Very Secretary

Chapter 325: Dog B housework

  Very Secretary-Chapter 325 Dog B Family Affairs

  Early the next morning, when Lu Jianhong arrived at the office, before he could sit still, Ke Yijun came in, made a standing posture, and said, "Ke Yijun is here to report."

  Lu Jianhong smiled, stood up and shook hands with him, and said, "Welcome back. Please sit down."

   Ke Yijun sat down, took out a notebook with a lot of dust on the margins, and said, "Minister Lu, let me report the investigation situation to you."

  The situation of the investigation was satisfactory, but the biggest problem appeared in Huhai County. After visiting, many people reported that the local public security conditions are very poor, there are frequent fights, and there are even crimes of stabbing people in the street. The speed of the police is also very slow. Once two gangs hacked each other on the street and called "110" two hours later, they still didn't come. In addition, private lending is very popular, and the interest is as high as 10 cents, and some even reach 20 cents. Many people go bankrupt because of this.

  Lu Jianhong interrupted and asked, "Generally, the interest on private loans should not exceed three times that of the bank's interest. It's too high to be so high. No wonder there are so many high-end cars in Huhai."

   Ke Yijun also said: "A certain county in Jiangsu is a poor county. Because of the usury of the whole people, there are more than 100 BMW cars alone, but this is only a small number of people who have benefited from it, and more people have lost everything."

  Lu Jianhong said: "This kind of borrowing is not protected by the law, and it is also illegal. Isn't there any judicial department involved?"

  Ke Yijun said: "No."

  Ke Yijun continued to report. According to Ke Yijun's knowledge, many people have reported that the big boss behind the usury is Cheng Daan, the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. Not only that, Cheng Daan often mixes with people in the society and acts as a protective umbrella for them. It is said that Cheng Daan's The private house has more than 500 square meters, and the decoration alone cost more than 2 million yuan. Where does the money come from is very problematic. Speaking of this, Lu Jianhong somewhat felt that when Tieguai Li was captured that night, Cheng Da'an was there, and a suitcase containing 1.6 million in cash was also found at the scene, which explained the problem very well. Ke Yijun reported Hu Weisen's situation again. In the past few years when Hu Weisen was in Huhai, Huhai's economic development has improved, but it is not obvious. Many public institution personnel have reported that their wages are not paid according to the national standard, and only the national standard salary is paid. Hundreds of dollars, many staff have chosen to stay without pay, resulting in the situation that no one is doing the work. It is not known what the wages withheld will be used for. In addition, the Cheng Daan incident happened right under his nose. As a county secretary, it is impossible for him to be ignorant of the situation, so it is impossible to verify whether there is any connection between it. After all, Ke Yijun is just an executive deputy minister, not a law enforcement officer. Personnel, the matter of verification requires the legal department.

   "Due to the short time and unexpected circumstances, this is what I learned." Ke Yijun finished the report.

Lu Jianhong said: "Although the content of the investigation is not large, it is of great value. Based on the situation we have now, let alone promotion, there may still be people who want to go in. Please don't say anything about these things, I will report to Secretary Jiang , Come up with a plan. Our organization department must not only do a good job in the selection and appointment of people, but also remove those who are not suitable for leadership positions in a timely manner and let competent comrades take up."

   As soon as Ke Yijun left, Lu Jianhong welcomed a new guest - Yin Chen's lover, Li Mei.

Li Mei said with a bit of embarrassment: "Minister Lu, I came to apologize to you. I didn't understand the situation that day, so I came to the organization department to make a big noise, which brought a negative impact on the organization department. Our old Yin's face has been smeared black, please, Mr. Lu, don't count the faults of villains."

Lu Jianhong said lightly: "Comrade Li Mei, there is no need for you to explain to me, and there is no situation where I will forgive you or not. You should think about how to restore Minister Yin's reputation. When I was at work this morning, I I heard that many people are discussing this matter, and even Secretary Jiang of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Huang are paying attention to this matter, so we must check it out. The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government do not allow our comrades to have such male and female behavior problems."

  Li Mei's face suddenly turned pale. At that time, she was just angry for a while, and she didn't think too much about it when she wanted to find an explanation. That night, the seven aunts and the eight aunts came to the door to inquire about the teacher's crimes, which drove Yin Chen into a hurry and said that he wanted a divorce, which made Li Mei wake up. Divorce would inevitably lead to a catastrophic situation. Later, her younger sister also persuaded her in the room, there is food, drink and money to spend, so you don't care what the man is doing outside. If a man doesn't find a flower and ask a willow, is he still a man? How many men are not a little careful now?

Li Mei was right when she thought about it, she didn't have a job herself, since Yin Chen became the head of the organization, she was still very family-friendly, she handed over her wages every penny, and during the holidays, there were many people who came to her door, and they didn't come empty-handed , she also got a lot of benefits. Going out to play mahjong, mahjong friends are all ministers' wives, and their faces are very beautiful, so why bother to be too serious?

  But even though he thought so, he still vomited with Yin Chen all night. When he got up in the morning, Yin Chen had already gone out. After much deliberation, it's better to apologize to Lu Jianhong, the head of the organization, to save some influence. But when Lu Jianhong said this, Li Mei realized that she had done something stupid.

  Lu Jianhong's impression of Yin Chen was not good in the first place, and he was too lazy to ask about their doggy family affairs when this happened, so he said bluntly, "Comrade Li Mei, I have something else to do."

  Li Mei exited the office tactfully, but her heart arose. Suddenly she had an ominous feeling that the family might really be breaking up because of her disturbance in the organization department.

  Lu Jianhong called Jiang Haifeng's office, which was answered by Secretary-General Yu Hua. After confirming that Jiang Haifeng was in the office, Lu Jianhong said, "I have work to report to Secretary Jiang."

  Out of the office, Lu Jianhong glanced at Yin Chen's office. The door was locked. It seemed that Yin Chen hadn't come to work.

   Gently knocked on the door of Jiang Haifeng's office. Jiang Haifeng was reading a newspaper when he saw Lu Jianhong coming in and said, "Minister Lu, sit down."

Sitting opposite Jiang Haifeng, Lu Jianhong took the cigarette Jiang Haifeng handed over, took a puff, and said, "Secretary Jiang, I had a meeting in the organization department yesterday, mainly to report the reserve cadres to the organization department of the provincial party committee. "

  Jiang Haifeng said: "Let the organization department take the lead in this matter, and report to me after the candidate is drawn up."

  Lu Jianhong said again: "In addition, there is another thing to report to Secretary Jiang, that is, the murderer who kidnapped Minister Ke has been captured."

  Jiang Haifeng didn't speak, but glanced at Yu Hua. Yu Hua tactfully left, Jiang Haifeng waited for another two minutes, and looked outside the door, Yu Hua was standing by the window smoking a cigarette.

  Jiang Haifeng returned to the office and said, "Let's talk in the bedroom."