Very Secretary

Chapter 2910: point the finger at

  Very secretary-)10 pointing fingers


The meeting lasted until eleven o'clock. Lu Jianhong first conveyed the spirit of the work meeting, and then pointed out very sharply that the development of Chong'an was not only lagging behind, but also far behind. Judging from the situation in the past few months, Although there is a slight improvement, the strides are not big enough, and the courage is not big enough. What problems does this reflect? It reflects that the thinking of our leading cadres is not open enough, the measures are not strong enough, and the vision is not long-term enough.

After some serious criticism and self-criticism, Lu Jianhong didn't ask for any new ideas at the meeting, but asked every member of the Standing Committee to study and understand the spirit of the document after returning home. It is the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor. The Standing Committee will be reconvened in a week, and everyone must have real ideas by then.

  This kind of meeting is rare, and all the members of the standing committee looked at each other in blank dismay. It could be seen that Lu Jianhong's words were extremely insinuating. Although Lu Jianhong didn't say it publicly, he had already expressed a gesture that he would not interfere in the government's work. Although it is said that the whole city is a game of chess, as the secretary of the municipal party committee, he focuses on all aspects, but in the hearts of everyone, there is a clear dividing line between the party and the government, which can be said to be very clear. Economic work is the main and important task of the government's work. The backwardness of Chong'an's economy is entirely due to the government's ineffectiveness. I will not intervene in your work, and I will fully delegate power to you. You must come up with something decent, right? What can be put on the table right now is nothing more than the restructuring of state-owned enterprises, but everyone knows in their hearts that in order to create a "thriving" atmosphere for restructuring, it must be the enterprises that are easy to reform first, and the hard bones are still to come.

   Blaming the government is, of course, blaming the leader of the government—Mayor Zhu Yaoting.

Yu Changhui applauded secretly in his heart. He didn't expect Lu Jianhong's counterattack to be so fast. Two hours ago, Zhu Yaoting deliberately came later than Lu Jianhong, and faintly put on an air of resistance and slight upper hand. Lu Jianhong Hong immediately gave him a hand, and now she even pointed her finger at Zhu Yaoting. If the ten-minute adjournment at the beginning was Lu Jianhong's immediate reaction, then at the end of the meeting, was Lu Jianhong's remarks also a temporary quick wit? Yu Changhui thought this was not in line with the style of a municipal party secretary. As the secretary of the municipal party committee, he can make overall plans and control the overall situation. This is the real quality of a general. Thinking about it this way, Yu Changhui realized that he had been secretly worried that Lu Jianhong would lose his vigilance because of the temporary honeymoon period with Zhu Yaoting. backhand.

Yu Changhui's mood was actually a little contradictory. As the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, it was understandable to assist the secretary's work and to be in the same trench as the secretary. Especially when he was an outsider, it was a shortcut to gain a foothold. However, He and Zhu Yaoting were colleagues in the past. Although the relationship is not close, it is also extraordinary. From the bottom of his heart, he neither wants to see these two people fighting each other, nor does he want to get involved, but it is not beautiful. Ten times in the world, the original speculation has become a reality, and the future will be another difficult situation.

After Lu Jianhong finished speaking, her eyes flickered on Han Qing's face, and she continued: "Before this, our city has established a development strategy for attracting investment, but what I want to say is that it is not for the sake of attracting investment. Projects are not for the sake of projects, and investment promotion is not for the purpose of fooling the superiors. It is not only to attract businessmen, but also to retain businessmen, generate benefits, generate fiscal revenue, industrial projects, agricultural projects, and tertiary industry projects. Our goal. I heard that the Mengshuidu company of country m has arrived in Chong'an, so this project is going to be more impressive. The meeting is over!"

Everyone thought that Lu Jianhong would talk about the development of the Mengshuidu project, but they didn't expect that the meeting would be adjourned suddenly. These two words were said very suddenly and abruptly. In the midst of everyone's surprise, Lu Jianhong had already stood up , holding a cup in his left hand and a notebook in his right, walked to the door of the conference room.

  Everyone also stood up at this time, why didn't they forget to glance at Zhu Yaoting's face, it was livid.

  Zhu Yaoting had just stood up when Lu Jianhong, who was walking to the door, suddenly stopped, turned around to look at Zhu Yaoting, and said, "Mayor Yaoting, come to the office."

This is an order that must be carried out, but in Zhu Yaoting's ears, there is a piercing sense of disdain. His half-stand up body was slightly stiff for an instant, and then he straightened up, walked out of the door, and When passing by He Zijian's office, he saw his secretary was about to come out, so he stuffed the cup and notebook into the secretary's hand, and said calmly, "Wait for me downstairs."

  The secretary could naturally feel the strangeness of the master, and couldn't help being slightly stunned for a moment, and looked a little strange when he looked at He Zijian who was coming out to say hello to Zhu Yaoting.

Arriving at the door of Lu Jianhong's office, the door was ajar, He Zijian pushed the door open, and just as he pushed the door open, he heard Lu Jianhong scold, "Zijian, when did you become so unruly? Knock?"

  He Zijian was taken aback, but immediately realized that Lu Jianhong was not bullying him, so the person he was talking about was naturally Zhu Yaoting who was following behind.

  Of course, the play still has to go on, He Zijian immediately said in a low voice: "Secretary Lu, I'm sorry, I'll review it with you."

Zhu Yaoting's complexion also changed behind him, he could naturally hear the pair of master and servant playing double reeds, he smiled coldly, but his face stretched, and he said haha: "Secretary Lu, this is a trivial matter, don't The Taishanggang is online, education should be the main focus. Xiaohe, pour me a cup of tea."

  Lu Jianhong glanced at Zhu Yaoting, who was big and flamboyant, and said lightly, "Look at the big from the small. Small things can reflect big problems. If you don't teach them a lesson, he won't have a long memory if you don't hurt him."

  Zhu Yaoting could only pretend not to understand, sat down and said, "Secretary Lu, what's the matter?"

   Zhu Yaoting just sat down, but Lu Jianhong stood up, his face softened a little, and said, "How is the situation in Meng Shuidu?"

   Seeing Lu Jianhong standing, Zhu Yaoting was about to stand up too. Just as he bent his legs, Lu Jianhong said, "Sit down and talk."

   "You're standing, how dare I sit down." Zhu Yaoting knew that Lu Jianhong was high above him, and he was very imposing. Since that was the case, since he didn't take advantage of the land, he naturally shouldn't be head-on, so he made a joke as a show of weakness.