Urban Unlimited Choice System

Chapter 52: Delicacy made for you

  Chapter 52 Special Food for You

  Closed his eyes, Mulin looked more and more as if he had seen him somewhere.

  Unfortunately, the photos shown on the TV screen are only the back of the person involved, and they were obviously taken by passers-by, so no more accurate picture can be seen.

   After pondering for a while, Mulin's mind suddenly flashed, and immediately looked at Bai Huang who was sitting next to him.

  The height is the same, the clothes are the same color, and the back looks very similar...

   "I said, Xiaohuang, look, is the guy on the TV very similar to you?" Mulin asked in surprise.

   "It's not like it or not, that young man was me." Bai Huang responded with one bite, and picked up a bunch of grapes from the fruit plate on the table.

  In other words, Bai Huang didn't expect that he would be on TV. At the time, he didn't think so much, but he knew that he was still seen by Mr. Mulin now.

   Hearing what Bai Huang said, Mulin couldn't help showing a look of appreciation, "You kid, it's okay, you don't say anything about doing such good things. If I didn't watch the news, I would still be in the dark."

  Mulin undoubtedly appreciates Baihuang's brave actions to save people.

  In that kind of critical situation, it is no exaggeration to say that most people will only quietly be an audience, because everyone is afraid of getting into trouble.

  Bai Huang’s actions just proved that he is not a person who goes with the crowd, but has a very self-subjective personality.

  Such young people are what Mullin admires most.

  I have to say that from the beginning, I only felt that Bai Huang had a good eye for him. Now, Mulin appreciates Bai Huang’s inner personality even more.

  It seemed that his eyes were right. Only a young man with such an outstanding personality like Bai Huang was worthy of his granddaughter of Mulin.

  At this time, Mu Qianlian, who was eating fruit, raised the cardboard and said: "How did you persuade that girl to give up the thought of suicide?"

   There is no doubt that Mu Qianlian is asking Baihuang about this.

  To tell the truth, Mu Qianlian finds it strange. In her opinion, Bai Huang is not clumsy, but it’s actually pretty much the same...

  Because of this, Mu Qianli is curious.

  After reading the content on the cardboard, Bai Huang briefly began to elaborate.

   "It was like this at the beginning, then it was like this, and it was like this at the end..."

After a while, Bai Huang finished talking about the general situation.

  Of course, some have been omitted by vain, such as completing the system task by yourself to get three million things, which is difficult to tell, and it is difficult to explain clearly.

  After hearing what Baihuang said, Mulin couldn't help feeling embarrassed. He was really struggling with each other step by step. If this is not done well, I am afraid that Baihuang will still face a life lawsuit.

  However, unlike Mulin, who felt embarrassed, Mu Qianli didn’t know what he was thinking, and wrote on the cardboard: "Did you like that girl?"


  Seeing the content on the cardboard, Baihuang suddenly became speechless.

  What the hell, Mu Qianli’s point of view is too strange, isn’t it, co-author, he said so much earlier, this is the only place that Mu Qianli pays attention to?

  Seriously off topic, okay...

   "No..." Bai Huang shook his head, slightly dull.

  On the other hand, Mr. Mulin, he was laughing to himself.

  Ah, he didn’t expect it. He really didn’t expect his granddaughter to ask such questions. Why did he inexplicably feel that the atmosphere seemed a bit wrong?

  It is reasonable to say that my granddaughter should not pay attention to this. This is normal. Did something really happen when I left during the day?

   "Xiao Huang, Xiao Lian, you two young people continue to talk, I will go back to my room to rest." After that, Mulin got up and left the hall without any hesitation.

  It is rare to have a good chance to get along. Mullin naturally did not want to disturb the communication space between the two young people. When it was time to slip, he had to slip away as soon as possible.

After Mulin left, Bai Huang seemed to suddenly remember something, and then quickly took out a key from his pocket, "Return the key to you, thank you."

   reached out and took it. Mu Qianli seemed to think in surprise for a while, then wrote on the cardboard after a while: "Why did you run to the stone bridge tonight? It's a long distance."

   "No, why are you so concerned about my affairs suddenly, and you feel like being tortured by your wife when you go home." Bai Huang said with a joking tone.

   Listening to this, Mu Qianli's expression showed that he was a little surprised.

  Don't turn your head too far, Mu Qianlian's eyes quickly avoided the sight of Baihuang, took a few apples and ate it as if nothing had happened just now.

  Yes, she asked so much what she was doing. No matter what Baihuang did, it had nothing to do with her. She just borrowed a car from Baihuang, so she didn't need to ask anything else.

  It’s just that her emotions were a bit strange just now, so she asked inexplicably, so that she was ridiculed by Baihuang now.

  A little bit dissatisfied!

  So, for the next period of time, Mu Qianli didn't even bother to Bai Huang. The two were separated by half of the sofa, but they were separated by the Milky Way.

  At eleven o'clock in the evening, Bai Huang got up and prepared to go upstairs to rest.

  At this moment, Mu Qianlian walked out of the kitchen, reached out and knocked on the wooden door twice, making a sound.

   Hearing the movement, Bai Huang immediately looked at where Mu Qianli was, only to see Mu Qianli’s gesture, which meant to let him come over.

   Following closely, Mu Qianlian returned to the kitchen, and she was sure that Bai Huang had seen her gesture.

  Later, Bai Huang went into the kitchen and was about to ask Mu Qianlian what he wanted to do when he saw Mu Qianlian put a bowl of soup from the pot.

  It is not the lotus seed soup that I drank before, but some petals that I don’t know what kind of petals are added, which Bai Huang has never seen.

   Put the soup on the table, Mu Qianlian motioned Bai Huang to sit over, and wrote on the cardboard: "Taste the taste, it’s made for you."

  After reading the content on the cardboard, Bai Huang suddenly felt something was wrong in his heart. This was too wrong, and there was an inexplicable feeling of conspiracy.

  Hesitated for a while, after all, Bai Huang sat there, he couldn't seem to be unfounded and worried.

  In the first time, Mu Qianli took the initiative to take a spoon to Bai Huang, and the treatment was so thoughtful that he couldn't adapt to it.

  It's the rhythm that is going to change. Okay.

   Picking up the spoon, Bai Huang took a sip without hesitation.


  Don’t say, the taste is really good, there is a fragrance just after entering the throat, it is not the kind of thick soup made with good ingredients, but the taste is very good, and it is an unexpected delicacy.

   "How is it, how does it taste?" Mu Qianlian asked, raising the cardboard.

   "Very good, the taste is very good, not worse than the lotus seed soup you made before." Bai Huang commented truthfully.

  After listening, Mu Qianlian nodded to herself. It seems that her attempt this time has not failed.

  "Are there any uncomfortable feelings?" Mu Qianli wrote.

   "No, why did you say that suddenly?" asked Bai Huang, who was drinking soup happily.

With fingers dancing, Mu Qianli wrote on the cardboard: "The petals floating on the soup are called purple magnolia, which is a kind of poisonous flower plant. I have used some methods to remove the toxins, but I still don’t know how effective it is. This is the first time you do it, and you are the first to taste it."

  (End of this chapter)