Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 318: Lin Fei Pavilion

The Royal Garden is the largest area in the imperial capital. Wen ΩΩΩ school fans.ん.

In this villa, full of vitality, full of aura, exotic flowers and grasses, lush, dazzling colors, red, yellow, blue and green, colorful.

There are also bursts of elegant and rich fragrance, and wisps of fairy mist wrap around the sky above the garden, which will last for a long time.

Small bridges and flowing water, rockery fountains are carefully and uniquely arranged, and when you step into it, you can vaguely hear the sound of silk and bamboo orchestras, jingle, in short, it is a poetic, paradise scenery.

Among the many palaces in this villa, there is one palace, which now belongs to Lin Fei, and the emperor personally named it, Lin Fei Annex.

After Lin Fei left the palace, the little prince Qin Ping took a team of people to greet him outside the palace gate, because Lin Fei won the championship of this talent exchange contest, and he won a great honor for the little prince’s palace. The situation of the prince Qin Ping's battle for the throne was very favorable.

Lin Fei is undoubtedly the biggest hero in the Little Prince's Mansion!

For this reason, the little prince Qin Ping had already put on a sumptuous celebration banquet at the mansion long ago, ready to celebrate.

However, at this moment, Lin Fei’s head is full of the safety of Meng Shan and Chang Hao. Wherever he is in the mood to attend some celebration banquet, he politely refused the invitation of the little prince, and prepared to return directly to the emperor to reward him. Yuan, plan to find a way to rescue Meng Shan and Chang Hao.

Lin Fei knew that the members of the blood wolf group were all a group of people who robbed their houses, murdered people, and were frantic. The longer Meng Shan and Chang Hao were in the hands of the blood wolf group, the more dangerous they became.

Currently, Lin Fei must first find out where the blood wolf group Nangong ring is located in the imperial capital, and secondly, to find out the strength of the blood wolf group in the imperial capital.

Ever since he broke through to the primary level of the Profound Realm in the game, Lin Fei had the power to fight against Nangong Huan, the leader of the Blood Wolves.

Because the cultivation level of Nangong Ring was only at the intermediate level of the Profound Realm, it could not form too much pressure on Lin Fei.

Dragons have inverse scales, they will be angry if they touch them!

In this place, Nangong Ring, it is considered to have touched Lin Fei’s inverse scales, which aroused Lin Fei’s anger the most. Lin Fei’s heart had already decided that this time, even if he caught up with himself, he would have to fight with the blood wolf group. The fish died and the net broke.

After declining the invitation of the little prince Qin Ping to celebrate the feast, Lin Fei hurried back directly to the palace where the emperor gave him a reward.

As soon as he returned, Lin Fei was shocked by the luxurious palace in front of him.

Here is white jade paved ground, gold walls, pavilions, branches and pavilions, rockery ponds, waterfalls like jade dragons, there are exotic flowers and weeds everywhere, and the lakes are filled with clear and spiritual mountain spring water. Ordinary people can drink it. Prolong your life.

A large number of exotic animals are also kept in captivity. White ducks, white cranes, white apes, horses, yellow warblers, thrushes, turtledoves, starlings...

Streaks of heaven and earth aura, floating between the palaces, set off the palace complex, it is like a heaven and fairy world!


Royal handwriting is truly extraordinary!

This pomp, this luxury, this extravagance, this exquisiteness, Lin Fei is nothing but the last seen, heard the last, unexpectedly, this palace now belongs to him, Lin Fei is almost like in a dream feel.

However, Lin Fei was not in the mood to appreciate the palace in front of him in detail.

I stepped straight ahead and entered the palace gate. The plaque above the palace entrance had been replaced with a new title: Lin Fei Pavilion.

At this time, Lin Fei saw that some maids, holding brooms in hand, were cleaning the fallen leaves outside the main hall. Many guards stood erect, guarding the halls, and many servants, walking between the branch halls, doing some heavy work. , All of them are slightly full and full of energy.

These are all the people rewarded by the emperor to Lin Fei!

Seeing Lin Fei return, all the maidservants, servants, and guards all knelt down respectfully and shouted.

"Master, you are back."


Lin Fei was taken aback, he was not used to someone kneeling to him at all.

"You guys get up first."

Those subordinates stood up properly, lowering their eyebrows and pleasing their eyes. In addition to instinctive surrender in their eyes, there was also curiosity about Lin Fei, the master.

Some delicate-minded maids are already trying to figure out the character and preferences of this master.

"All the people gather, I have something to announce."

Lin Fei thought for a moment and said directly.

"Azi, come out too."

At the same time, Lin Fei communicated with Zi.

A flash of green smoke flashed, and Azi's figure appeared beside him, along with the goblin who had been so dull long ago. As soon as he appeared, he chirped and fisted at Lin Fei, obviously. It was protesting that Lin Fei had stuffed himself into Ah Zi's magic beads for a long time, and he was too bored.

This goblin was very active, and as soon as he came out and had a quarrel with Lin Fei, he disappeared.

Lin Fei shook his head, and let it go. After all, this goblin's body and power seemed to be better than his own, and he was so spiritual and intelligent that few warriors could harm it.

"Master, how do you plan to rescue Meng Shan and Chang Hao."

Because Azi and Lin Fei can directly enter into mind communication, so she has known about this a long time ago.

He also understood that Lin Fei must rescue the two at all costs.

Not long after, in the palace hall, the guards were 5oo, the maidservants 1ooo, and the servants 1ooo, all gathered and arranged in a neat queue, waiting for Lin Fei's words.

They have been adopted by the Ziwei Empire since they were young and granted them the way of being slaves. They practiced all the rules and etiquette, and they were all excellent servants.

All the starters were secretly looking at the new owner in front of them.

Those maids have been taught the skills of love between men and women since they were young. Although they are all virgins, they have already understood all the skills of men and women.

The noble ministers in the palace would ask the maidservants to accompany them to bed. These maidservants were both worried and nervous. Look at the delicate and young face of the master in front of them. They seem to be only seventeen or eighteen years old.

Imagine that, in the future, you will have to tactfully and happily under the crotch of the male host, and try to please, these maidservants all have shame faces and their heartbeats speed up.

"Listen well everyone."

Lin Feilang said.

"I am not a prince from a noble family, and there is no distinction between inferiority and inferiority in my heart. I do not have too many cumbersome requirements for everyone.

Everyone has martial arts cultivation skills, and in your leisure time, you can focus your main time on cultivation.

I will be rewarded for those who can break through and perform well.

In the future, travel with me, don’t cause trouble, bully goodness, but don’t be weak if you are bullied. I will help everyone. Well, that's basically it.

My daily diet does not require you to bother. The most important point is not to kneel in front of me in the future. "

The people in the public were a little dumbfounded when they heard the rules announced by Lin Fei...This new owner is too approachable, right?

What they had previously accepted was the imperial kind of behavior, demeanor, inferiority, well-defined order, strict hierarchy, where the main slave died, and the slave had to die.

And the rules that the new owner said are basically just waiting if there are no rules!

Moreover, he also asked everyone to focus their time on cultivation. So, is this a slave or a martial arts training?

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, all a while ago.

Soon, Lin Fei said again.

"Okay, 5oo guards stay, and the rest, let's go. If you have any, please go to work as you like. Nothing important, don't disturb me."

After the 1ooo maidservant and the 1ooo servants dispersed, only 5oo male guards were left to rectify the situation. The arrogant guards were reviewed by the new owner for the first time. These guards all raised the spirit of twelve points and strived to be the best. The good side shows up.

"Everyone, don't say much else. If you follow me, I will definitely not treat you less.

In front of me, I have two brothers who were caught by the Nangong ring of the blood wolf group.

Next, I am going to fight the blood wolves directly.

The blood wolf group is a powerful force in our Ziwei Empire. I don't know, everyone, do you have this courage. "

These guards are already in contact with Lin Fei Jianchan’s soul. In their minds and thinking, they have identified Lin Fei as the sole owner. In their minds, at this time, Lin Fei is the sky, the earth, and theirs. Spiritual sustenance, let alone a war with the blood wolf group, even if Lin Fei immediately let them die at this moment, they would be willing.

Therefore, Lin Fei's voice fell off.

The 5oo guards yelled.

"The people of the blood wolf group dare to offend the master, the sin deserves a thousand deaths! A capital crime, a huge capital crime!

Master, you lead us, immediately go to slay the Nangong ring this tiger, and root out the blood wolf group! "

"Master, give your order, we will go through all fire and water for you, and we will die!"

"If you don't eradicate the blood wolf group, you will never give up..."



Lin Fei was surprised, how could these people in front of him seem to be more angry than himself.

"Master, these guards are really loyal."

Zi also blinked her eyes.

"Well, everyone, calm down and listen to my arrangements."

With Lin Fei's words, the guards were silent in the audience, and the needles were audible, obviously showing a strong sense of discipline.

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing, the guards trained by the imperial royal family are really different.

"Since everyone's fighting spirit is so strong, that's good.

However, first, what we need to do first is to find the blood wolf group where they are located in the imperial capital and their strength in the imperial capital.

Then, he went directly to the door to save people.

The five captains, you are responsible for selecting some guards who are familiar with the situation in the imperial capital, and send them out, and strive to investigate the situation of the blood wolf group within these two days. "


The captains of the five primary cultivation bases of the terrain led the orders.

After the deployment, Lin Fei directly entered an elegant cultivation chamber in the main hall.

In this competition, Lin Fei won three drops of Taigang Divine Water. In the past two days, Lin Fei is going to see if it is possible to refine it.

Also, Lin Fei planned to refine and absorb some precious elixir that was stored before.

Also, it is necessary to store more vitality for the Yunyuan Stone in the dantian.

Lin Fei knew that the strength of the blood wolf group should not be underestimated. The Nangong ring was the intermediate level of the profound realm. Moreover, it was said that there were several junior level experts in the blood wolf group.

As for the martial artists of the realm, and the martial artists of the condensing state, there are even more numerous.

Therefore, Lin Fei must prepare for himself and strive for more chances.