Very Secretary

Chapter 229: expulsion

  Extraordinary Secretary-Chapter 229 Expulsion

   "Old Wan." Lu Jianhong also smiled, "How do you know I'm in the city?"

   "Brother, I am very impressed with your Popsang." Wan Jiaqing laughed on the phone, "Come on, I'll wait for you in the office."

   Entering the office, Wan Jiaqing warmly hugged Lu Jianhong. Lu Jianhong was disgusted to death, and quickly pushed away: "Old Wan, you are the deputy mayor now, pay attention to your image."

"We're not outsiders." Without Lu Jianhong's recommendation in front of Zhao Xuepeng, even if Wan Jiaqing, the deputy mayor, won, it would have taken a lot of trouble. Wan Jiaqing knew this very well. Let go of his hand, threw a cigarette over, and said, "Brother, are you coming for a walk today?"

  "What way?" Lu Jianhong said deliberately.

  Wan Jiaqing closed the door of the office and said in a low voice: "Secretary Zhao is going to be promoted, everyone wants to move their **** before Secretary Zhao leaves, don't you know?"

  Wan Jiaqing was telling the truth, but Lu Jianhong pretended to be confused and said, "Secretary Zhao wants to be promoted? Where are you going?"

"I don't know." Wan Jiaqing shook his head and said, "Brother, do you really want to stay in Lishan's place for the rest of your life? Generally speaking, leaders will make personal favors before leaving office. You should quickly think of a way and transfer to Come to the city so that we brothers can work together."

  Lu Jianhong smiled faintly and said, "You can't ask for this thing."

  Wan Jiaqing looked at Lu Jianhong suspiciously, and suddenly realized: "You kid, you're playing with your brother. You must have greeted Secretary Zhao. I'm still wondering. With your relationship with him..."

  Lu Jianhong interrupted, "Shhh, there are some things you can't say nonsense."

"Look at my mouth." Wan Jiaqing slapped his forehead, seeing that Lu Jianhong didn't seem to be interested in it, so he stopped talking, "Nothing to do at noon, stay here, we'll have a drink, we haven't seen each other for a while gone."

  Lu Jianhong looked at the time and said, "There's still something going on in the county, so where is the time to drink? By the way, thank you for your promotion of Li Shan."

  Wan Jiaqing smiled and said: "I just take it as a matter of fact. Compared with your help to me, that is too childish. I should be the one to say thank you."

  Lu Jianhong smiled and said, "Old Wan, if you talk about this again, I'm going to get angry."

   Wan Jiaqing smiled and said, "You mentioned this first."

The two chatted for a while, Lu Jianhong declined Wan Jiaqing's sincere request to stay, Wan Jiaqing had no choice but to send Lu Jianhong out, and said wryly, "Brother, your car is too big or something, Donate."

  Lu Jianhong rolled his eyes at him and said, "I have time to inspect the work at Mount Li."

  Driving a Po Poussin, Lu Jianhong really felt bad. As a secretary of the county party committee, it was really too cheap to use this kind of car when going out. This is not only a matter of identity, but also a matter of face. Just imagine that if you look at this car and go out to attract investment, ghosts will ignore you.

  Back in the city, Zhou Xiaohui angrily told the driver Xiao Wang's foul words, and Lu Jianhong was also furious. Although it is only the driver of the county party secretary, the requirements are the same as his secretary, that is, to drive honestly, not to say what should not be said, not to ask what should not be asked, and not to look at what should not be seen. This is the minimum requirement for organizational discipline. But Xiao Wang not only didn't recognize his mistakes, but also fabricated rumors out of nothing. Lu Jianhong patted the table on the spot and called Shao Jiadong, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee. When Shao Jiadong heard about this, he immediately stated, "He is no longer suitable to stay in the driving class. Let's see what his nature is. If he has the establishment, let him Go down and look at the gate, and those who don't know how to do it will be swept out."

  The driver Xiao Wang has been restless all day long. When Shao Jiadong told him to pack up and go home, he was dumbfounded.

  He used to drive in the township grain management office. The grain management office has been restructured for so many years. Where is his place? Realizing that the matter was getting worse, he begged Shao Jiadong and said, "Secretary Shao, it's my fault this time. You adults don't care about villains, so please help me. I'm old and young, and everyone counts on me. I support my family."

   "What did you do long ago? You don't cherish your work, who is to blame?" Shao Jiadong is not a person without compassion, but Xiao Wang is really annoying, as the saying goes, poor people must have something to hate.

   "I'll go find Secretary Lu." Seeing that Zhou Xiaohui wouldn't move, Xiao Wang ran straight to Lu Jianhong's office.

  Xiao Wang broke into Lu Jianhong's office. Lu Jianhong looked up at him and said calmly, "What's the matter?"

  Xiao Wang said pitifully: "Secretary Lu, just forgive me once, and I promise not to dare next time."

  " Forgive you for what? What have you done that I need to forgive?" Lu Jianhong said calmly.

  " I... I violated discipline, I..." In front of Lu Jianhong, Xiao Wang couldn't even say anything to himself.

  Lu Jianhong said with a cold face: "Go back and reflect on yourself, and come to me after you fully realize your mistakes."

  Xiao Wang left the office dejectedly, went to the county party committee office to hand in the car keys, driving license and other documents, and said, "Director Zhou, I have given everything to you."

   "Leave it here." Zhou Xiaohui glanced at him. She really didn't want to see this dung-sputtering person. Although she wished she could have intimacy with Lu Jianhong, she would not allow others to slander Lu Jianhong.

  Xiao Wang was walking on the road, feeling heavy in his heart. Suddenly, he thought of a person, Qu Huaping, the executive deputy county magistrate. Ou Huaping's father is retired at home, and he and his father in the community are old chess friends. They often spend half a day together, and they even forget to eat. The relationship is very good. You have to go back and ask the old man for help.

When I got home, the two old men were playing chess, and the fight was in full swing. Xiao Wang waited until the game was over before telling the story. The phone ran out of battery and couldn't contact him, so Lu Jianhong took his anger out on him and drove him home. Lao Wang then said: "Boss, this secretary is too domineering. Isn't your son in the county? Can you tell him a favor?"

   "Small things, small things." Mr. Qu focused on playing chess, and agreed wholeheartedly.

  When it was dark, Mr. Qu returned home with a chessboard. After eating, taking a shower, and watching the three-episode TV series of Central Eight, his son Ou Huaping returned home drunk.

  The old man complained and said: "Look at you, since you started this executive job, you get drunk every day and come home late, what do you look like, do you still have a wife and children in your eyes?"

What Qu Huaping was most afraid of was his old man, so he hurriedly said, "Dad, Li Shan has been developing too fast recently. There are investors and businessmen coming every day, and Secretary Lu can't accompany him alone. Of course, I, the executive, must support his work. Besides, it is also a job to accompany the merchants and come to Lishan to invest. "

   "The work belongs to others, but the body belongs to oneself." The old man said, "I have never seen you like this before."

"Dad—" Ou Huaping stuffed the bag of loose Chinese on his body into the old man's hand, and said, "Lishan is no better than before. Since Secretary Lu came, a bunch of corrupt officials have all stepped down. The cadres of the county government have undergone a major adjustment. I am grateful to Secretary Lu, who allowed me to join the Standing Committee. Dad, you often say that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid with a spring. Secretary Lu's kindness to me is not as simple as a drop of water, right?"

"Okay, okay, I can't say enough about you." The old man muttered, "By the way, I have something to say. Brother Wang's son seems to have made a small mistake and was sent home by Secretary Lu. You go and give it to him." Talk about love."

(The century annual meeting has entered the final stage. I hope that friends will continue to work hard and vote for the next annual meeting. The fate of whether you can participate in the annual meeting is in your hands!! Ask for tickets for the annual meeting. If you support me, please enter 10nianhui ?ac=juesai would like to thank you again! Also, extremely shameless, despicable, and indecent, I want your love letter!! Reward and save it for me to vote for the annual meeting!)