Urban Unlimited Choice System

Chapter 606: Violent Woman Mu Qian Lian

  Chapter 606 Violent Woman Mu Qianli

  Bai Huang said this, which directly caused the others around him to be stunned.

"Wow, I saw it from this aspect, and that's right. After all, Sister Qian Lian is your girlfriend. No matter what details about her, you must know everything clearly. It's an enviable feeling. ..." Li Yu said blankly.

   "There is one thing to say. In terms of body shape, Sister Qian Lian and Ke Xin are indeed somewhat different. If you don't observe carefully, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find out..." Xu Qian's face was slightly ruddy.

   "In other words, you not only remembered Mu Qianli's measurements, but also the heartable measurements? Are you really careful..." Lin Zhu thoughtfully said.

  At this time, Song Kexin, who was the client, silently lowered her head. With her current shy state, she was completely embarrassed to look at Bai Huang.

  What? She originally thought that Bai Huang had recognized Mu Qianli through a smart way, but in the end, she didn't expect it, but through such a cunning way.

  No way, she is a little younger than Mu Qianlian. Naturally, she can't be as good as Mu Qianlian in figure, but she will definitely have a lot of room for development in the future.

  Furthermore, her figure is not bad right now, her bust and hips are actually pretty good...

  In a quiet and speechless manner, Mu Qianli, who was dressed as Song Kexin, made a few simple gestures to Bai Huang.

   means: "You are really dirty, but I like it!"


  At this time, there was a roar of cars in the open space outside the company, and there was a very cool sports car parked outside.

   Seeing this, Song Kexin and Lin Zhu immediately took Bai Huang and others to leave. Tonight's partner has arrived, and they must evacuate the scene as soon as possible.

  Otherwise, if the other party saw two Song Kexins standing together at the same time, they would definitely think that they had seen a ghost in the middle of the night.

  Therefore, in the coffee shop area of ​​Nuo University, only Mu Qianlian, who is dressed as Song Kexin, sits alone.

  Although this is the first time Mu Qianli pretends to be Song Kexin, her mood is extremely calm now, and she won't produce a slight panic.

  Mu Qianlian now only feels that things are becoming more and more fun!

  After a while, a young man in formal clothes walked into the company lobby.

  From the first impression, the image of the boy brother is indeed uncritical, not only the facial features are exquisite, but the figure is also very burly, which is definitely the favorite type of girls of the opposite sex.

  When he saw Mu Qianli sitting in the coffee shop, the son-in-law walked over immediately with no expression on his face.

  At the same time, somewhere in the company, Bai Huang and Song Kexin's daughters are observing everything secretly.

  Of course they wouldn’t worry about Mu Qianli’s safety, they were just curious about Mu Qianli’s next move.

  So, what kind of performance will Mu Qianlian look like Song Kexin?

  After a while, the screen switches to the coffee shop area.

  Now, Brother Gongzi has walked to the position opposite Mu Qianlian, but instead of sitting down directly, he asked Mu Qianlian, "Miss Song, can I sit opposite you?"

   With a gentle gesture, Mu Qianli nodded gently, and at the same time raised a cup of coffee on the table, opened his lips and took a small sip.

  Undoubtedly, when he saw Mu Qianli’s coffee drinking, the son-in-law was directly fascinated on the spot, and he could not resist Mu Qianli’s charm at all.

As a partner, of course the son-in-law has seen Song Kexin’s photos before, but he has never cared much. He always thinks that the so-called photos are just cheating. At most, the makeup skills are relatively superb. Privately, the plain makeup may be how ugly. .

  However, after face-to-face contact with Song Kexin, the son-in-law realized how stupid his previous thoughts were.

  Even if there is no shortage of women around him, he still has to be shocked by Song Kexin's beauty.

  No matter in terms of beauty, figure, or manners, Song Kexin has nothing to fault.

   is not at the same level as the beauties he has seen before!

   Perceiving that the son of the son is secretly looking at his figure, Mu Qianli raised his brows, and then looked at the opposite side with a cold look.


  For some unknown reason, when he saw the indifferent sight that Mu Qianlian handed over, his heart trembled violently, and there was a feeling of coldness in his back.

  Gongzi knows very well that this shows that Mu Qianlian is smashing himself, and it has successfully worked for him!

   But how to put it, he is especially fond of more powerful beauties, even in terms of personality, Mu Qianlian is completely his dish!

"Miss Song, I am very happy that we have the opportunity to cooperate. It is the first time I have seen your beauty with my own eyes. I am really surprised. You are so beautiful, more beautiful than any woman I have ever seen before." The son-in-law said in a personable tone.

   Putting down the coffee in his hand, Mu Qianli took colored pens and cardboard and wrote: "Can you just talk nonsense?"


  Mu Qianli's such a strong reply made the son elder brother unavoidably stunned for a while.

  If someone else is so arrogant in front of him, the son-in-law would have been rude, but because the other person is a beautiful woman like Song Kexin, the son-in-law's temper is naturally too good.

With a little surprise in his heart, the son-in-law said with a smile on his face: "Miss Song, we are going to discuss cooperation this time. You have been silent so much, it seems that you are a little bit shameless. I hope you can put down the cardboard in your hand and let us directly Just communicate verbally."

  Countless people in the country know that Song Kexin is a singer with a very good voice. Now that he doesn’t say a word here, he can only think that Song Kexin does not want to give himself face.

  How can I imagine that Song Kexin, who is sitting across from him at this moment, is not actually the superstar Song Kexin himself!

   After blinking her beautiful eyes, Mu Qianlian wrote on the cardboard: “When I’m in private, I don’t like to speak aloud. After all, I have to learn to protect my throat and there is nothing wrong with writing in communication.”

  After reading Mu Qianli's explanation, in order not to arouse Mu Qianli's disgust, the son-in-law did not continue to say more.

  In a word, the appearance is everything, as long as there is appearance, no matter what actions Mu Qianli makes, the son will be happy to accept it.

  To put it directly, this is the first time the son has learned to lick a dog since he was a child, and he is still willing to lick a dog.

  Because Young Master knows very well that as long as he plays the role of licking the dog, he has the opportunity to get acquainted with Mu Qianlian.

  Soon, Mu Qianli will become his plaything!

   took out a contract from the document bag he carried, and the son-in-law slowly pushed the contract to Mu Qianlian.

  "Look at this contract first. If there is anything unsatisfactory, you can tell it on the spot." The son said.

  Take the contract in his hand and watch it for a while, and Mu Qianlian learns that this is an endorsement contract, and the reward is very good.

  Before in the dressing room, Mu Qianlian and Song Kexin had already discussed related matters. If the conditions given by the other party are not problematic, then Mu Qianlian can directly agree to cooperate.

  In contrast, if the conditions given by the other party are very problematic, then Mu Qianli can also refuse on her behalf.

  In short, Mu Qianlian is now the real Song Kexin!

  Later, Mu Qianli wrote on the cardboard: "There is nothing wrong with the contract. I will sign on it later and you can go back."

   stood up. The son-in-law did not leave in a hurry, but straightened his collar a bit to make himself look more energetic.

   "Miss Song, the reward for this contract is not the highest price. As the boss of the group, I have the right to increase the reward for you, and it will increase by 50%!" Young Master said.

  According to the remuneration written in the contract, if 50% is added, it will be an additional tens of millions of remuneration.

  This can be said to be a big deal!

Without changing her face, Mu Qianli wrote directly on the cardboard: "So, what are the conditions for you to increase your salary by 50%?"

  Mu Qian Lian is not stupid. For no reason, it is impossible for the other party to make a huge concession. It must be done without request.

   "Ahem, it's nothing to say, just seeing Ms. Song is beautiful, so I want to invite Ms. Song to go out for a drink."

   "Of course, considering Song Kexin's worth, the 50% increase in remuneration does not seem to be a lot, but it does not matter. I am willing to pay Ms. Song more, or even double it."

  "But I can’t give this money in vain. After all, I’m not doing charity. So, whether Miss Song can get the remuneration depends on how Miss Song performs next."

   "If Ms. Song's performance is not bad, then all future resources of our group will be yours. This is a treatment that no one can envy."

   "At this moment, should Miss Song show her a little bit..."

When    spoke, Brother Young Master had already walked around behind Mu Qianlian.

  Not only that, but Young Master's hands seem to be unbearable and lonely, and he is about to gradually fumble towards Mu Qianlian's waist.

  Seeing such a situation, the women hiding in the corner were all shocked, and they had to rush out to protect Mu Qianli, and then threw the son-in-law to the ground.

  However, the women just wanted to make a move, and they were directly stopped by Bai Huang, who did not intend to let them rush out to make trouble.

  "Big Brother Baihuang, don't stop us. Didn't you see that guy stretched out his hand to Sister Qian Lian? I'm going to beat him!" Song Ke was frustrated.

   "Yeah, don't you want to watch Sister Qian Lian get **** by that guy, you are Sister Qian Lian's boyfriend, can you be harder?" Li Yu said in a spirited voice.

   "Calm down, Lian'er is not the kind of person who will suffer, besides me, who else is worthy of touching her?" Bai Huang smiled.



   Just the next time Baihuang had just finished speaking, there was a scream from the coffee shop and the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

   "Look, I said Lian'er is not easy to provoke." Bai Huang said.

  When Li Yu, Song Kexin and the others looked at the cafe, they made it clear that they saw that the son was already lying on the ground, and there were extremely bright red footprints on his face, which made people feel very painful just looking at it.

  Even if you don't have to guess, it must be Mu Qianli who kicked the son directly on the face, and then the screams just now appeared.

  At this time, Mu Qianlian’s right leg had been retracted from mid-air. She usually does yoga. There is nothing to say about the flexibility of the body, and things like splits are trivial to her.

   So, kicking a man is just a breeze here with her.

  A few months ago, she actually wanted to fly Bai Huang, and she had this idea many times.

  However, she hadn't had time to really kick Baihuang away, that is, she silently fell in love with Baihuang unconsciously.

  For the time being, it’s luck for nothing.

   Holding his face, the son of the son got up from the ground with a very painful look. There was bleeding in his mouth, and even his teeth showed signs of loosening.

   Song Kexin in front of him is really cruel!

  Even now, the son-in-law is completely unaware, in fact, the person standing in front of him is not Song Kexin, but another beauty!

   "Are you crazy woman! You dare to kick me!" The son was furious.


  Extremely simple high-leg raises, Mu Qianli kicked the son-in-law directly once again, without the slightest pity in his expression.

  She is now the queen!

   "You **** try to move my foot again! I'm never finished with you..."


When    was speaking, the son was kicked by Mu Qianli again. This was the third time that the son was attacked by Mu Qianli, and his teeth had already lost a few.

"Wait...wait, grandma, I was wrong, I apologize to you, please don't kick me again, I swear here, I will never provoke you again, otherwise I will wean off children and grandchildren!" The son-in-law immediately raised a few Swear with one finger.

  Can't stand it anymore, he really can't stand Mu Qianli's violence anymore.

  In the past few years, he has seen many beautiful women, many of them have some special types, but he has never met such a violent guy like Mu Qianli.

  If he is kicked again, he feels that he will return to the West at any time, and he has deeply felt the fear of death!

   Still showing his expressionless expression, Mu Qianli pointed his finger at the exit of the company.

The meaning of    is very simple, that is, let the son go immediately!

   "Thank you grandma for letting me go! I will always thank you for your great kindness!"

   got up with difficulty, the son elder brother opened his legs and fled directly, where he dared to hesitate a little bit.

  In this way, the company restored its original silence, and everything seemed extremely comfortable.

   "Until now, I didn't know that Sister Qian Lian was so amazing..." Li Yu was surprised.

"It's too fierce. Will Baihuang really be able to fight Sister Qian Lian in the future? If this is not good, maybe we will have to give Bai Huang incense next year..." Xu Qian said blankly write.

   "Wow, Sister Qian Lian's high-leg attack is so cool, so long legs, so white skin..." Song Ke had stars in his eyes.

   "The palace is really not easy to provoke, I admire it." Lin Zhu preached.

  After Li Yu and others have expressed emotion one after another, Bai Huang has already stepped forward to Mu Qianlian.

  Perhaps it was to be cool on purpose. The first time Bai Huang stepped forward, Mu Qianli turned around and directly gave Bai Huang a move to raise his leg.


   Suddenly, as Mu Qianli screamed, her whole body was embraced by Bai Huang in the form of a sweet pet embraced by a princess.

  "Woman, your legs are for touching, not for kicking, understand?"

  Bai Huang upholds the style of a domineering president.

  (End of this chapter)