Very Secretary

Chapter 2302: Knock the mountain and shake the tiger

  Very Secretary-2302 Knock the Mountain and Shake the Tiger

   Qu Gongcheng is in the midst of intense depression. His depression is not because of those report letters against him. In fact, he doesn't even know about the so-called reports. His depression comes from some things he encountered at work.

   Qu Gongcheng is the deputy mayor in charge of urban construction work, completely taking over the work from his predecessor. Like all parts of the country, Chengguan City cannot escape the curse of vigorously engaging in real estate construction. Qu Gongcheng always thought that his ability had made great progress in the process of following Lu Jianhong, and he was fully qualified for the post of deputy mayor. But when he really entered the role, he discovered that practice is far more cruel than theory, and much crueler, and the problems he encounters are more complicated and thorny than imagined.

In charge of urban construction, under the subtle influence of Lu Jianhong, Qu Gongcheng paid great attention to the construction of affordable housing, which was also an issue of people's livelihood, but he forgot three points: First, when Lu Jianhong proposed this idea , his identity is the governor of the province, and with the support of Ma Jun, many factors need to be considered in the implementation, not to mention that Qu Gongcheng is only a deputy mayor? Power is the only way to realize the will, he does not have absolute power, it sounds more difficult. Second, the officialdom is a stage where performance is emphasized. How to show the achievements of development, gdp is a very important parameter. Affected by the climate of attracting investment in Shangjia, the weakness of industry cannot be changed in a short period of time. The tertiary service industry is popular, and land finance is particularly prominent. In this environment, vigorously promoting economically affordable housing is undoubtedly contrary to what GDP advocates. This affects It even harms the interests of the majority of people. It would be strange if there were no obstacles. Third, although the central government has put forward the slogan of promoting the construction of economically affordable housing, it is still in a state of wading across the river with stones and has not matured. It needs to be adapted to local conditions and financial affluence according to local conditions. The current financial situation of Chengguan Circumstances simply do not allow for the construction of affordable housing on a large scale. Therefore, the wish is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny. If it is not possible and impossible to combine perfectly, it is doomed to end in failure if it is too big.

After several months, Qu Gongcheng has realized the huge gap between practice and theory. He failed to judge the situation and blindly implement it, which seemed to be too hasty. very embarrassing. In several meetings, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Chu Dawei, insinuated and criticized some young leading cadres for their impetuousness. Qu Gongcheng was very clear in his heart. The broken halberd sank into the sand.

   If you don’t change your thinking, let alone realize your ambitions, I’m afraid it will be very difficult for you to even survive. Qu Gongcheng couldn't help but miss the days when he worked under Lu Jianhong. At that time, he was like a fish in water. Could it be that he was really only suitable for being a secretary? material?

   At this time, Qu Gongcheng received a call from Fu Weijun himself, saying that Principal Lu wanted him to accompany him to inspect the work of the party school. The call made him both excited and guilty. What is exciting is that the old leader is still thinking about him, and what is more exciting is that he has failed to live up to the expectations of the leader. Not only did his work fail to improve, he also lost the face of the leader, and in the end he had to worry about the leader.

  With such complicated emotions, Qu Gongcheng came to the compound of the municipal party committee. When he saw Lu Jianhong, Qu Gongcheng could hardly hold back his tears.

Looking at his red eyes, Lu Jianhong felt a little sour in his heart. The environment at the Chengguan was very complicated, and it was not clear whether Fu Weijun had gained a firm foothold. There were all indications that he and Zai were also struggling. After all, Chu Dawei was at the Chengguan After many years of operation, how can it be possible to open up the situation in a short period of time? Otherwise, there is no need for Ma Jun to dismiss Chu Dawei, and there is no need for Fu Weijun to show intimacy with him in front of Kuang Guozong. In this case, Qu Gongcheng's situation can be imagined. Suddenly, Lu Jianhong felt a tinge of guilt in his heart. He didn't believe that the secretary he had single-handedly promoted had achieved his current situation with Qugong. Not to mention that he wouldn't ask for a bribe, but if he did, who would give it to him?

"Look at you, we've only been apart for a few months, right? You're going to cry when you meet, pay attention to your image, you're the deputy mayor I promoted, if people see it, they'll think my soldiers are cowards " Lu Jianhong knocked on the mountain and said, "Weijun, Xiaoqu is also your soldier now. If you can't protect and lead well, I think you, the deputy squad leader, are also responsible."

  Fu Weijun smiled and said: "What the leader criticized, I humbly accept it."

Lu Jianhong told Kuang Guozong on purpose, and also asked him to pass a message to Chu Dawei. Qu Gongcheng was his man, and he might not be able to control the cadres in the province, but a department-level cadre didn't need to make a move. What a big deal.

Qu Gongcheng had followed Lu Jianhong for many years, so he naturally knew what Lu Jianhong meant. He was very moved, but he said, "Leader, stop laughing at me. I was just blinded by sand. If I'm cowardly, how can I I'm sorry for you?"

  Qu Gongcheng's ambition and cheer made Lu Jianhong laugh, and patted Qu Gongcheng's shoulder and said, "This is my soldier, get in my car, let's have a good chat."

  Kuang Guozong kept silent, with a humble smile on his face, but after getting into the car, his face suddenly sank. He answered Lu Jianhong's knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger clearly. He was not only showing that Qu Gongcheng was his former favorite general, but also telling him that Fu Weijun was also his capable general, and that anyone who was against him had to weigh his weight if he did not make a mistake. Although there is no threat, it is not too difficult to use his influence to realize the adjustment of a municipal party committee secretary. It seems that this news needs to be fed back to Chu Dawei as soon as possible.

   While the car was on its way to the Municipal Party School, Kuang Guozong called the provincial capital.

  Chu Dawei listened quietly, his face did not show any emotional fluctuations, after Kuang Guozong finished speaking, he only said four words: good reception. Then he hung up the phone, but there was a look of mockery on his face, "Shan Gao, the emperor is far away, what do you have to do for an out-of-date governor, you can be your principal honestly, and you're fine." Participate in local affairs, does anyone care about you? You think I'm alone? If you want to pull me down, you'd better deal with Dekeming first.

  Thinking of this, when he looked at Ma Jun who was speaking on the stage, there was something meaningful in his eyes.