Very Secretary

Chapter 296: Kidnapping

  Extraordinary Secretary-Chapter 296 Kidnapping Case

  Huang Qiutong lowered his head, as if he couldn't bear to look at Jiang Haifeng. Lu Jianhong was also shocked. Is Jiang Haifeng just a puppet secretary? Could it be that today's Standing Committee was convened out of desperation? Lu Jianhong's eyes met Jiang Haifeng's for a moment. He saw the helplessness in Jiang Haifeng's eyes, but the facts did not allow him to think too much. Liu Jianguo spoke again and said, "Minister Lu, the matter of Hu Weisen has been said, let's talk about it later." Tell me what you think about Cheng Daan."

Lu Jianhong's eyes slowly swept across the members of the Standing Committee. He was very aware of his situation now. He was fighting alone, but these did not make him compromise, but aroused his fighting spirit even more. make any setbacks. Liu Jianguo is definitely offended. Even if he is subdued now, life will be difficult in the future. Instead of doing this, it is better to be tough. Suddenly he had a tragic feeling of "I would rather die standing than live on my knees", and said slowly: "There is a phone call to report that the case of the weapon fight that happened at the Nightless KTV was done by Cheng Da'an."

   "Where is the evidence?" Liu Jianguo had the demeanor of "I will not move when the wind and waves blow me around", and said, "What I want is evidence."

   "There is no evidence for now." Lu Jianhong's tone suddenly became lighter, "In the spirit of being responsible for the cadres, this matter needs to be investigated. But until the investigation is completed, my opinion is to suspend the promotion of this person."

Snapped! Liu Jianguo suddenly slapped his palm on the table, startling everyone, and Zhu Guozhong kept winking at Lu Jianhong. A warm current flashed through Lu Jianhong's heart, at least Zhu Guozhong was helping him. He ignored Zhu Guozhong's reminder, and said forcefully, "Secretary Liu, do you have any comments?"

   Liu Jianguo stared into Lu Jianhong's eyes, and everyone seemed to feel the spark from the meeting of their eyes. While feeling sorry for Lu Jianhong, they also admired Lu Jianhong's courage to challenge Liu Jianguo.

Lu Jianhong met Liu Jianguo's gaze without showing any weakness. At this moment, he forgot everything about his future job and future promotion. One day in the position of organization minister, one must follow one's own principles.

  Liu Jianguo suddenly laughed and said, "I have no objection." After saying this, Liu Jianguo grabbed the notebook that had not been opened on the table, got up and was about to leave.

  Jiang Haifeng spoke at this time: "Secretary Liu, does this sentence represent your attitude towards the promotion of Cheng Daan and Liu Weisen?"

  Liu Jianguo stopped for a moment, glanced at Lu Jianhong, then took a deep look at Jiang Haifeng, and said with a sneer, "I reserve my opinion."

  Jiang Haifeng returned a cold smile and said, "Secretary Liu, the meeting is not over yet."

  At this moment, Lu Jianhong's phone on the table vibrated suddenly. He glanced at the number and saw that it was Li Xiaoming from the cadre's office. He grabbed the phone and went out to answer the call, taking the opportunity to ease the intense atmosphere.

After answering the phone, Lu Jianhong walked into the conference room with a sullen face, and whispered something in Jiang Haifeng's ear, Jiang Haifeng's expression changed, and he said, "Comrades, today's meeting will end here. Dismiss the meeting."

  Although Jiang Haifeng is not powerful in Hucheng, Liu Jianguo is the one who dares to confront him head-on. Although many other members of the Standing Committee wear the same pants as Liu Jianguo, they still have some scruples. So today's meeting, when it comes to the promotion of Huhai County, is considered to be the end.

  Out of the conference room, Lu Jianhong clearly felt that everyone was alienating him, but he was in no mood to care about it now. He was worried about Ke Yijun's personal safety. The phone call from Li Xiaoming just now surprised him. According to the established plan, Ke Yijun and Li Xiaoming went to Huhai County to visit the masses yesterday, and had a side-view of the three people who were to be promoted in Huhai County. Li Xiaoming was young and escaped, but Ke Yijun was taken away. Before calling the police, Li Xiaoming called Lu Jianhong. When Lu Jianhong heard about this, her first reaction was that it might be Cheng Daan's fault, so she asked Li Xiaoming to find a place to hide. Watch out for your own safety.

  Lu Jianhong followed Jiang Haifeng into the secretary's office and said, "Secretary Jiang, what do you think we should do now?"

  Jiang Haifeng frowned and said, "Are you sure that Minister Ke's kidnapping is related to the Huhai County Public Security Bureau?"

Lu Jianhong said: "Although I'm not 100% sure, it should be pretty much the same. Secretary Jiang, do you think Minister Ke is going to investigate from the side, who can he have a grudge against? The only possibility is that they found out something that is not good for some people The situation violated their interests, which led to such a situation."

  Lu Jianhong's analysis made sense, Jiang Haifeng thought for a while and said, "If there is such a premise, then there will be a big problem."

  Jiang Haifeng thought the same as Lu Jianhong, the most urgent task was to rescue Ke Yijun. But how to save it is a problem. If it really was Cheng Daan, the Huhai County Public Security Bureau could not count on it. The director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Ma Changshun, and Cheng Daan were cousins, and such suspicions were unavoidable. If the public security bureaus at the two levels can't go up to people, what else can they do?

  Jiang Haifeng's mind had been looking for who would be the most reliable person for this mission. Seeing Jiang Haifeng frowned, Lu Jianhong was also wondering if he should use Niu Da. As soon as this idea flashed, Lu Jianhong immediately rejected it. After all, Niu Da is an unofficial person, so the nature of his actions is different. If there is a conflict with the police, the possibility of being dictatorship is very high.

   This is Jiang Haifeng, who already has a candidate, Cheng Xiaodong, deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Cheng Xiaodong is a man who hates evil. He used to be the captain of the criminal police when he was in the county. He solved several major cases in a row, and was later transferred to the Hucheng City Public Security Bureau as the deputy director. This person is a business-oriented bureau chief who is not interested in those fighting for power and profit. He is a very suitable candidate for focusing on researching business.

   After Jiang Haifeng introduced Cheng Xiaodong, Lu Jianhong said, "Secretary Jiang, I will follow your arrangement."

   Without further ado, Jiang Haifeng immediately asked Yu Hua to notify Cheng Xiaodong to come to his office. Soon, Cheng Xiaodong arrived. He was a typical burly man, with a burly figure and a loud voice, and said, "Secretary Jiang, are you looking for me?"

Jiang Haifeng asked Yu Hua to close the door, instructed him about the matter, and then said: "Director Cheng, since the issues involved in this matter are very serious, we must keep it secret. The case should be reported to me and Minister Lu alone. Comrade, don't let anyone know."