Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3508: Retreat

"Presumptuous! My master is doing things, and you cats and dogs can be blamed!"

"You beasts, dare to yell at my master, this is a terrible crime! Don't roll over immediately and kowtow to my master!"

"What do you **** know! My master is invincible and powerful, and it is a very glorious and happy thing to be my master's slave! I urge you to recognize the situation early, come through and follow our master, The future is unlimited!"

"Master, with your order, we will all kill and kill those rude guys!"

... Before Lin Fei could reply, behind Lin Fei, the slaves of the gods who had just been subdued, were unwilling to shout one after another.

Not only cursing, but also pointing at the masters of the five superpowers, so angry and furious, they can't wait to rush over and desperately.

They are controlled by the Puppet Thread Dafa, and Lin Fei is their master in the depths of their souls. Lin Fei's interests are their interests, and Lin Fei's face is their face.

Therefore, they do not allow anyone to accuse Lin Fei.

", don't you feel embarrassed enough, don't you get me back!"

The masters of the five superpowers were so angry that they couldn't speak.

This is simply cursing between his own and his own, but Lin Fei is watching the excitement.

With the passage of time, Lin Fei conquered more and more **** slaves.

With the Chinese zodiac, the five superpowers are not rivals at all.

The defeat of the five superpowers is set! The golden horned old demon was beaten by the dragon, and retreated steadily.

The cyan old demon was also beaten by the **** cow, and his skin was ripped apart, and he grumbled.

The **** cow was full of strength and terrifying. Every time he attacked, the blue old demon was shocked and frightened.

The other ten zodiac signs are even more powerful. Wherever they go, like a tiger entering a flock, there is no rival at all.

Groups of gods were caught by the ten zodiac and tossed them to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei only needs to stand in place, cast the secret method of the puppet's thread, and subdue each **** into a slave.

At the same time, Lin Fei also released part of his divine consciousness, always aware of the True Sword God Lord and the hundreds of divine record slaves under his own hands, and concerned about their safety.

Once they find that they are in danger, they immediately activate the mirage to release hallucinations and illusions, as well as the illusion vortex funnel to help them fight the enemy.

"Withdraw! All horses, immediately withdraw at the fastest speed!"

Suddenly, the old golden horn demon roared.

"All the horses in the magic city, leave immediately, and don't fall in love again!"

The old cyan demon also yelled sharply.

"withdraw troops!"

"Quickly leave!"

...... The leaders of the five superpowers yelled at the same time and ordered the withdrawal of troops.

The current battle is already very obvious.

The army of the five superpowers is close to collapse.

The twelve zodiac signs are shot at the same time, and the power of the twelve half-step main gods is too terrifying.

Repelling an army is easy.

Defeated like a mountain, the armies of the five superpowers rolled back like a tide.

The golden horned old demon and the cyan old demon also showed their way and left quickly.

The Chinese zodiac is not hunted down.

"Seniors, thank you!"

Seeing the five superpowers retreating far away, Lin Fei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Three thousand big and small worlds, they avoided another level.

"You kid, you can really cause trouble. In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, those super powers have provoke you all the time.

It made us come all the way to wipe your ass. "

A big fat pig gave Lin Fei a blank look, and said angrily.

"Haha, boy, good job! It won my heart! Young people want to be strong, not afraid of the sky, not afraid of him, no matter what super power he is, as long as he is not pleasing to the eye, he will be beaten! He has the style of my old cow! "

Da Hei Niu admired Lin Fei very much, came over and patted Lin Fei on the shoulder, and praised him.

"Yes, young man, work hard. My Tiger Lord is also optimistic about you! I will fight in a group in the future and say hello. No matter how far you are, I will definitely help you Tiger Lord."

A tiger clapped his chest and said to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei could only laugh.

"Boy, things are not over yet, the five superpowers will never let it go.

They will come to you to settle the account. "

The Tianguo said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei nodded.

This time, due to the timely arrival of the Chinese zodiac, the five superpowers suffered severe damage and fled.

However, it will definitely attract even more crazy revenge from the five superpowers.

Lin Fei knew this well.

Therefore, the crisis facing the three thousand worlds is still very serious.

"What are you afraid of! What **** the five superpowers, I don't care about it.

If they dare to come again, I promise to beat them out of recognition. "

Da Hei Niu looked dismissive, his expression was rather rude.

"Smelly cow, you curse, why do you want to include my ethnic group!"

Tuntengou was a little dissatisfied.

"Cut, old cow, don't brag too hard.

Do you really think that the five superpowers eat dry food?

If there is a master god, have you ever beaten it? "

A giant rat bigger than a cow said in a loud voice.

"What about the Lord God, it's a big deal for the twelve of us! We can still handle it."

Da Hei retorted.

"What if two, three, or more main gods come.

Twelve more of us will be useless. "

Said the giant mouse.

"How can you, a mouse, only care for others' spirits.

Do you think the true bodies of those main gods are so easy to get out of the mountain?

They have not shown their faces for more than half of the Chaos Era.

How could it be possible to appear in the boundless sea of ​​chaos for a small falling fairy plane. "

The tiger interjected and said.

"It's hard to tell, the situation is different now.

The five superpowers, especially the demon capital, all intend to fight for the supremacy of the world.

Moreover, most areas of the current boundless Chaos Sea have been divided up by the five superpowers.

The next step is to enter the most intense stage, that is, the five superpowers compete for hegemony among each other.

Under this circumstance, those main gods are likely to emerge.

Lin Fei, in this situation, you have angered the five superpowers. Maybe, you will really recruit the main gods of the five superpowers. "

Tuntengou said worriedly.

"Yes, Brother Dog, your analysis makes sense."

The little goat nodded and agreed.

"I have a hunch that the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the most turbulent and darkest time, will soon be coming."

A giant snake that was more than tens of thousands of feet long said slowly.

"If there is a main **** coming, then a world of three thousand sizes is really dangerous."

Lin Fei was also secretly worried.