Urban Unlimited Choice System

Chapter 681: The first college class meeting

   Chapter 681 The First University Class Meeting

  As Xu Qian's voice fell, Bai Huang's line of sight was already staring at the lake again.

  He felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong just now, and he subconsciously thought it was an illusion, but he did not expect that Xu Qian actually asked that.

  Perhaps it was due to the unique sixth sense of mankind. Bai Huang had indeed guessed that Xu Qian would ask just now. When Xu Qian asked it personally, Bai Huang was undoubtedly surprised.

   "Sister Xu Qian, you mean the like between men and women, right, not the like between teachers and students." Bai Huang said indifferently.

   "Well, it's the like between men and women. If it's just like between teachers and students, then I won't be redundant." Xu Qian responded directly.

  Everyone has said things to this point, even if Bai Huang feels overwhelmed, there is no way to get over it in a daze.

  Since the woman Xu Qian bravely asked, he should naturally answer.

I was silent for a few seconds, and only heard Bai Huang speak: "To be honest, when I saw Sister Li Yu and Sister Xu Qian just before entering high school, I was really shocked, because you are all very beautiful sisters. Not only do I like you," The whole class likes you very much, and even you have countless admirers in the school. Beautiful women will be admired no matter where they are, and this will never change."

   "However, I was only admiring at the time. I thought you were very beautiful and outstanding, with envy, admiration, and all kinds of secret likes."

"However, all the likes are due to the care of me as a student by your two teachers, and nothing else is mixed. Therefore, if you really want to talk about the likes between men and women, then I have to say to Li Yu and sister Li Yu. Sister Xu Qian really doesn't have any thoughts."

  "Regardless of the past, the present, or the future, in terms of the relationship between men and women, the only person I like is Mu Qianli, which is beyond doubt."

"Sometimes I think about what I will look like in a groom's outfit when we two get married, and what Mu Qianli will look like in a wedding dress. It must be so beautiful, beautiful enough to make me beautiful. To the point of suffocation."

   "So, as for me, I just want to marry Mu Qianli, and there will be no one else."

  After a few passages, Bai Huang returned to silence again.

  As a listener, Xu Qian naturally listened to Bai Huang's words very carefully.

  She was still expecting that Bai Huang might really have a crush on herself, but from the current situation, it is really just that she thinks too much.

  Although the age is a bit different, Xu Qian actually likes Baihuang this type of boy. Mian Hulu is Mong Hulu, but Bai Huang is very sincere to the people around him. This is Xu Qian's most admired place.

   "Hey, it's really shameful. I'm in my twenties. Since I'm still molesting you, a little boy under 20." Xu Qian smiled.

   "It's not young anymore, no matter what, I'm not young anymore." Bai Huang replied casually.

   "You... engage in pornography!" Xu Qian glared at Bai Huang. She felt that Bai Huang was definitely suggesting something deliberately, and she was bullying.

   was stunned for a moment, and realizing that he had made some slippage, Bai Huang immediately slapped himself gently.

  He was definitely damaged by Chu Li invisibly, causing some of his words to drive without thinking through his head.

  Although Chu Liren is not here, her dirty thoughts are always there, which is very annoying.

   "Sister Xu Qian, please don't tell Lian'er what I said just now." Bai Huang looked at Xu Qian.

"Hey? Can't even Sister Qian Lian say that you two are already in love. Why are you afraid of being ashamed. It's better to be honest. Girls like to listen to love. Tomorrow you will repeat what you just said with Sister Qian Lian. I promise she will be touched and confused, and she will go to show you the wedding dress that night." Xu Qian preached.

   "No, let's not say it." Bai Huang muttered.

"You kid is really weird enough, okay, since you have said so, then I absolutely respect what you mean. Tonight, all the content of our chat will not be leaked. God knows you know me. Know, no one knows." Xu Qian held her face.

   "Thank you Xu Qian sister." Bai Huang thanked again, out of basic courtesy.

  "Are you sleepy? Go in and sleep quickly when you are sleepy." Xu Qian said.

   "Not sleepy, I plan to take a look at the moon here, and when I am really sleepy, I will naturally want to go to sleep." Bai Huang replied.

   "It's a coincidence, I have the same idea, it's rare to have such a leisure time, we two will enjoy the moon together." Xu Qian smiled silently.

  Afterwards, Bai Huang and Xu Qian both sat quietly, and they didn’t communicate with anything else, they were just enjoying the moon.

  When it was later, Bai Huang and Xu Qian went back to their rooms to rest.

  Bai Huang and Mu Qianli sleep together.

  Xu Qian sleeps with Li Yu.

  At just nine o'clock the next morning, as an alarm rang, Bai Huang got up from the bed in a daze.

  He set the alarm to 9 o'clock in the morning last night, and he had to meet at school for the first time at 10 o'clock, so he couldn't sleep too much.

   "Wow! Wow! Wow!"

  At present, in the bathroom of the room, there are waves of water droplets falling to the ground.

   Baihuang knew that it was Mu Qianli who was in the bathroom. He was so drunk last night, and now he has to take a bath to make himself comfortable.

  While Mu Qianlian took a bath, Bai Huang sat on the bed and looked at her phone for a while to see if there was any important news.

  I found out that Chu Li had sent a few messages to herself, so Bai Huang didn't give much reason, they were all boring messages.

  After a while, as the bathroom door was opened, Mu Qianlian walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a bathrobe.

  After a full night’s rest, Mu Qianli’s drunken state has completely disappeared, replaced by a cold expression like usual.

   Seeing that Baihuang had woken up, Mu Qianli was a little embarrassed to see Baihuang for a while.

  Although she was drunk last night, she still remembers some things clearly, such as letting Baihuang help in the bath...


  Said a few words, Mu Qianlian finally reached his lips and couldn't continue speaking.

  It's not that she couldn't talk about it because of psychological problems, but that she was really embarrassed to talk to Bai Huang about last night.

   Since knowing Baihuang for so long, last night was the most presumptuous and humiliating time for her.

  Every time I get drunk, I have to take care of myself in vain. Even if Mu Qianli is as cheeky as Chu Li, he will eventually feel embarrassed.

   "The past is gone, and you should be taken care of. There is no need to feel embarrassed."

  While talking, Bai Huang bypassed Mu Qianlian and walked into the bathroom to start a new day of washing.

   looked back at Bai Huang, and stood still for a few seconds before Mu Qianli walked to the closet and took out his casual clothes.

  The bathroom was occupied by white waste, so Mu Qianli took off the bathrobe directly in the room, and then changed the clothes. The whole journey took less than half a minute.

  Mu Qianlian originally expected Baihuang to sneak out and take a few glances, but Baihuang didn't have these small actions, so Mu Qianlian felt that it was a pity that he was so lost.

  No one looks at such a perfect figure, which is of course a pity, isn’t it?

  After a while, Bai Huang and Mu Qianlian walked out of the room together.

  As soon as they walked out, they saw Xu Qian and Li Yu already sitting on the sofa in the lobby, obviously waiting for them.

   Seeing Baihuang and Mu Qianlian appear, Xu Qian pointed to the breakfast on the table and preached: “You two will eat a little bit first, and then go to school when you are full. Time is still too late.”

  "Have Sister Xu Qian and Sister Li Yu eaten?" Bai Huang asked.

   "Well, we have all eaten them. These steamed buns and soy milk are bought from an old store for more than ten years. The taste is absolutely superb." Li Yu touched his neck and spoke.

  Sitting on the sofa together, Baihuang and Mu Qianlian picked up steamed buns and soy milk, and tasted this simple and delicious breakfast.

   "Hey, I don't know what's going on. From the time I woke up in the morning, the back of my neck felt sore inexplicably, as if I had been beaten." Li Yu said.

   "Ahem, Yu'er, this should be because of your stiff neck last night. How can someone beat you in a good way? You think too much." Xu Qian quickly explained.

"Oh, this way, maybe it's really stiff neck. I drank too much beer last night and I don't remember anything later. In the future, I must be more restrained. I can't mess around like last night." Li Yu sighed with emotion. .

  Li Yu has no doubts about Xu Qian’s explanation. It is impossible for Xu Qian to collude with others to deceive herself. This is completely impossible.

  Anyone in the world would lie to her, but Xu Qian, a good sister, would not.

  When Li Yu thought about it this way, Xu Qian and Bai Huang looked at each other quietly, everything was under their control, and there was no problem at all.

  Speaking of normal circumstances, Xu Qian will certainly not deceive Li Yu, but last night's thing was special. She can only tell a white lie once, this is for the good of everyone.

  After breakfast, the group left the villa together and drove to Qingyuan University.

  Li Yu and Xu Qian are sitting in the front and co-pilot seats, while Bai Huang and Mu Qianli are sitting in the back row.

  While driving, while Li Yu and Xu Qian were not paying attention, Mu Qianlian quietly poked Baihuang's waist a few times, everything was so silent.

   "What's wrong?" Bai Huang looked at Mu Qianlian and asked softly.

   took out his own colored pens and cardboard, Mu Qianli took it easy and wrote: "Sister Li Yu's neck pain is caused by you knocking her unconscious last night?"

  After reading what Mu Qianli wrote, Bai Huang was slightly surprised, "Did you see all of them last night?"

Shaking his head, Mu Qianlian continued to write on the cardboard: "I didn't see anything last night, but just now I saw the flirtation between you and Sister Xu Qian. From the eye contact between the two of you at that time, I Guessed all the truth."

   "What kind of flair, don't use idioms indiscriminately, we are purely transmitting information, nothing else." Bai Huang said.

"Oh? Really? Why do I always feel that the eyes between the two of you are different? When I slept last night, nothing happened to you, such as talking about life together?" Mu Qian Lian wrote on the cardboard.

  "..." With a blank expression on his face, Bai Huang already didn't know how to reply to Mu Qianlian.

  Good deed, Mu Qianli’s thinking logic is really terrifying. You can guess so many truths only from the look in your eyes, almost in every case.

  If Bai Huang got a little bit of flowers and grass outside, he would definitely be discovered invisibly by Mu Qianli, and be directly dismantled.

  Of course, he never touched on the waste of flowers, and didn't care about these things. He has always been upright and honest, and would not do anything shameful.

  As the screen turns, the group has arrived at Qingyuan University.

  Xu Qian and Li Yu are teachers in the school, so everyone has separated outside the school, and they have not entered the school simultaneously, so as not to cause some unnecessary guesses.

  According to the school’s road sign, before ten o’clock in the morning, Bai Huang and Mu Qianli quickly came to the temporary assembly classroom of the Finance Class.

The reason why    is a temporary collection of classrooms is because there are no fixed classrooms for university courses. You may have to change classrooms more than a dozen times during the course of a week.

  University courses are relatively fragmented. Sometimes there is no class in the morning, sometimes no class in the afternoon, sometimes even no class for a day. This is an extremely normal situation.

  If high school is the most tense stage of the student age, then college is the most relaxed stage of the student age, and you can have a great time.

  Nowadays, the front of the classroom is full of people, all of whom are strangers, classmates who met for the first time.

  At the back of the second row, Bai Huang and Mu Qianli sat down together, quietly waiting for the counselor to arrive.

  It is worth mentioning that the appearance of Bai Huang and Mu Qianlian naturally aroused the attention of many students in the class, both out of curiosity and envy.

   "Classmates, you are called Baihuang and Mu Qianlian, right?"

  A girl turned around to talk to Bai Huang and Mu Qianli.

   "Well, yes, but how do you know our name? It should be the first time everyone met." Baihuang replied.

  "Are you not following the school forum? There is a voting for freshman school flowers and freshman school grass in the forum. You are both in the first place, and many people in the school already know you." The girl explained.

   "Oh, it turns out that this is the case. We didn't pay attention to these, so we don't know the specific situation." Bai Huang said.

   "Hehe, everyone will be classmates in the future. It's an honor to be in the same class as the school flowers and school grass." The girl smiled and preached.

   "Tap! Tap! Tap!"

  At this moment, outside the door of the classroom, there was already a sound of walking with high heels.

  The people who walked in right afterwards were naturally the regular counselor Li Yu and the deputy counselor Xu Qian. All financial majors are their subjects of responsibility, and the finance class is no exception.

  For the appearance of Li Yu and Xu Qian, the whole class was full of energy. This was the first university class meeting, and everyone’s sense of ceremony was overwhelming.

  Furthermore, there are two beautiful teachers in the class as counselors, which naturally makes everyone feel particularly happy. This is true for female students, and even more so for male students.

  "Hello fellow students, I am your regular counselor Li Yu." Li Yu introduced himself.

  "Hello everyone, I am your assistant counselor Xu Qian." Xu Qian introduced herself.

  (End of this chapter)