Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1454: Ready to save

Sure enough, soon, it seemed to confirm what the old man said.

"No, these old seniors, although there are still life fluctuations, they are very weak, seemingly nonexistent, and they are already in a state of exhaustion.

Unless there is the power of resurrection, or a real panacea, it will be difficult for these ancient seniors in the Holy Land of the early Yuan Dynasty to be truly resurrected. "

Suddenly, the Holy Lord of the Holy Land at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty spoke up.

"No, the origins of the lives of the seniors are constantly being lost!"

The Holy Master of Taizhen Holy Land suddenly cried out in surprise.

"Patriarch, look quickly, the bodies of the seniors of our family planner, like blocks of snow, are slowly melting!"

A patriarch of the planner also screamed.

Then, people of every sect discovered that the bodies of the ancient people who had just been cut out from the crystal of the law were slowly melting, and gradually turned into a pool of blood.

"I understand, and speaking of it, we actually killed these old people.

Originally, if these elders had been sealed in the crystal of special laws, they might still be able to continue their lives.

Now that the law crystal is cut open, their bodies are exposed to the air, which is tantamount to accelerating the loss of their vitality. "

A hidden elder in the Holy Land of Heaven suddenly realized and called out.

The high-level figures of these big sects are all unpredictable and knowledgeable, and immediately, all of them want to understand this.

Especially the hidden elder of the holy land in the early Yuan Dynasty, his face turned green with regret.

Because he was the first to take the lead and cut open the special law crystal to expose the sealed ancients.

The other high-level figures of the sects looked at the hidden elders of the sacred place at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and they were also faintly angry.

Obviously, everyone blamed him for taking the lead in splitting the law crystal just now, which is tantamount to indirectly killing so many ancient masters of various sects.

After a while.

Those ancient people who were cut out from the crystal of special laws all melted away and turned into pools of blood.

Looking at the puddles of blood on the ground, the people of those big sects are very heavy.

These ancients, who were sealed in the crystal of law for a long time, have been lingering and keeping a trace of their life origin. Unexpectedly, they were actually killed by descendants of their own school and died.

At this time, there are still more than 20 law crystals on the ground, and no one has yet to dissect it.

Lin Fei stared at the four special law crystals.

Four old men are sealed in these four special law crystals. According to the old man of the stall, these four old men are very likely to be masters in the ancient Cangyan Holy Land.

Lin Fei secretly rejoiced in his heart, but fortunately, no one went to cut these four special law crystals.

Otherwise, these four ancient masters of the Cangyan Holy Land would definitely turn into a pool of blood.

"By the way, old man, the flying ghost monkey is also in the crystal of law, and has been sealed for a long time.

There is nothing wrong with why it came out of the crystal of special laws.

And once the ancient masters of these human races are cut out of the law crystal, they will die quickly because of the loss of life origin? "

Lin Fei suddenly thought of this question, very curious, and asked the old man Di Tan.

"This is the biggest weakness of our human race. Compared with its race, the human race is very weak in body and weak in vitality.

And monsters, monsters, demons, or some other special races, their bodies and vitality are much stronger than our human races.

The flying ghost monkey is said to belong to a kind of evil creature in ancient times, and its vitality is unimaginable.

Even if it has been sealed for a long time, it cannot have a fatal impact on it. "

The old man at the stall replied.

Lin Fei could not help but nodded secretly.

Indeed, the physical vitality of the human race is very weak compared to many other races.

Just at this time.

"There are still more than 20 special law crystals left, and there are more than 20 ancient people sealed inside. What should I do?"

Suddenly, the Holy Master of Taizhen Holy Land said in a loud voice.

"Among those four special law crystals, the ancients sealed, judging from their costumes, seem to be masters of the ancient Cangyan Holy Land."

A hidden elder stared at the four special law crystals in the heavenly sacred place, slowly speaking.

"In my opinion, these four crystals are sealed with the special laws of the ancients of Cangyan Holy Land, so there is no need to keep them.

Just cut it open directly.

The other special laws are divided equally among our major sects, and each sect brings one or two back to study.

It might be possible to find out why so many masters were sealed in this north mining area in ancient times.

What do you mean? "

An old man in black made a suggestion and said that this old man in black was a reclusive old man in the family.

"Okay, I agree, just do it like this."

The leader of a first-class sect directly agreed.

"Well, these four special law crystals of the ancient people of Cangyan Holy Land are sealed. You don't need to leave them, just cut them open, and the rest will be divided equally by each faction."

The senior figures of the other major sects thought a little bit and nodded in agreement.

"Damn, it seems that these big sects in the Eastern Region are targeting our Cangyan Holy Land."

Lin Fei listened to the conversations of those high-level sects, and couldn't help but cried out inwardly.

"Old man, is there any way to **** those four special law crystals?

I can't just watch the four seniors in Cangyan Holy Land just get killed like this. "

Lin Fei secretly sent a divine sense transmission to the old man in the stall.

"So many masters are present, boy, you want to die!

Don't be impulsive! "

The old man at the stall was startled.

"Anyway, give it a try!

The big deal, after succeeding, he hid directly in the slave tower. "

Lin Fei thought for a moment in his mind and made up his mind after gritting his teeth.

The slave tower is very strong, even if it is the Holy Master or the Patriarch of the family, it can't be broken by the Supreme Immortal Soldier.

Therefore, Lin Fei felt that he had this hole card and could try it.

At this time, Lin Fei was about three kilometers away from those special law crystals.

Such a distance, with Lin Fei's body, can naturally be reached in an instant.

The biggest problem is to enter the slave tower as quickly as possible after obtaining those special law crystals.

Because, the high-level figures of these big sects are all of the talents who are capable of reaching the sky, and can confine the entire space with a single thought.

No matter how fast you are, or even going through space, it is useless in front of them.

"Old man, can you cover me and draw their attention for a moment."

Lin Fei sent the divine knowledge transmission to the old man.

"Damn, kid, do you really want to do this? You are joking about your life.

There are super masters at the level of Holy Master and Patriarch of the Family.

Even if you can get those special law crystals, can you escape!"

The old man at the stall gave Lin Fei a secret look.