Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4665: the host

After the hundreds of attack formations were deployed, the attacking energy burst out.

A large number of ice wolves in this direction were killed in a moment.

And there is a fire wall made up of eight kinds of sacred fire on one side, attacking in this direction.

Then Lin Fei cast a reincarnation phantom technique and rushed in that direction.

Under the combined action of hundreds of attack formations and a large number of walls of fire, the ice wolves in this direction were killed continuously, and the number became sparse in a moment.

Lin Fei used the reincarnation illusion technique, leaving behind a trail of shadows, rushing forward.

But at this time.


In the distance, the five wolf kings who had been staring at Lin Fei, howled at the same time.

The terrifying sound of howling wolf shakes this piece of time and space.

Then, the five wolf kings rushed towards Lin Fei at an astonishing speed at the same time.

Moreover, the other ice wolves also surrounded Lin Fei mightily and desperately.

This is that all the ice wolves are militants who are not afraid of death, and death cannot scare them back! It will make them even more crazy! "Get out of here all!"

Lin Fei was also anxious and roared loudly.

Lin Fei simultaneously displayed the three trump cards of Lai Array, Shenhuo, and Heart Power, and attacked forward frantically.

A large number of formations were arranged by Lin Fei, trapping the ice wolves in front of them in the formation.

However, Lin Fei used the reincarnation illusion technique, and quickly ran through these formations.

However, there were too many ice wolves, and the bodies of the ice wolves killed by Lin Fei were piled up all over the floor, like hills.

There are still many ice wolves in front of them, densely packed.

Like a black ocean! The ice wolves in the other directions behind were also desperately catching up.

"These guys are really too difficult!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile wryly.

What made Lin Fei feel even more headache was that the five wolf kings had already rushed over, getting closer and closer to him! At this moment, Lin Fei was also desperate.

All the secret techniques and the hole cards of various methods that have been practiced before are displayed almost without reservation.

Finally, Lin Fei found that the number of ice wolves ahead began to decrease! Lin Fei knew that he was about to break out of the encirclement! The direction chosen by Lin Fei is the one with the least number of ice wolves! Under Lin Fei's desperate charge, he was about to break out.

Another moment passed.

Lin Fei finally broke through completely, immediately cast the reincarnation illusion technique, and tried his best to escape to the distance.

The five wolf kings behind, like five black lightnings, followed closely.

The strength of these five wolf kings is much stronger than other ice wolves.

Lin Fei estimated that ordinary Chaos Gods were not their opponents at all.

Behind these five wolf kings, the mighty and horrendous pack of ice wolves, like black seas, surging surgingly, with terrifying aura.

The entire plateau is shaking violently! Just at this time.

"Master, have you encountered an ice wolf pack?"

Suddenly, Lin Fei received a transmission.

This transmission was sent to Lin Fei by a puppet.

The Heavenly Spirit Master gave Lin Fei a hundred puppets, all of which have the power of the Chaos God, and the spiritual wisdom has been born.

"Yes, I did meet ice wolves."

Lin Fei nodded and answered.

"Master, you let me out, I can subdue these ice wolves."

The puppet said to Lin Fei.

"Can you subdue these ice wolves?"

Lin Fei couldn't help being stunned when he heard what the puppet said.

"The master doesn't know.

In fact, these ice wolves have long been subdued by the old master.

As long as I take out the old master's token, they will surrender. "

The puppet said to Lin Fei.

"Is there such a thing?

! Well, you come out right now! "

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised and delighted when he heard what the puppet said.

So Lin Fei immediately sent the puppet out.

As soon as the puppet came out, he immediately greeted the five wolf kings who were chasing after him.

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little worried watching this puppet's behavior.

You must know that the strength of the five-headed wolf king is very terrifying, once the fight is started, it is definitely not something this puppet can handle.

But what surprised Lin Fei was that when the five-headed wolf king saw this puppet, they all stopped for a while, and then looked at the puppet with doubts.

"These five wolf kings seem to know this puppet?"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

Then the puppet waved his hand, and a token flew out, floating in front of the five wolf king.

Then from the token, a white robe old man floated out.

It is the Master of Heaven! As soon as the five-headed wolf king saw the Master of Heaven, he knelt down at the same time and began to salute.

The numerous and dense ice wolves behind, like the black ocean, all bowed down and bowed to the Heavenly Spirit Master.

"Sure enough, these ice wolves have been subdued by the Heavenly Spirit Master!"

Lin Fei was very surprised when he saw this.

"From now on, you must obey his orders. Seeing him is like seeing me!"

Venerable Heavenly Spirit pointed at Lin Fei and said to the five wolf kings.

The five-headed wolf king nodded repeatedly after hearing the words of the heavenly spirit master.

"Well, now I'll see your new master."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

So the five-headed wolf king immediately took the pack of ice wolves and bowed down to Lin Fei, kowtowing in salute.

The Heavenly Spirit Master turned and looked at Lin Fei with a slight smile, then turned into a plume of smoke, and flew back into the token.

Lin Fei could see that this Heavenly Spirit Master was formed by a very weak divine consciousness, and there was no way to exist for a long time.

Now, the five-headed wolf king and the ice wolves looked at Lin Fei with very gentle gazes, and they were no longer cruel and violent.

The five-headed wolf king took the initiative to walk towards Lin Fei.

"If you have any instructions from the host, just say it!"

The five wolf king said simultaneously.

The five wolf kings all possess the realm of the Chaos God, and their strength is much stronger than the general Chaos God.

"I have nothing for you to do for the time being.

You should continue to stay on this plateau as before.

If I need your help in the future, I will inform you. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said to the five wolf kings.

After conquering these ice wolves, the Celestial Spirit still allowed them to stay on this plateau.

Lin Fei did not intend to take them away temporarily.

Because Lin Fei discovered that the environment on this plateau seemed the most suitable for these ice wolves to live and practice.

If these ice wolves were taken to the outside world, it would be difficult for Lin Fei to find an environment like here for them to live in and practice.

However, if Lin Fei needs help in the future, he will definitely come back and take these ice wolves out.