Urban Unlimited Choice System

Chapter 382: The fragrance of women!

  Chapter 382 The smell of a woman's perfume!

  After a period of time, Bai Huang landed near the Mu's Manor. This time he did not slip into the manor directly, lest the bodyguards doubt life again.

  Not long ago, Mu Qianli sent a message to Bai Huang, saying that she and Chu Li had gone home separately, and Bai Huang did not need to go to the park to find them.

  When Bai Huang walked to the outside of the villa, a bodyguard leaned forward and preached to him: "Master Bai Huang, the lady is waiting for you in the garden."

   "The garden? Why is Mu Qianli waiting for me in the garden?" Bai Huang didn't understand.

   "Uh, this is not something we can know. In short, the lady has indeed ordered you to let you pass directly when you come back." The bodyguard told the truth.

   "Well, I see, you stand guard, I'll go over and take a look." When the words fell, Bai Huang immediately walked to the garden.

  It was past ten o'clock in the evening, and Mu Qianlian didn’t know what to do in the garden alone, so he wouldn’t be swinging there again.

  After a while, Bai Huang walked into the garden area. Although it is already a big night, there are many colorful lights around, so there will be no visual obstruction.

  Don’t say, this kind of picture is pretty good. There is a feeling of coming to the animation world. It may be related to Mu Qianli’s recent obsession with anime movies.

  It can be seen that Mu Qianli is now leaning over and enjoying the flowers, strolling among the vast flowers.

   did not disturb Mu Qianli's leisure time, Baihuang sat on the swing and swayed a little, he was not in a hurry to go back to the room to rest.

  It took several minutes before Mu Qianlian noticed the white waste on the swing. He had just been focusing on flower viewing, and didn't pay much attention to movements in other directions.

  Since Bai Huang is here, Na Mu Qian Lian has no intention to appreciate the flowers, and walks very lightly to the side of Bai Huang.

   Without saying anything for the first time, Mu Qianlian stood aside and pushed the swing for Bai Huang, feeling like a mother leading her son.

   "Didn't you ask me to come over? Isn't there something to say?" Bai Huang said actively.

   Hearing the words, Mu Qianli took out colored pens and cardboard from his pocket, and stood aside and wrote: "It's nothing, just let you come and play with me."

  After reading the content on the cardboard, Bai Huang immediately became confused a lot, "What are you playing, there is only one swing in this garden, you will never let me accompany you to enjoy the flowers."

  It’s okay to accompany the flowers during the day, but forget it at night, there is no way to see too clearly.

   Shaking her head, Mu Qianli said directly that Bai Huang had misunderstood what she wanted to express. Of course, she could not let Bai Huang accompany herself to enjoy the flowers at night.

   made a few simple gestures, Mu Qianli asked Bai Huang to move aside, Bai Huang took the entire swing position.

  Understanding Mu Qianlian's meaning, Bai Huang subconsciously gave up a position, but still didn't understand what Mu Qianlian wanted to do.

   Immediately afterwards, regardless of whether Bai Huang agreed or not, Mu Qianli sat down directly next to Bai Huang.

  It’s boring to play on the swing alone, of course, two people have to play.

  When two people get together to swing together, it naturally means that the body is close to the body without any gap.

If you put    in the past, Mu Qianlian will definitely care about this, but if you put it now, Mu Qianlian doesn't care much anymore, it's just trivial details.

   Shaking his body, Mu Qianlian swayed the swing high, if it weren't for the control of Baihuang, then Mu Qianlian would have to fly out.

  Gradually, Mu Qianli's head tilted a little to the side, and took advantage of the momentum to lean on Bai Huang's shoulder, everything was silent.

  It’s just that, in just a few seconds, Mu Qianli moved his head away, and the look on his face was also very cold.

  A moment later, Mu Qianlian stopped the swing and started directly from the side of Baihuang.

   Looking at Bai Huang, Mu Qianli puffed an air bag over his right mouth, as if he was selling cuteness, and he seemed to be angry again.

   "Why, I didn't mess with you." Bai Huang directly saw the mess, and Mu Qianlian was clearly angry.

  The key point is, what kind of anger is Mu Qianlian, he didn't take advantage of Mu Qianlian's advantage just now, okay, it was Mu Qianlian who made money on him, and this also made him guilty?

  Not so unreasonable!

  Holding colored pens, Mu Qianli wrote on the cardboard: "You smell of woman's perfume!"

   spread out his hand, Bai Huang expressed helplessness, "Even if it smells of perfume, it can only be yours, you just leaned on me."

   Hearing that Bai Huang was still arguing, Mu Qianlian's cute anger was even more obvious, saying: "I never spray perfume, don't throw the pot on me, this fairy is not a man of the pot!"

   "Who else can it be if it's not you, I haven't touched any other woman tonight." Bai Huang felt wronged. Isn't this a mess.

  The next moment, I saw Mu Qianli frowning slightly and writing on the cardboard: "So, have you met other women at night?"


  In a state of silence and speechlessness, Bai Huang was a little bit stunned by Mu Qianli, so how could he bring the topic here so well?

  Some pictures flashed in his mind, and Bai Huang swung the swing again, “I went to meet some people tonight. The perfume smell should come from them, and I don’t know why it happened.”

  Bai Huang remembered very clearly that he had never touched Lin Qingqian and the twelve female guards, 80% of them could be transmitted by the smell of perfume.

  He doesn’t understand perfume, so it’s normal not to notice.

   "Those people you are talking about are women?" Mu Qianlian held up the cardboard.

   "Nonsense! Men can still spray perfume!" Bai Huang cast an indifferent look.

   Silence for the time being, Mu Qianlian fell into emotion. He didn't expect that her and Chu Li's guesses would really come true. Bai Huang had indeed ran to see the beautiful woman, and there was not only one.

  From an optimistic point of view, Bai Huang’s appetite is really good, so I change one batch a day.

  "Hey, hey, don't have any weird thoughts, I didn't do anything." Baihuang perceives the change in Mu Qianli's micro expression.

  Drunk, Bai Huang hoped that Mu Qianli would return to the state of acquaintance on the first day. At that time, Mu Qianli was really out of silt but not stained, clear and not demon, extremely holy iceberg beauty.

   But now, Mu Qianli is still a little bit holy, his thoughts are all polluted, and some weird thoughts will come up at every turn and drive randomly.

  I don’t know if he learned it from Chu Li or something else. In short, Mu Qianlian’s learning has become impure and impure.

   "I found one thing, I don't know if I should tell it or not." Mu Qianli wrote on the cardboard.

   "Say." Bai Huang spit out a word.

  Getting Baihuang’s promise, Mu Qianlian immediately wrote: “Since you met me, the beauties around you have become more and more. So, am I your lucky star?”

After hearing what Mu Qianlian said, Bai Huang walked directly to Mu Qianlian with a cold face, and stretched out his hands to pinch both faces of Mu Qianlian and preached: "You think too much, all of this has nothing to do with you, you just have to take care of it. It’s your own business."

  Pinching for a while, Bai Huang found that Mu Qianlian's skin was really good, and couldn't help but squeeze Mu Qianlian out of a grimace.

   "Kill...Kill you..."

  Suddenly, Mu Qianlian said blankly.

  (End of this chapter)