Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

v2 Chapter 93: The glorious moment of the general

White Tail's attack is not as powerful as Bella.

So she couldn't cut the vine armor of the pig head tribe, and she couldn't cut the pig head tribe into two pieces with one blow.

White Tail's attacks are precisely targeted at the weakness of the pig head clan.

Neither neck nor eyes are protected by vine armor. As long as you aim at these locations, it is not much different from killing ordinary pig heads, and can quickly make the pig heads lose their combat effectiveness.

Although the power is obviously not as strong as Bella, who is unparalleled, the fear created by White Tail is much higher than Bella.

Baiwei kept the lovely image of a maid, piercing the pig head tribe's eyes while saying inexplicable things, like the legendary sick Jiao.

Compared with the fear caused by Bella's hard power to the enemy, the strange feeling of White Tail is the real fear.

There is no healing element in the whole body that a maid should have.

Of course, Li Muran didn't have the slightest introspection to educate White Tail in this way.

Bella and White Tail are very strong, stronger than the pig head clan.

But still very reluctant.

Li Muran will also participate in the battle.

The three of Li Muran kept resisting the pig heads who tried to rush towards the Demon King City.

Standing on the sentry tower, Yisha and others kept releasing a rain of arrows.

Now discard the longbow and use the shortbow and the ‘Gatling Repeater’ for efficient shooting.

The pig heads who were close to Li Muran will be shot and killed in the middle of the road, so as to reduce the burden on Li Muran.

And at this moment, what should have happened happened.

The trap was filled with the corpses of the pig head tribe.

One is larger than the other pig heads and slightly smaller than the pig head king. The red pig heads, equipped with obviously overly gorgeous armor, stepped on the corpse of the same family and rushed all the way from the trap.

Charged straight to Li Muran.

Li Muran remembered him.

When meeting with the pig head king, he stayed next to the pig head king.

He also insulted Bella back then.

How could it be forgotten.

At this time, Bella and White Tail were being caught by other pig heads.

Other pig head tribes went crazy and fought for the opportunity for this red pig head tribe.

It seems that this should be the killer of the pig head tribe.

"Devil! I will squeeze your head."


The opportunity came, and the opportunity finally appeared.

Get rid of the precise arrow, waded through the death trap, and finally came to the devil.

The time that General Red has been looking forward to has arrived.

The cells in General Red's body were all activated.

The tension and excitement of facing a powerful enemy constantly stimulated the Red General and made the Red General frantically excited.

General Red liked this situation best.

Not only for the honor of the pig head clan, but also because the Red General himself likes it.

Confronting the strong, and then crushing the strong, the sense of accomplishment is to eat delicious food and kill the weak... is incomparable.

General Red felt that this was the meaning of his own pig life.

It is the value of one's own survival.

The Red General is a special individual of the pig head tribe.

Born to have more powerful power than other pig head races.

He is stronger than the ordinary pig head tribe, and his power is more like the orc tribe than the pig head tribe.

A giant tree that other pig head tribes need three people to pull together.

The young Red General can do it alone.

All the pig head tribes said that General Red is a warrior of the pig head tribe.

It is the hero who God sent to the pig head tribe to help the pig head tribe capture the world.

After defeating opponents stronger than himself, the Red general's confidence has never been swelled.

The Red General also believed in what the tribesmen said, believing that he was the strong man chosen by heaven, and he had the great mission of revitalizing the pig head tribe given by heaven.

Looking at the demon king close at hand.

The corners of General Red's mouth were bent, and the battle of the Orc King kept flashing in his head.

It was that battle that established the pig head clan's position in the western area of ​​the Deathsong Forest, allowing the pig head clan to surpass the orcs in the true sense and embark on the path of the strong.

It was also that battle that caused the orcs to fall from the position of the strong, and from then on to decline.

It was a close battle.

The orc king is terribly powerful.

Even General Red almost overturned.

The Red General and the Pig Head have a one-on-one real-man battle.

The battle lasted for several hours, and both sides were incomplete.

Both of them were dying, and they had to exert all their strength just standing.

In the end, General Red seized the gap of the Orc King and made a fatal blow, killed the Orc King, and then smashed his head in public.

I have to say that the orc king is both the greatest threat and the best opponent.

Before that, General Red hadn't played so satisfied and enjoyed it.

The battle with the orc king brought an unprecedented experience to the Red General, and it also allowed the Red General to fight for the title of God and obtain an unprecedented honor.

After that, challenging the strong, defeating the strong, crushing the strong's head, has become the red general's most enthusiastic and most wanting thing.

The Red General has been eager to meet an enemy as powerful as the orc king again, and then start the **** battle again.

Now, what General Red was looking forward to has finally arrived.

The Demon King in front of him was what the Red General was looking forward to, a powerful opponent comparable to the Orc King.

No, the demon king is stronger than the orc king.

Just looking at him, General Red would instinctively tremble.

Fear and excitement worked together to swell General Red's excitement to the historical limit.

General Red had no doubt that the battle with the Demon King would be bloodier, more violent, more terrifying, and more exciting than the battle with the Orc King.

This time, it might last a whole day.

The Red General could already think of the bloodshed he had hit the Demon King, and finally he struggled to stand up, crushing the Demon King's head.

This is the battle between warriors and warriors.

This is the battle that belongs to the generals.

The Red General wants to prove himself again and let himself ascend to a whole new level.

It's so exciting.

"Come on, Devil, let me fight. UU Reading I will crush your head in the fight."

The Red General, who rushed to the Demon King, roared, and at the same time danced his hands and feet to dance the warrior’s ‘dance of provocation’.

This is a dance that the Red General gave himself a hint to plunge himself into a violent dance, and it is also a dance that announces the death of the enemy, brings fear to the enemy, and weakens the opponent's willpower.

It is a dance that is only allowed to dance when the pig head clan generals are singled out against powerful enemies.

Before the battle with the Orc King, General Red also used this kind of dance to inspire himself, and at the same time successfully angered the Orc King, and finally forced him to fight against himself and win.

Now it’s time to reproduce the situation at that time before doing the same.

Today's Red General is more confident.

The dancing dance is also easier and more powerful.

The state is good enough to explode.

General Red believed that the head of the Demon King was already in his pocket.