Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4198: Impressed

boom! A spear pierced out suddenly, seemingly ordinary, but it contained extremely terrifying destructive power.

"Well, unexpectedly, what you practiced turned out to be the law of destruction.

People who practice this law are too rare. "

Lin Fei looked at the spear pierced at him, a little surprised.

"It's just that your level is not enough to hurt me."

Lin Fei smiled.


Lin Fei used his palm as a knife and slashed forward.

boom! A knife light slashed out.

when! The knife slashed on the spear.

An extremely terrifying impact energy shook the spear instantly and flew out.

The main **** of the Flame Dragon Realm was taken aback. He discovered that his palm had actually begun to ooze blood.

The whole arm is sore and unbearable.

Lin Fei's moves were very simple, and there were no moves at all.

However, Lin Fei's level of swordsmanship was very clever, and he casually cut out a sword. The swordsmanship energy contained in it was extremely terrifying, and it was simply not what the flame dragon realm master **** could resist.

"Well, it's my turn to attack."

Lin Fei said.

Huh! Lin Fei once again slashed out with the palm of his hand.

The knife is strong, and it seems to shine forever.

boom! The blade light cut by Lin Fei, cutting through time and space, reached the front of the main **** in an instant, without giving him any chance to escape.

puff! The main god's body was directly chopped into dozens of sections, the stumps were thrown to dance, and blood was splashed.

Ah... the main **** screamed.

"How is it possible that you are only a half-step master god, yet possess such terrifying combat power!"

The [biquge] body reorganized the main god, staring at Lin Fei with horrified eyes, and shouted.

Lin Fei didn't kill him, so the harm he suffered was not great.

However, the psychology of this main **** received a huge impact.

He found that in front of Lin Fei, he seemed to have no power to fight back! "how about it.

Have you served it? "

Lin Fei asked lightly.

The main **** didn't answer, but stared at Lin Fei with horror.

Huh! Lin Fei slashed out again.

Boom... Thousands of swords skyrocketed, cutting the time and space ahead to pieces.

In the entire time and space, everything seems to have disappeared, leaving only a dense and endless number of flaming swords.

The main **** of the Flame Dragon Realm was so scared that he wanted to avoid it, but he found that he didn't know which way to hide.

Because every direction is filled with endless horror.

Every sword light can cause harm to him.

"Master Lin Fei, spare your life!"

The Lord God of the Flame Dragon Realm was so scared that he cried out for mercy.

He knew that if Lin Fei's knife hit him, even if he didn't die, it would be enough to cause him serious injury.

As he begged for mercy, the sky was all over the sky and suddenly stopped.

It's like a painting, frozen in the void.

"Are you served."

Lin Fei stared at the main **** and asked.

With the stab just now, Lin Fei not only used terrifying sword energy, but also arranged several space-time formations, besieging the main god.

Therefore, this main **** cannot hide! "When attacking, cooperate with the formation to make my combat power increase again."

Lin Fei felt a little excited.

Inadvertently, Lin Fei found a new way of fighting.

"Served, served!"

The main **** of the Yanlong Realm, his face turned pale with fright, kept nodding his head to answer.

He even didn't dare to look directly at Lin Fei.

"So what about you?

Have you served it? "

Lin Fei's eyes were like those of the other Lord Gods of the Flame Dragon Realm, forgetting the past, and asked with a smile.

"We go together, I don't believe this kid has three heads and six arms! With so many of us, there is no need to be afraid of him!"

One of the main gods of the Yanlong Realm shouted.

It could be seen that the main gods of the Yanlong Realm had not yet surrendered to Lin Fei.

After all, all of them are masters in the Yanlong Realm who set up sects and dominate the world, how can they easily surrender to others.

"Then come up together, hurry up and don't waste my time."

Lin Fei smiled and said.

In Lin Fei's eyes, these dozens of main gods of the Flame Dragon Realm were not worth mentioning.

"Go together!"

The dozens of main gods of the Flame Dragon Realm rushed up at the same time, surrounded Lin Fei in the center, displayed all kinds of lore, and bombarded him.

Boom... densely packed, one after another, extremely terrifying energy beams, rushed towards Lin Fei's body.

Lin Fei smiled faintly and didn't care.

Lin Fei stretched out his palm and used the sword of reincarnation for the coming years, cutting it out with one sword.

While displaying the Sword of Reincarnation of the Years, Lin Fei also arranged a dozen time-space formations, besieging dozens of the main gods of the Yanlong Realm.

The sword light exhibited by Lin Fei was extremely sharp, cutting the years with a single sword, and time and space seemed to be stagnant at this moment, still standing still.

Looking around, this piece of time and space has become a painting, and everything is still.

Only the sword light exhibited by Lin Fei was moving.

The sword energy contained in this sword light is very amazing.

The main gods of the Yanlong World were shocked.

They all want to step back and avoid them.

But they found that their bodies seemed to be trapped in a cage, no matter how they avoided them, they could not escape the time and space they were standing on.

Then, a sharp sword light flicked across their bodies.

Pupupu......the main gods one after another, their bodies kept exploding.

Almost in an instant, dozens of main gods in Yanlong Realm exploded their bodies at the same time, turning them into blood and bones.

One sword, smashed dozens of main gods at the same time.

This scene made everyone stunned and couldn't believe it.

After a while, the main gods of the Yanlong Realm regrouped.

Appeared in front of Lin Fei again, all showing horrified expressions.

Now they finally understand that they are too weak in front of Lin Fei.

It's like a group of children standing in front of a strong adult adult, they are simply vulnerable.

"Now, have you taken it."

Lin Fei's gaze scanned the past, with a smile.

To be honest, with Lin Fei's current strength, facing these main gods, he was a bit disdain to kill them.

Lin Fei's current strength can completely crush any main god.

For Lin Fei, to subdue these main gods is much more effective than killing them.

The main gods of the Yanlong Realm were very ugly.

"Why, don't you agree?

Well, come on again. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

The main gods of the Yanlong Realm didn't make any moves either, standing still one by one.

"We choose to surrender to you."

Finally, there was a main **** of the Yanlong Realm who expressed his opinion.

"Yes, we surrender to you.

Your strength is too strong, we cannot be your opponent.

I will never beat you. "

The other main **** of the Yanlong Realm also spoke up.