Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4601: Secret of Fire Eye

After the three dark masters tracked them for a period of time, they discovered that there were even more forks ahead.

Thousands! These fork roads are very complicated, with twists and turns, without knowing where they will finally lead.

The three dark masters were all dizzy after chasing, and couldn't tell the direction anymore.

It's just that these three dark masters have passed a special secret technique to keep in touch with each other, so they all know where each other is.

"In this eye of fire, it is completely a large maze. I can't tell the direction now."

One of the dark masters said.

"Yes, I can't tell the direction. I have chased it just now. There are thousands of side roads! Each of these side roads has countless side roads, which is simply endless.

Moreover, the distance that my divine consciousness can perceive in these forks is very short, and I don't know where these forks will eventually lead.

The whereabouts of the Fire Source Beast and Lin Fei have never been found. "

The other Dark Lord also spoke up.

"My situation is the same! This Fire Eye is completely a complex and large maze! It's strange, how can there be such a strange place in the sea of ​​absolute space, even the strength of the three of us can't figure it out here. .

There must be something weird here! "

The third Dark Lord also said aloud.

"I doubt there may be any secrets hidden here!"

A Dark Lord said.

"So, what do we do now, can we still chase after the fire source beast and Lin Fei?"

Said the other dark master.

"How to chase, we can't feel any of their breath now! Even if we want to chase, we can't chase.

Lin Fei and the Fire Source Beast had no idea where they were going now.

It is too difficult to find them in this maze. "

The third Dark Lord said with a sigh.

"So now we continue to be here.

Or go out? "

A Dark Lord said.

"This time we came in in a hurry, and we were completely unprepared.

Well, let's go out first and get ready to go back.

Then come to explore this fire eye again.

I feel that this eye of fire is by no means simple, it must hide some incredible secrets.

So we must take a good look at this hot spot. "

One of the dark masters said.

"Yes, I think so too."

The other Dark Lord nodded and agreed.

Soon these three dark masters reached a consensus, and at the same time they turned their heads and started to go out of the burning eye.

The path of this fire eye is very complicated, and it is actually difficult to get out after entering.

However, the strength of these three dark masters is too strong, and they have cultivated many of the darkest clan's most brilliant exercises and secrets.

The three of them are truly incredible! They had left a lot of marks just now when they were tracking the turnoffs.

These marks were left by them with clever means, and it is difficult to erase them.

So now they used those marks to return the same way. After a while, they left the eye of fire and returned to the Valley of Eight Fires.

"The three masters are out!"

The dozens of dark demon guards outside had already reorganized their bodies. When they saw the three dark masters coming out, they were very pleasantly surprised, and they greeted them one by one.

"The three masters, did they catch Lin Fei and the fire source beast!"

One of the dark guards asked in a loud voice.

He believes that the three masters of darkness will be able to succeed in their own way.

"A bunch of rubbish! That Lin Fei is just a Tier 5 main god, you still can't catch him with so many Chaos Gods, it's really a bunch of rubbish! What use is it for you!"

The three dark masters returned without success, just full of anger and nowhere to vent.

Seeing these dark demon guards, he couldn't help but cursed immediately.

These dark demon guards immediately knew that these three dark masters must have not caught Lin Fei and the fire source beast, and they all shut up and dared not say anything.

"Go, let's go back and talk about it!"

One of the dark masters said.

Then, the three dark masters left the Valley of the Eight Fires with these dark guards.

at the same time.

Within the flames, in that secret room.

"Where is this fire eye?

You have explored here, have you found anything? "

Lin Fei asked the Fire Source Beast curiously.

"I really have explored here for a long time, and I am already familiar with many areas in this fire eye.

But I'm still not sure, what exactly is within this eye of fire. "

Huo Yuan Beast shook his head, not sure.

"Then have you discovered where the eight divine fires in this eye of fire were born?"

Lin Fei thought of this question and asked aloud.

"I have also been looking for where the eight sacred fires were born.

I have a feeling that if I find the place where the eight divine fires were born, the secret of this fire eye will be revealed.

Over the years, every once in a while, I will enter this eye of fire, roaming and exploring everywhere. "

The Fire Source Beast said to Lin Fei.

"That's it."

Lin Fei nodded.

It seemed that Huoyuan Beast had not really explored this Huoyan clearly.

"However, I suspect that this fire eye is related to our fire source beast clan.

It is very likely to be related to the secret of the birth of our fire source beasts.

Or maybe it was a top ancient master of our fire source beast family, who arranged this fire eye.

Our fire source beast clan is the oldest divine beast in the absolute space sea.

But the number is very scarce.

In my life, including myself, I have only seen two fire source beasts.

I don't even know if I have a father and a mother, or how I was born.

I have been searching for the answer to this question all these years. "

The Fire Source Beast said to Lin Fei.

"That's it."

Lin Fei was a little surprised when he heard what Huoyuan Beast said.

This involves the secret of the birth of the fire source beast, this question is too profound.

It seemed that the fire source beast in front of him didn't know where he came from.

He is always looking for answers.

"The next time, I will stay in this eye of fire and continue to explore.

I must find out the secret of this Huoyan.

Perhaps, this secret of Huoyan can make me figure out the mystery of my own life experience.

As for you, do you stay here with me or go out. "

The fire source beast looked at Lin Fei and asked.

"There are still many things waiting for me to do, so I hide here for a while, and then I will go out.

But don't worry, I will come back to see you in the future. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said to the fire source beast.

There are so many things outside waiting for Lin Fei to do it, and it is impossible for him to stay here with the Fire Source Beast.