Urban Unlimited Choice System

Chapter 607: Have a special plan tonight

  Chapter 607 There is a special plan tonight

   Suddenly Baihuang was held in her arms in the form of a princess, and Mu Qianli's heart beat more or less.

  She knows that not only she and Baihuang are here, but Li Yu and others are also there. If she and Baihuang do anything here, it will be a live broadcast in the true sense.

  But today, Mu Qianlian will not consider any hypocritical issues. While snuggling in Bai Huang's arms, he also made some gestures to Bai Huang.

   means to say: "Why don't you usually see that you are interested in my long legs, why are you suddenly taking care of them now?"

   Isn’t it? Mu Qianli remembered clearly that even though he had worn black silk to lure Bai Huang before, it didn’t have much effect, at least it didn’t make Bai Huang go crazy for it.

  Because of these things, she had secretly mourned. She obviously had a pair of long white legs and tender, but as a boy, Bai Huang was not interested.

  So many times, she wanted to kick Baihuang a few feet to let Baihuang know the power of her long legs.

   "Okay, don't be mean." Baihuang smiled bitterly, he really convinced Mu Qianli this little girl, and he could provoke him at any time.

After a while, Li Yu and others came out one after another, seeing Mu Qianlian holding Baihuang's waist all the time, so everyone was teasing Mu Qianlian.

   At the back, in order not to be ridiculed by everyone, Mu Qianli broke free from the white princess' hug and allowed herself to stand firmly on the ground again.

  "Big Brother Baihuang, otherwise you should try to hug me too. Since I grew up, I haven't been hugged by a boy princess. I want to give you my first time!" Song Kexin said.

   "There is me! I want to be hugged by the princess too! Please, please! Make me perfect!" Li Yu was involved.

   Adhering to the color of helplessness, Bai Huang shook his head silently, so that he would not fool around with Song Kexin and Li Yu, and this was also for the safety of Song Kexin and Li Yu.

   With the character of the king of Qian Lian Vinegar, if he really picked up Song Kexin and Li Yu, Nam Qian Lian would have to go violently on the spot, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

   After this, Mu Qianli asked Lin Zhu to help restore his original appearance.

  It was about eleven o’clock in the evening, and the group headed towards Li Yu’s house.

  By the way, on the way, Lin Zhu had already bid farewell to others, and dived into the night alone.

  Linzhu has the personality of a ninja, and she is her hallmark of being out of a ghost.

  In the middle of the night, the group returned to Li Yu's house smoothly.

  Not long after returning home, Li Yu, Xu Qian, Mu Qianlian, and Song Kexin all rushed into the kitchen, saying that they wanted to prepare some supper.

   Therefore, even after midnight, the crowd did not stop at all, all gathered in the kitchen for supper.

  After the supper time was over, everyone was sitting on the sofa to rest.

Li Yu, Xu Qian, Mu Qianlian, and Song Kexin sat on the same sofa, chatting and laughing together, and even talking about some very private women’s issues, such as measurements and the color of underwear. of.

  This evening, Mu Qianlian's mood is undoubtedly very good, she rarely has a particularly open time.

  Maybe it was the existence of Li Yu and others that allowed Mu Qianli to temporarily open the door to a new world.

  As for Bai Huang, the only boy in the audience, he was naturally forgotten by all of them temporarily, so that Bai Huang could only sit in the corner and watch TV alone, and the picture looked particularly bleak.

  It can only be said that Bai Huang has long been accustomed to this state. Whenever girls get together, there are often no boys.

  Heh, so-called women, isn’t that true?

  "Ah! What's the matter with these keyboard guys on the Internet? Why do they keep chasing Kexin in the music comment area, and the songs that are obviously so good? These keyboard guys are too much!" Li Yu was very angry.

"Hey, there is no way. After all, Kexin is now the most popular female singer in China, and her attention is incredible. There must be a lot of people staring at Kexin and can't wait for it to be overwhelmed." Xu Qian seemed quite helpless, she was very helpless. This phenomenon is also very angry.

   Frowning her eyebrows, Mu Qianlian was naturally very upset when she saw the comments of the black fans. She regarded Song Kexin as a friend, and definitely didn't want to see her friend hacked.

"Three sisters, don’t feel angry. I’m used to being hacked. From the day I debuted, even if I didn’t do anything, someone would always chase me and scold me. I remember I stood by the side of the road and drank last time. I took a mouthful of Nongfu Spring, and someone jumped out and said that my drinking posture was wrong, and I was not worthy of drinking water at all."

  "Not long ago, I was riding a bicycle outside, and some paparazzi took photos and put them on the Internet. Some people said that I was pretending to be pitiful and that I deliberately used this method to win the sympathy of fans."

  “It was even more inexplicable one time. I posted a photo on my birthday, and some people said that my birthday cake was too big and it was an act of extravagance and waste, and I didn’t deserve to be an influential star.”


  The more he said down, the more disappointed Song Kexin's expression became.

  Even if Song Kexin asked Mu Qianlian and others not to care, it was just a talk. As a party, how could she not care.

The identity of a star is a double-edged sword. While having countless fans, there are bound to be countless black fans staring at you. When those black fans cannot find a reason to humiliate you, they will fabricate some inexplicable reasons.

  As Song Kexin said just now, in the eyes of some black fans, she was wrong to drink her saliva...

  'S eyes rolled, Mu Qianlian climbed onto the sofa beside Bai Huang with bare feet, and hooked Bai Huang's neck with both hands, showing a very ambiguous posture.

   "What are you doing?" Bai Huang turned his head and looked at Mu Qianlian.

  As Bai Huang spoke, Mu Qianli immediately made some gestures to Bai Huang.

  As Baihuang and Mu Qianlian are in good spirits, he naturally understood the meaning of Mu Qianlian in seconds.

  To put it simply, Mu Qianli wanted him to help the keyboard man on the Internet and help Song Kexin out of a sigh.

   "Bai Huang, you have so many ghost ideas, help write a book review in Kexin's music review area. As a friend, you have to support Kexin." Li Yu preached.

   "Yeah, Yu'er is right. You guy has the most spooky ideas. You shouldn't be miserable now, right?" Xu Qian looked forward to it.

  Song Kexin saw that Baihuang had no words, she was the only party involved, so it was not easy to ask Baihuang for help directly, she was very afraid of causing trouble to Baihuang.

   "Ding! Unlimited selection of system triggers!"

  "Choose one, write a comment to Song Kexin's music comment area, and fight all the tricks alone with one person. Regardless of the final effect, as long as the comment is successfully posted, the task will be deemed to be completed."

  [Reward: Any door on the earth, an incomparably magical space, any door, with the help of any door effect, it can appear directly anywhere on the earth, but it must be the place where the host has set foot and cannot appear in an unfamiliar area]

  "Choose two, reject the proposal of Mu Qianlian and others. Instead of wasting time to educate the keyboard man on the Internet, it is better to continue watching your own TV and be a heartless person in silence."

  [Reward: any door in the underworld, with the help of any door, you can directly appear anywhere in the underworld, one layer of **** and eighteen layers of **** freely back and forth]

   "Choose three, take advantage of the good night tonight, release your ambition to throw Mu Qianli down, and you want Mu Qianli to rectify the Fa on the spot, and give other people a live broadcast that will be memorable for life."

  "Reward: The life span of all present is increased by five years."

  The system virtual screen appears.

   Seeing the content of the task of choice three, the black line on Bai Huang's forehead appeared directly.

  There is a saying, this task is indeed abnormal enough.

  Even if he wants Mu Qianli to rectify the Fa on the spot, it can only be done in private, it is impossible to do such things in public, let alone live broadcast!

  As for the reward of choice two, it is not considered in vain.

  He has no problem in his mind. A normal person who is good at wanting to hang out in the underworld is simply outrageous.

  However, Bai Huang liked the reward of choosing one. With this reward, he and Mu Qianlian could return to the Mu Family Manor tomorrow without having to spend so much time on the plane.

   With an idea, Bai Huang took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and then clicked on Song Kexin's music comment area.

   "I really don't understand. How can a woman as ugly as Song Kexin have so many face powders? In my eyes, the eighty-year-old aunt is more prettier than her."

   "Song Kexin's singing is too disgusting and unpleasant, every time I listen to it, I get a headache, why do I have such a low-level voice?"

   "I keep a photo of Song Kexin drinking water before. The way she drinks water is really ugly, there is no literary style at all."

   "Song Kexin is the most trash singer, there is no one!"

  Sure enough, as others have said, there are indeed a lot of black fans maliciously humiliating Song Kexin, and some words are particularly ugly, which is really irresponsible.

  Finger dancing, Bai Huang immediately began to edit his comments, he wanted to face all the network keyboard man!

   Seeing Baihuang’s extremely fast typing speed, Li Yu and others all leaned to Baihuang’s side, wanting to see what content Baihuang was about to edit.

  Before this, please allow them to sigh, Bai Huang's hand speed for eighteen years of being single is really not a joke!

  A pair of unicorn arms!

  For a moment, Baihuang took advantage of the trend to send out his own comments.

  "Hello everyone, my name is Ahuang, I am a professional network keyboard man."

  "Now, I want to make a declaration about Keyboard Man, please watch it carefully."

  "In reality, I am silent. On the Internet, I strike hard. I don’t give birth to my keyboard man. The spray channel is like a long night."

   "I have a key to open the gate of heaven, I have a key to kill the immortals, fight three thousand emperors alone, and push the thirteen continents horizontally with two keys."

  "The world’s key immortals are three million, and you must lower your eyebrows when you meet me."

   "Come on!"

  Above, the content of comments posted by Baihuang.

   "Puff! Hahaha!"

  After reading Baihuang’s comments, Li Yu and others all laughed. Song Kexin also laughed so happily that even tears were about to come out.

  Wow, it won’t work, it’s ridiculous, like Baihuang’s satirical comments, it really makes a few women uncomfortable.

  The sudden show, has already snapped their waists.

   "Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing choice one, and get a reward: any door on the earth."

  The system prompt message appears.

   "Quickly, quickly, everyone quickly take out their phones, Bai Huang wrote such an interesting comment, we must help him like it." Li Yu took the lead.

  However, when Li Yu clicked to open the music comment area, she was surprised to find that after only ten seconds, Bai Huang’s comment had already been liked thousands of times!

  What a terrifying speed this is!

After a while, Li Yu refreshed it again, and the number of likes directly exceeded 10,000!

  "Oh, it’s amazing. Baihuang’s comments are already on the rise. If this trend continues, the number of likes tonight will definitely exceed 100,000. It seems that everyone is disgusted with Keyboard Man." Xu Qian preached.

  "Big Brother Baihuang, I didn't expect you to be so sassy, ​​ah, no, I didn't expect you to be so talented. I really admire you more and more." Song Kexin said.

  As Baihuang’s girlfriend, Mu Qianlian is naturally very proud now, she just said, Baihuang has always been very capable of doing things, and it’s absolutely right to leave it to Baihuang to deal with it.

   "It's getting late, Bai Huang and Sister Qian Lian will leave by plane tomorrow. Let's go to bed early tonight. We must cultivate our energy." Li Yu preached.

   "Then...where do I sleep in?" Song Kexin asked.

   "Look at your own thoughts, you can sleep in the empty room or sleep with us, but I will say okay first, before going to bed in the middle of the night, Qianqian and I like to do some exercises before going to bed." Li Yu said truthfully.

   "I want to sleep with Sister Qian Lian!" Song Kexin said.

   "No, you can sleep with anyone, but you can't sleep with Sister Qian Lian." Li Yu said.

   "Why? I really want to sleep with sister Qian Lian and feel the warmth of sister." Song Kexin said.

Playing Song Kexin's forehead playfully, Li Yu said: "Sister Qianli is sleeping with Baihuang. If you have to sleep with sister Qianli, isn't it all messed up? Are you thinking about three? Do you play games together in the middle of the night?"

   "It turns out that Sister Qian Lian and Big Brother Bai Huang are already sleeping together! This...it's too early!" Song Kexin cupped his face.

   "It's getting late. It's normal for adults to sleep together. If it goes well, maybe next year they can be parents." Li Yu analyzed seriously.

   "Ahhhhhhh! I am still a child, and I don't understand what Li Yu's sister is saying, I didn't hear anything!" Song Kexin shook his head to avoid imagining certain scenes.

  Next, Bai Huang, Mu Qianlian and others went to the second floor together, and Song Kexin was finally taken to the rooms of Li Yu and Xu Qian.

  Bai Huang and Mu Qianlian, who are alone in the same room, have a special plan tonight...

  (End of this chapter)