Very Secretary

Chapter 1427: distance is not a problem

  Very Secretary - 14\' distance is not an issue

  Lu Jianhong was comfortable in Hong Kong, but Wang Hanyun wanted to seize this short month to divide and disintegrate Lu Hanxing and Lu Jianhong's camp. This opportunity was created by him, and he had to seize it. 【】The Shan Mingxiong incident brought great psychological pressure and psychological shadow to Wang Hanyun. Although on the surface, it was not clear that the Shan Mingxiong incident had anything to do with Lu Jianhong, but after careful analysis, it was not difficult to see the traces left by Lu Jianhong in the whole incident. First of all, Shan Mingxiong's son, Shan Tengda, was under control, which was completely beyond the control of the Shuanghuang Municipal Committee. Secondly, he had clearly instructed the city to handle the investigation of this case, but Tang Wentian still conducted the investigation in private. Again, he was completely unaware of the police involvement. Combining these three factors, it was not difficult for Wang Hanyun to judge that everything was driven by Lu Jianhong. Fortunately, I acted decisively and "fixed" Shan Mingxiong first, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Therefore, Wang Hanyun's political stance of suppressing Lu Jianhong turned into a personal grievance. At the same time, he also felt that Lu Jianhong was not to be underestimated, but this did not change his determination to put Lu Jianhong to death. . On the one hand, he was collecting all the information about Lu Jianhong, on the other hand, he was also speeding up the split.

  His split was not limited to Lu Hanxing, but also to Lu Jianhong's camp.

  First he found Lu Hanxing. His weight is the mayor of Shuanghuang City.

   This time he did not ask Lu Hanxing to go to his office, but took the initiative to go to the provincial government.

Lu Hanxing was already frightened by Wang Hanyun, so he was full of guard against Wang Hanyun's arrival, but his face was very calm, he greeted him with a smile, and said, "Secretary Wang, rare visitor, please sit down, please sit down, Secretary Zhou, Make tea."

Wang Hanyun said with a half-smile: "Governor Hanxing, what happened to the Shuanghuang made the provincial party committee and the provincial government very passive, but I know that the appointment of the mayor has nothing to do with the provincial party committee and the provincial government, so he doesn't have to bear the responsibility, but It has a huge impact too."

Lu Hanxing said sternly: "I have to admit that under the general trend of putting development first, we have indeed neglected the ideological education of leading party members and cadres, so that such a bad incident occurred, especially Shan Mingxiong did not recognize it. Clearing the facts and apologizing with death will have an irreparable impact not only on Shuanghuang but also on the entire Ganling, this is a painful lesson."

  Wang Hanyun strongly agreed, saying: "Governor Han Xing is right, so we have to learn the spirit of the central anti-corruption document throughout the province. It's just..."

  Wang Hanyun made a slight turn, and said: "It's just that the development of Shuanghuang is in full swing, and the post of mayor needs to be finalized in time, so I'm here to ask for the opinion of Governor Lu."

  Lu Hanxing said lightly: "Secretary Jianhong has gone to Hong Kong to study. If we decide, he will have opinions. After all, he is in charge of personnel affairs. In my opinion, it is better to wait for him to come back."

  Wang Hanyun frowned slightly, isn't this Lu Hanxing eager for quick success? My meaning is already very clear. I do it for him. Could it be that he is a pig and can't see it?

"The study trip lasts for one month. Time waits for no one, and Shuanghuang can't wait for so long." Wang Hanyun said involuntarily, "Governor Hanxing, although I have been in Ganling for almost half a year, but for the situation of each city I'm not very familiar with you yet, you are Lao Ganling, so it's up to you to recommend someone."

   Facing Wang Hanyun's overtures, Lu Hanxing knew it well, but he had fully realized that Wang Hanyun would not be a good person, that is to say, if he was a good person, he must have his clear purpose. Wang Hanyun didn't care who was the mayor. All he cared about was to use this to drive a wedge between himself and Lu Jianhong.

After understanding this intention, Lu Hanxing said clearly: "I think it's better to follow the procedure. When Minister Wu of the Organization Department of the Central Committee was the executive vice minister, he once came to Ganling to remind him of personnel issues. It is more important to be a director. If you can’t do something, you can continue to do it. If you use the wrong person, such as Shan Mingxiong, it will not only hinder development, but also many other aspects. I think it is better for the organization department to submit the candidate and discuss it with the standing committee. It's more appropriate."

   Lu Hanxing's words were impeccable, which made Wang Hanyun very annoyed. When he left, he cursed in his heart, "Damn, shame on you, want to use the Standing Committee to suppress me?"

  Lu Jianhong immediately received a call from Lin Yuqing, who reported to him about Wang Hanyun's request to report the mayor of Shuanghuang City.

  Lu Jianhong said: "If you see something suitable, mention one first, and then seek Governor Lu's opinion."

  Lin Yuqing couldn't help being taken aback, and blurted out: "Ask for his opinion?"

  "Yes." Lu Jianhong replied in the affirmative. In fact, before that, Zhou Bo had already sent the news of Wang Hanyun's arrival to Lu Jianhong's phone by text message. Therefore, although he is far away in Hong Kong, he knows everything about Ganling well.

  Lin Yuqing was a little puzzled, but she soon understood that Lu Jianhong and Lu Hanxing were currently in the stage of cooperation, but she was a little worried, would Lu Hanxing cooperate honestly?

  As soon as the list came out, Lin Yuqing asked his secretary to send it to the provincial government.

  Not long after waiting, Lin Yuqing received a phone call from Lu Hanxing himself, saying, "Mr. Lin? I reserve my opinion on this candidate. Please ask Secretary Lu for instructions."

   Lu Hanxing's words were a little unreasonable, but when Lin Yuqing knew that he and Lu Jianhong were cooperative, she didn't feel awkward at all. The two leaders are humble to each other, and they are both showing their hearts to each other, and they are sincerely cooperating.

Wang Hanyun was naturally buried in the dark, only at this time did he realize that Gan Ling was not as controllable as he imagined, on the contrary, now he was like a blind man or a deaf man, with no reliable and hard-working people around him . —The Propaganda Minister's direction is only a fringe faction! Can't get into the core at all.

  Depressed in the office, Liang Endong gently knocked on the door and said, "Secretary Wang, Director Guo of the Department of Education called and said he wanted to report to work."

   "No!" Wang Hanyun subconsciously refused, Liang Endong was about to go out, Wang Hanyun said anxiously, "Wait a minute, let him come over."

  Liang Endong was slightly startled, responded, went out, grabbed the phone and said, "Director Guo? Secretary Wang asked you to come here now!"