter what, adulteration is impossible.

  In just one night, Rumengling’s play times have broken through one million. What kind of horrible data is this. Once Chu Li’s identity is exposed, it will be the rhythm of the fire!

  At that time, Chu Li is more than just the goddess of Wentian High School. There will be countless people who will become Chu Li fans. There will be fans as well as fans.

   "Student Baihuang, since the singer is Chu Li, who wrote the lyrics of Ru Mengling? Is it also Chu Li?" someone asked again.

   "No, the person who wrote the lyrics is Mu Qianlian." Bai Huang replied.


  In just over ten seconds of work, everyone was once again in a state of stunned emotions, and it didn't take a long time to slow down.

  Good deed, everyone did not expect that Rumeng Ling was a joint work of Chu Li and Mu Qianli. When such news spreads, it will become the biggest hot spot in the school in a blink of an eye, like a volcanic eruption.

  Sure enough, once the two goddesses cooperate, there will definitely be incredible situations.

  At this moment, Mu Qianlian and Chu Li have designated the fire, and it won’t be long before the combination of Midsummer Night’s Dream will become popular everywhere, and it is completely possible to set off on the idol route!

  Now everyone is thinking about the same thing, that is, to get the autographs of Mu Qianli and Chu Li earlier, and it will definitely be a treasure that you will not be able to squeeze your head.

   "Hey? By the way, since Mu Qianlian and Chu Li have both participated, what about you, Baihuang, you were also a member of Midsummer Night's Dream when the campus festival was set up before." A girl asked.

  As the girl's voice fell, everyone once again stared at Bai Huang.

  Undoubtedly, Rumengling has become a hot work in everyone’s eyes. If Baihuang also participates in it, they will definitely admire Baihuang, and they will have to be the highest in the class in the future.

   "I, I didn't participate, so I just made a dozen soy sauce. The people who created Rumeng Ling were Mu Qianlian and Chu Li, and there were also members of the School Musical Instrument Association to help." Bai Huang said.

   "Oh, it turned out to be like this. We thought you were participating, too. Bai was excited once."

   "It's okay if I didn't participate. With the relationship between Baihuang and the two goddesses, the future will definitely be bright in the future. I am envious."

   "Don't say it, don't say it, let's listen to it again before the morning reading time begins."

  The classmates surrounding Baihuang scattered separately, and they just went there.

  Looking at the phone, Bai Huang was flipping through Rumenling’s comments, all of which were praised. The first few popular comments have been liked hundreds of thousands of times, which is a bit too hot.

  As for why Bai Huang just said that he was not involved in it, it was because he didn't want to attract too much attention, otherwise he would be swayed by fame before long, and there was no need.

  But Mu Qianlian and Chu Li are different. They belonged to the most dazzling focus. Bai Huang exposed them this time, but only added a fire to them, and they became more and more prosperous.

   Give them all the fame, and Bai Huang can be a nameless sweeping monk in silence.

  The morning reading time began. Li Yu, the head teacher, walked into the classroom, and after standing on the stage, he immediately patted the table to attract the attention of all the students.

   "Dear students, the teacher recommends a song to you. You can listen to it during the break between classes. It is very suitable for soothing emotions. This song is..."

   "Like a dream!"

   Before Li Yu finished speaking the last few words, the classmates shouted them together.

   "Huh? Have you all heard of it?" Li Yu was a little surprised. She only heard it when she had breakfast.

   "Teacher, we have all heard of it, and I will tell you a secret message. The singer of Ru Mengling is Chu Li, and the lyrics are Mu Qianli. They are all from our school." A girl spoke with a face full of admiration.

   "What? Ru Mengling is the work of Chu Li and Mu Qianlian?"

  Li Yu listened to him on the spot. To be honest, the news is too hot...

   "It's true, how could we lie to the teacher, or the news told us in vain, it must be correct." Another girl said.

   Hearing this, Li Yu's eyes immediately fell on Bai Huang, wanting to get the most direct answer from Bai Huang.

   "Uh, what they said is correct, Ru Mengling is indeed the work of Mu Qianlian and Chu Li, and I was there at that time." Bai Huang said.

  With his mouth open, Li Yu still didn’t react.

  At this moment, she just wants to go to the first grade of high school and the second grade of high school to sign...

  (End of this chapter)