Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4655: Ichiza Kamiyama


The sixteen Chaos Gods on the opposite side of the formation saw the ancestor of the formation, and they came forward to salute.

They have been paying attention to this temple for hundreds of years, and found that the ancestor and Lin Fei walked out of the temple, and they arrived here the first time.

The three brothers of the Bingyuan Clan, the Shuiyuan Clan, and more than a hundred monks also came here.

Over the years, they have received a grand reception in this plane.

They are already commensurate with the sixteen Chaos Gods in this plane, and their feelings are extremely good.

"Well, you sixteen will continue to stay in this plane.

However, it won’t be long before I will take you out of this plane. "

The ancestor of the formation law said to the sixteen chaotic gods.

"Everything depends on the ancestor's arrangement!"

The sixteen chaotic gods all answered respectfully.

They knew that the strength of the ancestor in front of them was much stronger than them, and the reason why they were able to break through to become the Chaos God and achieve today's achievements was because of the help of the ancestor in front of them! "Master, I'm leaving."

Lin Fei said to Pharaoh.

Then Lin Fei bid farewell to the sixteen chaotic gods.

Then, Lin Fei took the three brothers of the Bingyuan Clan, the Shuiyuan Clan, and more than a hundred monks and left the formation plane.

"Now, I am going to find the fruit of the ninety-nine-eighty-one road."

Lin Fei said to the three brothers of the Bingyuan Clan.

"Lin Fei, don't worry, what the three of our brothers said must count! We will accompany you to find the fruit of the nine-nine-nine-eighty-one road."

The boss said to Lin Fei.

"I have come here with you, let me go back alone, I don't have the guts.

Not to mention anything else, if I encounter those ice wolves again in the process of returning, I can't beat them.

So, I will continue to be with you, it may be safer. "

Shuiyuan Clan thought for a while, and said helplessly.

"Lin Fei, let's be with you too.

This continent is too dangerous, and no one knows what dangers will be encountered next. Together, with more people and more power, it will indeed be safer. "

The old monk also said to Lin Fei.

"Senior monk, in fact, I always wanted to ask you, why did you break into this continent back then?

Are you looking for something? "

Lin Fei asked suddenly.

So many monks, and all of them are the strength of the Chaos God, it must be a purpose to come to this continent together.

"Lin Fei, I do not hide it from you. The reason why we came to this continent is because we perceive that there seems to be the aura left by the Buddha in this continent.

We want to find the Buddha. "

The old monk said to Lin Fei.

"There is the breath of Buddha in this continent?"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

"Not bad.

We entered the sea of ​​absolute space to search for the whereabouts of the Buddha. Based on various clues, we finally came to this extremely cold continent.

We all know that this is a terrible and dangerous place, but we feel that we are all Chaos Gods, with more than one hundred Chaos Gods, there should be no place to go in the world.

So, we boldly broke into here.

As a result, he was trapped in the formation. "

That old monk said.

"Then what do you find in this continent?

Have you found the whereabouts of the Buddha? "

Lin Fei asked curiously.

"We have not found the whereabouts of the Buddha, but what is certain is that the Buddha must have been to this continent and lived here for a period of time.

Because, on this continent, there are many places left with the breath of Buddha. "

Said the old monk.

"Buddha once lived in this continent for a while?"

Lin Fei was a little surprised when he heard what the old monk said.

"Not bad.

However, now most of the Buddha is no longer on this continent and has already left. "

The old monk nodded and said.

"So that's the case.

Why did your Buddhist Buddha disappear? "

Lin Fei has always been interested in this question.

"We don't know.

When the Buddha left, he once said that now that he has entered the era of the end of the Dharma, Buddhism is destined to wither and decline.

Dharma will not appear.

We in Buddhism all have speculation that the reason why the Buddha will leave is most likely related to the era of the end of Dharma he said.

It is possible that the Buddha wanted to save the Age of Dharma.

But what kind of era the Dharma-Ending Era referred to by the Buddha is still unclear until now.

In short, the departure of the Buddha is a mystery. "

The old monk sighed and said.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei nodded after hearing what the old monk said.

It seems that few members of Buddhism know why the Buddha suddenly disappeared and disappeared.

"Okay, then you all come with me."

Lin Fei said loudly.

With so many Chaos Gods following together, Lin Fei feels a lot more confident. If he encounters a powerful enemy and needs to fight, he will have a lot more helpers.

"Boss, you once told me that there is a very powerful existence guarding the fruit of the nine-nine-nine-eighty-one road.

Then you should know where the fruit of the ninety-nine-eighty-one avenue is. "

Lin Fei asked the boss.

"I do know the location of the fruit of the ninety-nine-eighty-one road.

I will take you there now. "

The boss said.

"Yes, the three of us know that, let us lead the way."

The youngest also said aloud.

Then, the three brothers of the Bingyuan Clan led the way, towards the location of the fruit of the ninety-nine eighty-one road.

On the way, there are different kinds of dangers.

It's just that Lin Fei is surrounded by more than a hundred Chaos Gods, and Lin Fei's formation level has been greatly improved. Such a combination is very powerful.

All the crises encountered along the way were successfully resolved.

at last.

One day, a very tall sacred mountain appeared ahead.

The sacred mountains are very tall and straight up against the sky.

"Lin Fei, the fruit of the nine-nine-nine-eighty-one road is on this sacred mountain."

The boss leading the way in front stopped and said to Lin Fei, pointing to the sacred mountain ahead.

"On this sacred mountain, there are not only the fruits of the ninety-nine eighty-one roads, but also many other precious treasures.

However, there is a terrifying existence guarding this sacred mountain.

If you want to get the fruit of the nine-nine-nine-eighty-one road, you must face that terrible existence. "

The boss continued.

"No matter how powerful it is, I have to give it a try."

Lin Fei looked at the mountain ahead and said in a firm tone.

For the fruit of the nine-nine-nine-eighty-one road, Lin Fei went through hardships and finally broke into here, and would never give up at this juncture.

"Okay, let's go up the mountain and have a look."

Lin Fei said in a loud voice, and then led the way, striding towards the sacred mountain.