Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4845: Never give up

"Yes, Lin Fei, in any case, can't give up easily.

In the future, there will be opportunities. "

The master of the first round said loudly.

In fact, everyone could see that Lin Fei not only failed when he hit the realm this time, but because the interference was too great, he also left a certain hidden danger to his body.

In the future, even if there is a chance to try to hit the realm again, the difficulty will be even greater! The chance of success will also become very low! In short, this time the failure to impact the realm has brought great hidden dangers to Lin Fei! Therefore, everyone secretly sighed.

However, no one said it at this time, fearing to stimulate Lin Fei.

"Seniors, you don't need to say anything.

In fact, I understand what you mean.

The cultivation of a martial artist is to go against the sky, and it is extremely difficult.

Wanting to finally break through to become the Chaos God is even more difficult. I failed to hit the Chaos God realm this time, and I was fully prepared for success and failure.

So, although it failed, it was no big deal. "

Lin Fei smiled softly and said in a very calm tone.

Did not show the slightest anger, unwillingness and frustration.

Everything is so peaceful.


Seeing this, the master of the first round could not help but his eyes lit up and shouted.

"Lin Fei, although your practice time is very short, your will is too firm and you have a clear view of the world! Even I think I can't compare to you.

If it were myself, who had spent so much effort and prepared for such a long time, and failed to hit the realm, I would definitely not be able to be so calm, even if I could finally calm down, I would have to go crazy first! Lin Fei, you are indeed our reincarnation line, a rare evildoer! "

Said the master of the first round.

"Not bad.

Lin Fei, it's really amazing that your emotions are so calm.

It is a pity that good luck has made you fail this breakthrough. Otherwise, the strength you have now is absolutely amazing! "

The second round dominates also nodded.

They could all see that Lin Fei had really let go of the failure of this breakthrough.

The whole person revealed a calm state, not to be surprised! "Lin Fei, you can figure it out by yourself, it's really good.

Don't be afraid, you are still very young, and the days to come will be long.

I believe you will definitely have the opportunity to try another breakthrough. "

Baidi Shenjun said to Lin Fei.

"Yes, Lin Fei, I am optimistic about you."

Huang Zhongnian also said aloud.

"Thank you seniors for your encouragement.

I will not give up easily. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"Lin Fei, what is your current strength?

How do I feel that although your breakthrough failed, your strength has risen a lot! The breath exuded was completely different from before. "

The master of the third round suddenly asked Lin Fei curiously.

Other people's eyes also looked at Lin Fei.

Because everyone feels this way, Lin Fei seems to have become much stronger.

"My strength has indeed increased a lot.

This is probably because I have only understood many laws.

My current strength is probably more than ten times stronger than before. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Not bad! The breakthrough failed, and the strength has actually increased by more than ten times! Enchanting! It's really an enchanting!"

Everyone's eyes were bright, and the third round of masters even praised them.

Generally speaking, if the breakthrough fails, there will be no increase in strength, but may be affected.

But in a situation like Lin Fei, the breakthrough failed, and his strength has actually increased more than ten times, which is very rare.

"Hahaha...Lin Fei, I really did not misunderstand you! It is estimated that with your current strength, you are much better than the ninth floor owner of the previous years."

Huang Zhongnian said with a big smile.

"should be.

If the Ninth Floor Lord is still alive, now I can kill him with my own strength. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"Awesome, amazing! Lin Fei, you are much stronger than me now! Even stronger than your master! Your master and I can't beat the ninth master.

Lao Baidi, your apprentice is now better than blue! "

Huang Zhongnian laughed and said.

"Senior, your time rules are brilliant. Although my strength is stronger than you, I can't help you."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Well, yes, don't be arrogant or discouraged. Keep this character."

Baidi Shenjun heard Lin Fei's words, felt very satisfied, and nodded.

"Seniors, I plan to take a walk outside by myself."

Lin Fei said suddenly.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard Lin Fei's words.

"Lin Fei, are you planning to go out and relax?"

Huang Zhongnian asked.

"That's right.

Although this breakthrough failed, I was touched a lot.

I think of all worlds, big and small, and walk around. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"It's okay to go around.

However, you have to pay attention to safety.

If the wizards of the Dark Clan deduced your tracks, they might come to deal with you first. "

Baidi Shenjun thought for a while and said.

"This time, in order to interfere with my breakthrough, the wizards of the Dark Clan must have burned their original divine power and their vitality was greatly injured.

Therefore, in the next period of time, before the mages recover, it should be difficult for them to figure out where I am.

Moreover, I now understand the various laws in the world. Even if the wizards of the dark clan perform deductions on me, I should feel in time and avoid them in advance. "

Lin Fei said.

"Very good, it seems to Lin Fei this time that you have failed, but your gains are still relatively great.

This jade slip of communication is specially made by me and can contact me quickly.

Take it with you. If you encounter any danger, send me a voice transmission immediately. "

The master of the first round took out a transmission jade slip, handed it to Lin Fei, and said.

"Thank you, Lord Master."

Lin Fei took the jade slip and hid it.

Next, other people also took out the specially-made jade slips and handed them to Lin Fei.

"Well, seniors, I will set off now."

Lin Fei collected the jade slips that had been sent, then turned and left.

"I hope everything is safe for him."

Huang Zhongnian looked at Lin Fei's back and said.

"By the way, the three masters, these are the reincarnation fragments I collected in the Absolute Space Sea before, and there is a complete Naihe Bridge, and I will give it to you now."

Suddenly, Lin Fei's figure stopped, and with a wave of his hand, a space ring flew back and landed in front of the ruler of the first reincarnation.

There are many reincarnation fragments in this space ring, as well as the Naihe Bridge.

Lin Fei has always carried these things with him, and has not given them to the three reincarnation masters until now.


The first round dominates the roll of sleeves and put away the space ring.

These reincarnation fragments and Naihe bridges are all essential things for rebuilding the reincarnation circuit in the future, and they are very precious to the reincarnation line.

"Seniors, goodbye!"

Next, Lin Fei strode forward, and instantly went away, disappearing.

The three reincarnation rulers, Baidi Shenjun, Huang Zhongnian and the desolate beasts, all looked at Lin Fei's back until Lin Fei disappeared.

"Baidi Shenjun, what are your plans for the future?"

The gaze of the ruler of the first cycle looked at the Baidi Shenjun.

"I have no plans."

Baidi Shenjun shook his head.

"Why not join us in reincarnation?"

Said the master of the first round.