Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4881: Create new laws

"Now, let me tell you about the test content of the third level."

The old man's voice sounded, and it entered the ears of Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master.

Lin Fei and Master Tianling listened.

"These worlds in front of you were created by my master.

Moreover, these worlds are completely isolated from the outside world.

Therefore, the laws that exist in these worlds are completely different from the laws of the outside world.

The laws in every world are the laws originally created by my master! "

The old man spoke with a proud tone when he talked about his master.

He almost regarded the master as an idol! "These worlds were all created by your master?

And the laws in these worlds are also created by your master? "

Lin Fei and Master Tianling were shocked when they heard the old man's words.

There are so many worlds in front of them, they are simply too numerous to count, and they were all created by a strong man.

Although, with Lin Fei's ability, many human worlds could have been created in the body long ago.

However, these human body worlds can only exist inside Lin Fei's body, and they are still part of Lin Fei's body. The energy and laws required are all provided by Lin Fei.

These human body worlds cannot be separated from Lin Fei's body and exist independently in the outside world.

Not to mention Lin Fei, even the Chaos God could not create such a large number of worlds completely out of his own body! Moreover, there is another point. The laws that exist in the human world created by Lin Fei are completely copied and copied by Lin Fei in accordance with the laws of the outside world.

With Lin Fei's current ability, it is impossible to create an independent law completely different from the law of the outside world! This is too difficult! Moreover, there are so many worlds in front of them, and the laws in each world are different from each other.

This means that a large number of independent laws created by the master of this old man! This kind of ability, even the three masters of samsara and the three masters of darkness, can't do it! Because it is already very difficult to create a law that is different from other laws in the world.

The creation of so many independent laws is even more unimaginable! "Amazing, terrific! My body is inferior to such an ability."

The Heavenly Spirit could not help but shook his head in admiration.

"Senior, your master is really amazing!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but said to the old man.

"Haha... of course.

Young people, my master’s ability is beyond your imagination! "

The old man was overjoyed and laughed loudly when he heard the admiration of the Master of Heaven and Lin Fei's words.

"Young man, even if you get the nine-pole yin-yang talisman, you can use the nine-pole yin-yang talisman to deduce the various laws of the world, but you must not be able to deduce these independent laws created by my master.

Because these worlds created by my master are completely isolated from the outside world! Nine poles yin and yang talisman can not be snooped. "

The old man said.

"That's it."

Lin Fei nodded.

The fact is also true, because when Lin Fei's divine consciousness perceives and enters the worlds ahead, he finds that the laws that exist in these worlds are very strange, and each of them has never been touched by him! "Okay, now let's talk about the key points of the second level test.

Mainly related to the law.

Create five worlds, and create a unique law for each world.

This third level is over. "

The old man said.

"To create five worlds, but to create a unique law for each world?

! "

Lin Fei and Master Tianling were taken aback when they heard this.

"Senior, this kind of test is a bit difficult for me."

Lin Fei couldn't help but said with a wry smile.

"My master set up such a test.

Young man, since you have already participated in the test, it is impossible to withdraw halfway.

You can only complete the test of the third level, otherwise, you will not be able to leave here.

Even I can't help you.

Because, I cannot change the content of the test set up by my master, and I have no ability to change it. "

The old man said.

"Well, good luck to you all.

However, I have a little hint.

You can first enter the worlds created by my master, take a good look, maybe you can gain something. "

The old man said.

After speaking, the old man's voice stopped ringing.

"Well, we can only accept the test.

Well, let's enter those worlds first, and have a good understanding. "

Heavenly Spirit Master thought for a while and said to Lin Fei.

"It can only be this way."

Lin Fei nodded.

"In fact, such a test may be very rewarding for us.

If you can create your own rules, you will get a huge improvement.

My other avatar, in one of these worlds, is enlightening and seems to have gained a lot. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master continued.

"Really! Senior, have you sensed your other clone?"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard the words of the Master of Heaven.

You know, the main reason why Lin Fei and the Master of the Heavenly Spirit came here was to find this clone of the Master of the Heavenly Spirit.

"Not bad.

I sensed it.

My other clone is in one of the previous worlds. "

The Heavenly Spirit nodded.

"Okay, Lin Fei, let's get started.

If you want to leave here, you must pass the test.

I believe that with your talent, you can definitely do it. "

The Heavenly Spirit said to Lin Fei.

After speaking, he moved his body and walked towards the worlds ahead.

"Okay, let's get started."

Lin Fei also stepped forward.

In fact, Lin Fei's heart pressure is relatively large.

Create a rule of your own! This is the most difficult! After a while, Lin Fei entered a world.

This world is a very ordinary, normal world.

Countless creatures live in this world, and there are countless forces, no different from those outside.

Lin Fei walked in this world, feeling with his heart while walking.

"The laws of this world are indeed something I have never touched before."

After a while, Lin Fei caught the law of this world and understood it silently.

Lin Fei simply sat down in a void in this world, trying to comprehend the laws of this world with his heart.

"By the way, you can try to use the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman to deduce the laws of this world. It will be easier to comprehend that way."

Suddenly, Lin Fei's heart moved.

So Lin Fei took out the Nine-pole Yin and Yang Talisman.

Boom...Nine Yin and Yang talisman floating around Lin Fei's body, blooming with billowing light.

Next, the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman began to deduce the laws of this world, one by one in front of Lin Fei.