Very Secretary

~: Annual meeting canvassing

  Very secretary - canvassing for the annual meeting

  The long-awaited century annual meeting has officially opened, and now it is entering the pk of the popular works of the annual meeting. Friends who have been supporting me all the time, please vote for the next work. It's not easy to be a rookie, so please support us! Readers who participated in voting at the same time will draw a lottery after the event ends. There is a 100% chance of winning the prize, the minimum rebate is % of votes, and the maximum rebate is 150%. The top two readers with the most votes can also get the qualification to participate in the Century Annual Meeting. Meet and communicate with authors you like, and Century Literature will reimburse related expenses, etc. Opportunity)

  For the address of voting for popular works of the annual meeting, see the advertisement banner in the middle of the top of the book page or the link address of the annual meeting at the top of the book review area, click to enter