Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5144: forever reincarnation

"Shi Shi, although I have been carrying your body all these years, I know that your soul has always stayed in this space and time.

Because this is our home. "

Liu Qi walked into an ordinary plane step by step, and then came to a very ordinary star, standing above the star, looking at the stars below obsessively.

This is Liu Qi's hometown! Of course, above this star, he has parents, a younger sister, and a lover named Shishi! However, because of the intervention of the ghost clan, he took a fancy to his body, so everything changed.

After Shishi's death, his heart was full of evil thoughts, and he fell into a demon overnight, slaughtering all living beings within a hundred miles of his hometown.

In the end, he was completely occupied by negative emotions and became a clone of the ghost clan! After a while, Liu Qi landed on the stars and came to a desolate ground.

"It turns out that my hometown has turned into dust."

Liu Qi said softly.

Liu Qi has been away from this star for too long, and the original hometown has long been annihilated in the years.

"Restore everything."

Liu Qiyi waved his hand and performed a very clever time and space technique. Immediately above this piece of ground, countless mud and rocks flew into the air.

These mud and stones kept coming together, and after a while, buildings kept appearing.

Liu Qi's strength is even better than the three dark masters of the dark family. The time and space energy he has is very clever, and he can make things in the past reappear within a certain range.

Lin Fei, the ancestor of the fire source beast and the fire source beast stood in the distance, watching everything without saying a word.

Before long, a whole town appeared.

But, no one was there.

It's an ordinary town, of average size.

Liu Qiyi waved his hand, and a crystal coffin appeared beside him. A young girl who was as gentle as jade was lying in it, as if she had fallen asleep.

"Shishi, we're going home."

Liu Qi looked at the girl affectionately and said.

boom! The lid of the coffin opened, and the girl inside slowly stood up and walked out, as if resurrected.

But there is still a lack of anger.

The reason why she was able to stand up was because Liu Qi separated out a clone, entered her body, and controlled her body.

"We go home."

Liu Qi held Shi Shi's hand and walked together on the streets of the town.

"Brother Liu is really an affectionate person."

Lin Fei whispered softly.

Soon after, Liu Qi and Shishi walked to the gate of a remote house in the town.

"Father, mother, sister, Shishi and I are back."

Liu Qi took Shi Shi's hand and walked into the house.

boom! The door to the house was closed.

"Let's wait."

The ancestor of the fire source beast sighed softly.

"I understand how he feels.

Back then, our Huoyuan Beast clan was a big clan, with a large number of clansmen, living in the depths of the Eight Fire Valley, and living a peaceful and happy life, but because of the Yin Ghost clan, everything changed, and I was the only one left. , stay there alone.

Speaking of which, I am more fortunate than Liu Qi. I can always stay in my homeland, accompanied by the undead of my clan, and have never left.

Liu Qi, on the other hand, was far away from home and could not come back until now. "

The ancestor of the fire source beast continued.

"Damn ghost clan!"

The Fire Origin Beast gnashed his teeth in anger when he heard the words of the ancestor.

"That yin ghost clan is too harmful. If you don't get rid of him, it will definitely harm the absolute space sea in the future."

Lin Fei also said.

"Liu Qi is expected to stay here for a while, so let's take a good rest."

The ancestor of the fire source beast said.


Lin Fei nodded.

So, Lin Fei, the ancestor of the fire source beast and the fire source beast opened up a small world nearby, each entered the small world, and sat and practiced.

Before you know it, hundreds of years have passed.


"I can."

The three suddenly received a voice transmission from Liu Qi.

So, the three of Lin Fei stopped resting and walked out of the small world.

Lin Fei discovered that the originally deserted town turned out to be crowded, noisy, very lively, and full of the breath of life.

"Over the years, I have been on this star, tracking the blood of our family, and found a group of descendants of our Liu family.

It turned out that after I left, my sister got married and left a bloodline on this star.

The Liu family that my parents belonged to back then also had blood left behind.

I took all the descendants of the Liu family and the descendants left by my sister and lived here.

This is also considered to be the successor of our Liu family. "

Liu Qi said to Lin Fei.

"I see."

Lin Fei nodded.

With Liu Qi's strength, it is naturally a very simple thing to trace the bloodline of the family and sister on this star.

"Brother Lin, you are from the Samsara line.

You say, will the living beings in this world be forever reincarnated, immortal, and exist forever in the world?

Of course, those soulless souls are not included. "

Liu Qi suddenly looked at Lin Fei and asked.

"Eternal reincarnation, immortal?"

After hearing Liu Qi's words, Lin Fei couldn't help but be stunned.

The samsara line is in charge of the samsara circuit. After the death of the living beings in the world, they can step on the samsara circuit, and then reincarnate as a new life and start over.

But whether it will be reincarnated forever, immortal, Lin Fei really hadn't thought about it.

"I didn't know how to answer this question for a while.

Theoretically speaking, if the spirit body is immortal, it is indeed possible to reincarnate forever, and the world will not be destroyed. "

Lin Fei hesitated for a moment and replied.

"In this way, if Shishi's spirit body is not destroyed, is she still in the world, constantly reincarnating, and living life after life?

So is it possible for me to find her? "

After hearing Lin Fei's words, Liu Qi couldn't help but smile, stepped forward and asked Lin Fei.


Brother Liu, I cannot answer this question accurately.

Moreover, even if the soul body of Shishi is still reincarnated in the world, but in the absolute space sea, there are too many space seas, and in each space sea, the number of planes is also terrifying. On the top, there are countless interfaces and stars.

After all, the number of interfaces and stars in the absolute space sea is simply incalculable! It is very difficult to find someone to come out.

What's more, if Shishi has experienced memories from life to life, then the people she meets will be different in each life, there are too many memories, and too many people will remain in her soul body. "

Lin Fei thought about it and said.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I can find her, I will wake up her memory in our life, and at the same time cut off other memories in her soul body, so she will still be my poetry."

Liu Qi said.