Very Secretary

Chapter 171: crime exposed

  Extraordinary Secretary-Chapter 171: Crime Revealed

   The moon was dark and the wind was high, and the entire Mount Li was shrouded in darkness. A dark shadow sneaked towards the residential area of ​​affordable housing. This person was naturally Jiang Aowei. He was ridiculed by Chang Xiwen during the day, and his heart was very unbalanced. Think about it before, which woman you fell in love with, as long as you move your wrist a little, who would dare to be obedient? This time, he was led by the nose by a little girl, what a shame. Under the influence of alcohol, Jiang Aowei decided that if he couldn't hold down his feelings, he would take down the person first.

Although the gate of the community is closed, the walled courtyard is not high. Jiang Aowei has good skills, and quickly climbed up the two-meter-high courtyard wall, jumped in, observed a few units, and stayed away lightly door, up to the sixth floor.

He carried a small bag with him, which contained his tools for committing crimes, several handkerchiefs, a bottle of ether, and a digital camera. As a threat, this is indeed a poisonous move.

He had already figured out Zhou Xiaohui's room, and stopped in front of the door. He couldn't open the door. He was not a professional lockpicker after graduation, so he lightly pressed the doorbell. As long as Zhou Xiaohui opened the door, the matter would be 80% successful. up.

  Zhou Xiaohui had just finished taking a shower, and while wiping her head with a towel, she said, "Who is it?"

   "Water fee." Jiang Aowei said with a low voice, "You people can't find it during the day, and you have to collect it at night. It's really troublesome."

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just wait a minute." Zhou Xiaohui was busy getting dressed inside, she never thought that a nightmare was about to come.

  Jiang Aowei was ecstatic in his heart, and poured a little bit of ether onto the handkerchief. As soon as Zhou Xiaohui opened the door, the handkerchief would cover her mouth without hesitation.

Zhou Xiaohui's awareness of precautions was not strong, and she didn't suspect him at all. She opened the door and saw Jiang Aowei's face. perception.

Jiang Aowei was the first to support Zhou Xiaohui's body. The lights in the room were very bright. Zhou Xiaohui's unconscious body was leaning softly in his arms. After taking a bath, she exuded a shower gel and body fragrance all over her body. aroma. Zhou Xiaohui's head was raised, her face was white, tender and smooth under the lamp, a few strands of wet hair stuck to her cheeks, her **** looked more upright because her back rested on Jiang Aowei's arm, Zhou Xiaohui didn't wear a bra at all after taking a shower, Two small dots protruded from the towering chest. This scene actually made the battle-tested Jiang Aowei feel like an explosion at this time. He couldn't wait to put Zhou Xiaohui on the sofa, his hands trembling to lift her chest. Pajamas, he had been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

  Xiaohui, here I come! Jiang Aowei hummed softly, and tried to untie his belt with one hand, but he couldn't untie it in excitement. At this moment, two people rushed in from outside the door. Jiang Aowei was surprised, and Xu Zhigao scolded: " Jiang Aowei, you beast!"

   There was also a young and strong young man who came with Xu Zhigao, and he reached out to grab Jiang Aowei.

  Jiang Aowei calmed down after a brief period of panic, knowing that if he was caught, his life would be over, and the crime of being a fan was not light. Thinking of this, he slammed the young man together, who had already rushed out the door.

   "Hurry up and chase!" Xu Zhi had high blood pressure and high blood lipids. It was impossible to expect him to chase after him, so the young man followed and chased him out.

Xu Zhigao stood in the room, Zhou Xiaohui didn't know anything about it, and slumped softly on the sofa, Xu Zhigao couldn't help swallowing when he looked at her charming body, of course he didn't dare to take advantage of others' dangers, from the room He took out a blanket, gently covered Zhou Xiaohui, then backed out of the door, closing the door tightly.

   "Sleep well, everything will be over tomorrow." Xu Zhigao said softly, but I don't know if Zhou Xiaohui can hear it.

  Leaving the community, not long after, the young man came back, and Xu Zhigao asked, "Where is he?"

"This **** runs faster than a rabbit. After three or two turns, there will be no one left. Let him run away." The young man said dejectedly, "Damn it, get him for me, and he won't even be damned if he beats him." know."

"Hard work on you tonight, don't sleep, just show me here, there is no guarantee that this kid will not come back again, tonight is really dangerous, if you come later, Zhou Xiaohui will be finished, don't let anything happen .” Xu Zhigao confessed.

  The young man nodded and said: "Uncle, don't worry, if he dares to come back, I will take care of him."

  After Xu Zhigao went back, he got in touch with Lu Jianhong and reported the incident. Lu Jianhong asked nervously, "Has Xiao Zhou been..."

  Xu Zhigao knew what he meant and said: "No, he hasn't had time yet. But let him run away."

  Lu Jianhong instructed, "Notify Jiang Jian immediately and ask him to come to my office."

  Jiang Jian didn't know what happened yet, but when he received a call from Xu Zhigao, he said very reluctantly, "It's midnight, and no one is allowed to sleep. If he doesn't sleep, others will sleep."

  Xu Zhigao didn't want to have a conflict with him on the phone, and said: "Director Jiang, it was the county magistrate Lu who asked me to notify you. If you have any comments, don't get angry at me. You can call the county magistrate Lu directly."

  Although Jiang Jian was stubborn, he had seen Lu Jianhong's toughness before, and Shen Minghai had repeatedly warned him not to confront Lu Jianhong head-on, so he got up and went to Lu Jianhong's office to complain.

  Lu Jianhong said with a sullen face, "Director Jiang, there was a vicious **** incident in Lishan County more than an hour ago. Fortunately, the crime was attempted. The victim was Zhou Xiaohui, the government office. This incident is very bad."

  Jiang Jian said angrily: "How could such a thing happen?"

  Lu Jianhong said: "Director Jiang, you are the chief of the public security bureau. You are in charge of this case. You must catch the criminals in the shortest possible time."

   "Promise to complete the task." At this moment, Ju Jiang was not surprised why Lu Jianhong called him over in the middle of the night.

   "By the way, according to the victim and witnesses, everyone knows the perpetrator, Jiang Aowei."

  Jiang Jian froze for a while, and said after a long while: "Mayor Lu, could there be a mistake?"

   "I also hope that I made a mistake, and it is not only your son named Jiang Aowei, so you must catch the perpetrator as soon as possible and return your son's innocence."

Jiang Jian went downstairs in a daze, got into his special car, didn't drive very far, then dialed Jiang Aowei's phone, and cursed: "You **** bastard, so many women don't want to play, you have to play with government workers , do you want to die?"

  Jiang Aowei cried and said, "Dad, what's the use of scolding me now, you have to help me."

   "How can I help you?" Jiang Jian was trembling with anger, thought for a while and said, "Where are you now? I'll go find you."

   "Dad, don't you want to kill relatives righteously?"

"I'll kill your mother..." Jiang Jian almost couldn't breathe, and cursed, "I'll send you some money, before you get it, roll as far as you can, and take shelter outside for a while For a while, wait for the wind to pass.”