Versatile Mage’s Ultimate Thunder

~: Two hundred and ninety-nine. Executioner

Tang Miao smiled disdainfully, "Do you really think you are strong?"

The man looks like I am really strong. After a sneer, he portrays the ice constellation.

"Frozen Coffin!!"

His speed is very fast, even compared with Tang Miao, it is almost the same. A mouthful of the ice coffin fell from the top of the pitch-black head, and the vast freezing power and the crystal-solid ice coffin suddenly covered Tang Miao's body.

Tang Miao naturally resisted, but the opponent's Ice Element cultivation base was too high. The previous ones were nothing more than petty troubles, and now this is his real strength!

"Strong Fist! Nine Palaces!"

However, after the ice layer had condensed, Xiao Tian relied on Yan Ji's strength. Unleash the power of Jieyan and Qingluanhuo!

The blooming of the two kinds of flames caused the ice that enveloped itself to begin to shatter.

The ice-bound coffin began to melt, and the thick body of the iceberg was already unbearably impacted with numerous cracks.

At first, only a few flames overflowed from the cracks, followed by turbulent tongues of fire. After a while, the entire mountain of icy coffins was on fire. Tang Miao's whole body was completely covered by the brown flames and cyan. The flame was wrapped in it.

Although with the power of Sleeping Flame Fairy, it is not as powerful as her possession. However, the fusion of the two flames was enough to ensure that Tang Miao would not be controlled by this little ice wall.


At this moment, a purple whirlwind came from another alley and stopped around Tang Miao.

He is the one that Oluna made a request to support!

He glanced at this person's dress, which was black and gold like Oluna, and should be a purple wind spirit type wind mage. Judging from his aura, this person's strength should be higher than that of Oluna. Obviously, he is also a temple mage, and his status should not be low.

"Huh, in broad daylight, you actually attacked in the street, looking for death!"

The Purple Wind Temple mage took a step forward, staring at the man who controlled the hail with awe-inspiring eyes, and said coldly.

Then, purple air currents continue to surround this area. They look messy and disorderly, but they form an ever-strengthening cycle. The wind pushes the wind, and the trajectory becomes more and more obvious!

"Purple Wind Domain...huh!" The man said coldly when he saw this scene.

The temple mage came much faster than he thought, especially the guy in front of him who could control the purple air current.

It's not that I'm afraid of this little famous temple mage, but the Hail man considers that this is the site of the Freedom Shrine. If any super-order mage who has nothing to do near comes over, it will be difficult for him to retreat!

Immediately, the man glanced at Tang Miao, and said, "Boy, you can hide from the first day of the junior high school, and you can't hide from the fifteenth. I will definitely kill you."

After all, for convenience, I evacuated here in a hurry.

Tang Miao didn't pursue it. There was no ice domain. Even if he could win, he would still have to pay a painful price.

Moreover, Tang Miao can be sure that this executioner will never give up. But next time, as long as he dares to appear again, it will definitely not be like this again. He already had control of his ice domain, and he was not much worse than that man.

"Are you a Huaxia Guogufu player?" After seeing the man running away, Master Zifeng asked quietly.

Tang Miao glanced at the opponent, and then said, "You came too fast. If you are late, maybe I can catch him."

The temple mage had a meal... and then he said: "This matter, our temple mage will track down, but in my opinion, that guy will find a chance to kill you. It's better to be careful yourself."

Tang Miao smiled and replied, "He dared to do anything less than five kilometers away from your Temple of Freedom. I think it's useless for me to be careful."

Oluna looked at Tang Miao and the situation just before the battle, and then speculated: "That guy is the executioner in the Black Vatican. He is extremely powerful and most of them are extremely arrogant. Basically, there is no assassination or assassination that they can't complete. This group of people is pretty scary."

The Purple Wind Temple mage also said: "I will send executioners to deal with you. It seems that you are very important to the Black Holy See."

Tang Miao just nodded, and didn't say anything. Speaking of it, this temple mage, that's it! People from the Black Vatican have all come to their door to make trouble. Didn't they leave each other behind?

For the temple mage, Xiao Tian seemed to be nothing but famous.

For their invitation, Xiao Tian directly refused. Then left alone, here, there is no use anymore. As for Oruna? This time I am afraid that there is no chance to learn more about it.

And they are also responsible for rescuing the wounded here, and they also need to block news about things here. No way, the Black Holy See slapped his face like this, how could they allow this to spread? This is beating their power in the face...


After Tang Miao left here, he returned to the residence of the government.

It just happened to meet Jiang Shaoxu and several women came back happily.

However, apart from Jiang Shaoxu who came over enthusiastically and told what happened today, the rest of the women were very plain. Especially Mu Nujiao, with a disgusting look, she was about to go back to her house.

Jiang Shaoxu noticed something broken on Tang Miao's clothes, and then asked, "How did you get it here?"

She remembered that when she was scattered today, Tang Miao was still intact. Why is it like this now?

"I met an executioner who seemed to be the Black Holy See, and fought a round, but because of the arrival of the temple mage, he finally ran away." Tang Miao lightly downplayed the encounter with the executioner, and talked about it.

The women were all taken aback when they heard this!

Especially Mu Nujiao, who just looked so angry that I didn't want to care about, after hearing that Tang Miao was attacked by the executioner of the Black Vatican, she also looked over with some worry.

Although she doesn't know what the executioner is, but anyone who has something to do with the Black Holy See must not be a small role...

Compared to Mu Nujiao and Mu Ningxue's eyes, Jiang Shaoxu checked directly: "Then are you okay?"

Now she can think of herself as a big wife. It's not that she is narcissistic, mainly because Tang Miao, the dog thief, sticks to her almost every day except for not saying that he wants to marry himself. Of course, I didn't take the initiative to harass the other girls in the team!

Of course, all this is just a superficial phenomenon~

Mu Ningxue said: You may not know when the night is quiet...

Mu Nujiao said: You think too much...


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