Very Secretary

Chapter 2826: insist on not answering the phone

  Very secretary-(26 insists on not answering the phone


  Lu Jianhong didn't stay to rest, and Zhou Qifeng looked very tired, so Lu Jianhong didn't disturb his rest. It was already close to twelve o'clock after he came out. Although it was already night, the entire capital city was shrouded in a layer of joy.

  Lu Jianhong was driving the car and wanted to return the car to Long Fei, but considering that it was already late, she dismissed the idea and drove the car back to the hotel.

   This trip to the capital has achieved unexpected results. Although it was already early morning, Lu Jianhong didn't feel sleepy at all and was very excited. Zhou Qifeng didn't say anything clearly to him, but there was still a lot of information in what he said, and Lu Jianhong needed to think about it carefully before sorting it out.

  The first thing to bear the brunt is naturally the current strategy adopted in Chong'an. Although Zhou Qifeng didn't comment on this point, he pointed out the way to balance. Undoubtedly, Lu Jianhong's approach was more in line with Zhou Qifeng's and other high-level ideas. In addition, Lu Jianhong proposed a discussion on the spirit of Chong'an, which also coincided with the vigorous implementation of the spirit of the conference across the country . The way of balance is the way of blending yin and yang. The so-called balance is periodical and time-sensitive, and it is not static. Different strategies need to be adopted in different periods. At this time, Lu Jianhong's defensive strategy is still very correct. It was very helpful for Lu Jianhong to gain trust and stabilize the foundation.

  Zhou Qifeng then mentioned some incidents to Lu Jianhong. To be precise, it was not aimed at Chong'an, it was universal across the country, and it was about the Central Inspection Team. A lot of things happened to the inspection team in Chong'an, which directly led to Jiao Yuzhu's downfall. Lu Jianhong remembered that before leaving, Team Leader Qian mentioned the office space to him. This time Zhou Qifeng grasped the common problem, An understatement of the location made Lu Jianhong realize that the new office building of the Quanshan District Committee and District Government might be a major worry for Chong'an, but the project was already under construction and would be completed after the Spring Festival. It's a fait accompli. At that time, Lu Jianhong proposed to reduce the office space, but this matter was thankless, and there was no central document, so Lu Jianhong only made some actions in the office building of the Standing Committee, and did not carry out it in the whole city. According to Zhou Qifeng, this work needs to be included in the agenda.

   Then Zhou Qifeng mentioned the matter of enterprise restructuring. This work was a key task of Chong'an, but Lu Jianhong had a different point of view. No matter what kind of business restructuring it was, whether it was a state-owned enterprise or a collective enterprise, the ultimate goal was to revitalize the enterprise. As for revitalizing the economy, Lu Jianhong ignored it. In his view, as long as an enterprise has vitality, there is no need for restructuring. Once a company is restructured, it will involve conflicts in all aspects, so Lu Jianhong doesn't want to touch him easily. In some areas, a profitable company was even sold at a low price to enrich its own pocket by claiming it was a loss. Lu Jianhong would never do such a thing. But when Zhou Qifeng brought up such a topic, Lu Jianhong couldn't say that. He could only say that he was investigating the situation of Chong'an's company, and after mastering the situation, he would make corresponding countermeasures according to the situation. Perhaps Zhou Qifeng also knows the difficulty of corporate restructuring, and needs to adapt to local conditions, and cannot adopt a one-pot approach, so he didn't talk much, but there was a vague intention to increase efforts in this regard.

  Lu Jianhong originally wanted to talk to him about the issue of security. But this issue is also very sensitive. Combined with Jiao Mengli's incident, Lu Jianhong almost uprooted the external forces of the Jiao family. It was under control, and Jiao Yuzhu's energies were all involved in his son at the time, so there was no storm. What Lu Jianhong wanted to talk about was to talk about undercover. At that time, in order to obtain criminal evidence, he had to participate in some illegal activities, so would such behavior affect the undercover person? Furthermore, was it the official intention of Tie Nan and Li Sheng to come, or was it their private behavior? Lu Jianhong didn't understand this point, and it was precisely because of this that Lu Jianhong didn't mention it. The more important reason was that Zhou Qifeng was already tired at the time, so he had to wait for a chance to bring it up in the future.

   There is another unexpected thing, that is Long Xiangtian. Judging from Zhou Qifeng's tone, he didn't really want to touch Long Xiangtian, so it's unclear if there are other factors involved. It can be seen that Zhou Qifeng is a little secretive about this, maybe he is also waiting for an opportunity.

  In general, Lu Jianhong's trip was worthwhile. Since he had already met with Zhou Qi and completed the most important task, he was in a good mood and called He Zijian.

  He Zijian answered the phone very quickly. It was obvious that he was not asleep yet, so Lu Jianhong asked him to come to the room and bring another bottle of wine.

He Zijian didn't expect that Lu Jianhong's alcohol addiction was so serious today. He hasn't slept until now. On the one hand, he was waiting for Lu Jianhong. .

Carrying a bottle of red wine into Lu Jianhong's room, Lu Jianhong didn't feel sleepy at all, and took a glass each of them with the glasses in the room. After touching each other, he took a sip. How about it?"

He Zijian had previously contacted Zheng Xiaobo, the director of the First Division of Disciplinary Inspection who was in charge of handling this matter. This case is still in the investigation stage. Since the Spring Festival is approaching, this matter has not been announced to the public. According to the conversation with the whistleblower, the teacher Sheng Sheng The problem is not small, and the amount involved is at least 10 million, but the time period is relatively sensitive, so I haven't gone to collect evidence yet.

  After listening to the report, Lu Jianhong said, "Tomorrow, you will contact Comrade Xiaobo again, and we must closely monitor the people involved."

  Lu Jianhong's considerations were not unreasonable. I guess Shi Changsheng himself also felt that the new year was approaching, and it was difficult to guarantee that he would not escape during the Spring Festival. It would be a huge loss.

  He Zijian wrote it down, and said, "Zhou Xiaohui made several phone calls tonight."

  Lu Jianhong understood Zhou Xiaohui's actions very well. Although Fang Zhiming's behavior was intolerable, he was her husband after all, so he said, "What did she say?"

  He Zijian said, "I didn't answer."