Urban Unlimited Choice System

Chapter 682: Fantasy Butterfly

  Chapter 682 Magic Butterfly

  "Hello counselor!"

  The whole class initiates greetings one after another.

"Dear students, this is the first class meeting of our Finance Class I during university. In order to make it easier for everyone to get to know each other, let everyone introduce themselves first, starting with the first student in the first row, and then gradually Later, let’s ask the first student to introduce himself.” Li Yurou said softly.

  As Li Yu's voice fell, the first girl immediately stood up and introduced herself: "Hello everyone, my name is Cangshankong, I am from Kyoto and I love to study."

  "Hello everyone, my name is Ye Fan, I am from Leicheng, and I don’t have any obvious specialties, just that my family has a lot of money."

   "Hello everyone, my name is Shi Hao, I am from a far border. This is the first time I have visited Kyoto. Please take care of me."

  "My name is Li Xiaomeng, and I was admitted to Qingyuan University as a provincial champion. I hope to get along well with everyone during my university. My hobby is to meet handsome guys. For example, the Baihuang classmates in our class are very good."


  A group of students in the class introduced themselves one after another, and the atmosphere was very good.

  During this period, Mu Qianli had already glanced at Baihuang directly.

  She found out that Bai Huang is really getting more and more popular. Not long after he first came to Qingyuan University, many girls have been eyeing Bai Huang.

  For example, the president of the music association yesterday, and Li Xiaomeng, a freshman in the class now, directly expressed great affection for Bai Huang, and did not hide it at all.

  Although Mu Qianlian knew that she was also watched by many opposite sexes, due to the reason why her temperament was rejected, strangers only dared to look at her from a distance, and no one dared to talk to her.

  Bai Huang is different, no matter how you look at it, it’s approachable, and this is what girls like especially.

  Before, she always thought that she could see the bored gourd in vain, but now she has to feel that the times have changed. Everyone seems to start to like bored gourd, which is really sad.

  However, it doesn’t really matter much. Anyway, she can kill as many rivals as she has. There is neither too many nor too few. Soldiers come to cover up the water.

  She is the pride of the palace, that is not just for fun.

   "Student Baihuang, it's your turn to introduce yourself." The girl in the front row reminded me who had just spoken to Baihuang.

  Hearing this, Bai Huang immediately stood up and introduced himself: "Uh, that, my name is Bai Huang, my nickname is white rice, my gender is male, and I love female."


  In the next moment, just as Bai Huang finished introducing himself, he was secretly twisted his thigh by Mu Qianlian next to him.

   realizing that he had made some mistakes, Bai Huang immediately changed his words and said: "Additionally, when I say a hobby girl, I mean that I only love my girlfriend."

  Until he heard this, Mu Qianli was satisfied to let go of Bai Huang. Bai Huang just said that he liked women. This was just deliberately conveying bad thoughts to other girls.

  To put it plainly, it means to let other girls hurry up and soak themselves. This is undoubtedly a scumbag quotation!

   is under-training!

  After Bai Huang sat down, Mu Qianlian stood up and took a colored pen and cardboard and wrote: "Big guy, my name is Mu Qianlian, Baihuang’s girlfriend. We have a very good relationship and we are very affectionate!"

  The brief introduction was over, and Mu Qianlian immediately sat back.

  Although everyone was surprised why Mu Qianlian had to write with cardboard, everyone didn't care about it at the moment, because they felt a little bit of chill in the air just inexplicably.

   And with the content written by Mu Qianli, it clearly warns other girls not to think about Bai Huang, and directly kills other girls’ bad ideas in the cradle.

  This trick is really simple and rude!

  Next, after the introduction of all the students in the class was completed, Li Yu and Xu Qian distributed the admission handbook to everyone, which recorded the school regulations and other things, which were all long talks.

  "Tell everyone, this time we are going to select a monitor and deputy monitor. The monitor and deputy monitor will also inform the future of the class. Has anyone recommended themselves?" Li Yu asked.

  "Teacher, I want to be the monitor! I was the monitor when I was in high school! Experienced!"

   "Although I haven't been a class monitor before, but I want to try it while I am in college, I will sign up."

   "And me, I also want to try to be a monitor, I believe I will be able to do the job."

  Many students raised their hands to speak immediately, and many of them wanted to take up the position of monitor.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many people who want to be squad leaders. This is a little difficult. Otherwise, everyone will vote based on their first impressions. Then the elected squad leader and deputy squad leader will have a one-week evaluation period. No, they will be replaced by others at that time. In short, those who can do the job are competent." Li Yu preached.

  As soon as these words came out, the class immediately became quiet.

  No one knows each other, no one knows whom to vote for, and they are all thinking about it by themselves.

   "Ding! Unlimited selection of system triggers!"

   "Choose one, take over the duties of the squad leader, and try to experience an experience you have never had before."

  [Reward: Wood Butterfly, a beautiful butterfly with natural effects, which can add decay effect to all abilities, and can be attached to the body as a butterfly pattern at ordinary times]

   "Choose two, continue to be a salted fish like in high school, and refuse all class duties. The salted fish must be salted to the end, and it must be the saltiest one."

  [Reward: Thunder Butterfly, a beautiful butterfly with thunder and lightning effect, which can add paralysis to all abilities, and can be attached to the body as a butterfly pattern at ordinary times]

  "Choice 3: Let Mu Qianli take the role of squad leader, help Mu Qianli cure autism, and integrate more into the collective life."

  [Reward: Fire Butterfly, a beautiful butterfly with a flame effect, which allows all abilities to have a burning effect, and can be attached to the body as a butterfly pattern at ordinary times]

  "Choice 4: The host and Mu Qianlian serve as the squad leader and vice squad leader together, that is, let him experience new experiences, but also let Mu Qianlian try to socialize and work together."

  [Reward: phantom butterfly, a beautiful butterfly with hallucinogenic effect, which can add hallucination effects to all abilities, and can usually be attached to the body as a butterfly pattern]

  The system virtual screen appears.

  After reading the four choices, there is the same reward that makes Bai Huang especially interested, that is, the phantom butterfly that chooses four.

  According to the situation today, as long as Mu Qianlian has subjective thoughts, she can achieve the effect of freezing ten miles at any time, and even hundreds of miles in the future.

  So, if the phantom butterfly is attached to Mu Qianli's body, once Mu Qianli creates the ice domain, all creatures in the ice domain will fall into hallucinations, which becomes an extremely terrifying ability in the casting range.

  Bai Huang has enough power to strengthen himself. What he thinks now is to give Mu Qianli a bonus.

  In this way, even if Mu Qianli encounters any danger, it is still as stable as Mount Tai, and there is no need to worry about it.

When    thought about it this way, I saw Bai Huang raise his hand and preach: "Two teachers, I also want to participate in the voting of the class leader, as well as classmate Mu Qianlian. We are together."


  Li Yu and Xu Qian shouted at almost the same time, and they were undoubtedly all stunned.

As teachers of Baihuang's entire high school career, they all know that Baihuang is a salted fish to the point where it is hopeless. For Baihuang like this salted fish, now they have to actively participate in the voting for the position of class leader, and they will also Mu Qian. Pity is pulled up, this is really incredible.

  They would rather believe that the Yellow River flows backwards than believe that Bai Huang has really changed his mind.

  The tricky inside is too big, isn’t it?

  Not only Li Yu and Xu Qian were confused, but Mu Qianli who was inexplicably picked up was even more confused. She sat well, but Bai Huang suddenly pulled herself to run for squad leader.

  I have seen a second person who cheated on a girlfriend, but I have never seen such a second person who cheated on a girlfriend. Mu Qianli is really drunk.

  Drunk than last night...

   "Student Baihuang, this is a very serious class meeting. The teacher hopes that you don't make jokes indiscriminately." Li Yu spoke solemnly.

   "Yes, don't joke around." Xu Qian echoed.

   Bai Huang also understood the reaction of Li Yu and Xu Qian. After all, he was really ridiculous before, and Li Yu and Xu Qian thought it was normal for them to be joking.

  However, the rewards of the system this time are really fragrant, and Bai Huang expressed his satisfaction!

"Teacher, I'm not kidding. I really want to run for class monitor, and Mu Qianlian will also want to be together. I believe that the two of us can serve as class monitors well. Please give us a chance for both of us. If we don't do a good job , We can be dismissed at any time after a week." Bai Huang preached.

   "Student Baihuang, you can only represent yourself. Student Mu Qianlian didn't make a statement from beginning to end. Even if she is your girlfriend, you can't do it this way." Li Yu said.

Of course, Li Yu had just finished speaking, Mu Qianlian stood up with Bai Huang, and then wrote on the cardboard: "I also participate in the election for squad leader. He is righteous and I am the deputy. Please give us one time. Opportunity, thank you."

  Now, Li Yu was completely speechless, and Mu Qianli's protection of Baihuang to such an extent, it really makes people have nothing to say.

  From the perspective of the audience, this kind of sentiment made Li Yu very sour. In short, he secretly envied him.

  She ate this dog food!

  "Why don't we all vote for Baihuang and Mu Qianlian. Both of them are now popular figures in the freshmen. If they are the class monitors, it will definitely be a good face."

   "I vote for classmates Baihuang and Mu Qianlian. For nothing else, it's over if you are handsome and beautiful."

   "I also vote for classmates Baihuang and Mu Qianlian. Anyway, I don't know other people, so I might as well trust them once."

   "Then I also voted, and everyone's hope is what it is."

  Many students raised their hands to speak, recommending Baihuang and Mu Qianlian to be class leaders together. This is their trust to Baihuang and Mu Qianlian.

  Seeing that more than 90% of the classmates voted for Baihuang and Mu Qianlian, Li Yu and Xu Qian were very surprised. It is not easy to have such a strong cohesion among freshmen.

  For whatever reason, Bai Huang and Mu Qianli won everyone’s trust after all. This is an unquestionable fact.

  "Well, according to everyone's wishes, from now on, classmate Baihuang is the main monitor of the class, and classmate Mu Qianlian is the deputy monitor of the class. The assessment time is one week. Everyone applauds and congratulates." Li Yu said.

   "Pop, papa!"

  There was thunderous applause in the class, and everyone was very happy.

   "Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing choice four and getting the reward: Magic Butterfly."

  The system prompt message appears.

   "Thank you for your trust, we will be a competent monitor." Bai Huang thanked everyone and also helped Mu Qianlian.

"Dear students, today is Monday. Since today is the first official assembly, the afternoon class is cancelled. There are more than 40 minutes left until 11 o'clock. After 11 o'clock, everyone can disband on their own. Once you have a look at the admissions manual, you can also learn more about it with the students around you. Remember to bring your textbook to class tomorrow. Did you hear everything clearly?" Li Yu said.

   "Listen clearly!"

  A group of students responded.

  After that, Li Yu and Xu Qian walked out of the classroom one after another, leaving space for the freshmen in the class, allowing everyone to come and go freely and get to know each other.

  "Good squad leader white, squad leader Mu, I can take care of everyone in the future."

   "The school flowers and school grass in the freshmen turned out to be the head and vice squad leaders of our class. This is really cool, and it will make people envious to say it."

   "Two monitors, yesterday I voted for you in the forum the first time, so dash, Ollie!"

   "I voted too!"

Everyone in the class    gathered next to Baihuang and Mu Qianlian. The two of them are now the backbone of the class. Although everyone has only known each other for a while, this is not a big problem.

  Take out the mobile phone, Bai Huang first established a group chat, let the classmates scan the QR code to join the group, the class group is an indispensable chat channel, and later announcements will be very useful.

  It was noisy and chattering. When it was eleven o'clock, everyone said goodbye to each other and left, had a meal, and went back to the dormitory.

  After a while, only Baihuang and Mu Qianlian left the class.

   Holding colored pens, Mu Qianli angrily wrote on the cardboard: "Why do you want me to accompany you as the monitor?"

  Undoubtedly, Mu Qianlian meant to settle accounts after the autumn. Before she was able to protect Baihuang wildly, then she can now settle accounts after the autumn.

  There is a saying that I have to pay it back sooner or later.

  "High school and college are two completely different stages. Don't you find it interesting to experience a new life?" Baihuang touched Mu Qianli's hair.

   "I think it's fun to beat you, so can I beat you now?" Mu Qianlian held the cardboard.

   smiled awkwardly, Bai Huang stretched out his right hand in front of Mu Qianlian.

  When Mu Qianlian took a closer look, she saw a seven-color butterfly in Baihuang's hand. It was as beautiful as it was, and Mu Qianlian was stunned.

  "This...what?" Mu Qianlian asked.

   "The phantom butterfly can give you illusion effects to your abilities," Bai Huang said.

  After listening, Mu Qianli nodded, then grinned and wrote on the cardboard: "Then, will I be able to hallucinate you at any time in the future, and then let you kneel and sing to conquer, and call me Fairy Sir?"

  (End of this chapter)