Very Secretary

Chapter 344: return to Zhao

  Extraordinary Secretary-Chapter 344 Return to Zhao

   "Do you want to get rid of yourself? It's a good idea." Liu Jianguo felt sad that "the tree fell and the monkeys scattered", somberly, he lit a cigarette.

  Liu Jianguo has quit smoking for many years, and now he is smoking again, obviously in a bad mood.

Ma Mingfei did not persuade him not to smoke, and said: "Jianguo, now is not the time to fight fiercely, the main thing is how to eliminate this crisis. Jianguo, let's do it together, let Mingshun do what you want, and let Mingshun do what you want. On the other hand, I think we should complete the formalities for going abroad as soon as possible, and transfer all the assets under our name to Yu Xin. Once the formalities are completed, no matter whether there is any problem here, we will leave as soon as possible."

   "What about Mingshun?"

  Ma Mingfei was silent for a while and said: "Husband and wife are birds in the same forest. When disaster strikes, they fly separately. He is just my younger brother, and I can't take care of him anymore."

  Ma Mingfei verified the old saying "the most poisonous woman's heart", but she also has reason to think about it. The less people know about this kind of sneaking out of the country, the better.

  Going to work the next day, Liu Jianguo had something on his mind and was in an extremely bad mood. He closed the door and saw no customers. At around nine o'clock, someone rang his office, and Liu Jianguo said angrily, "Who is it?"

  People outside were still knocking on the office, Liu Jianguo felt a little guilty, could it be someone from the Commission for Discipline Inspection who came here? After opening the door, there was only one person outside the door, very strange, holding a scroll in his hand, Liu Jianguo said, "Who are you? What's the matter?"

   "Is it Secretary Liu of the Political and Legal Committee? I have been entrusted by someone, and I have something for you." The man smiled and handed over the scroll in his hand.

  Liu Jianguo took it involuntarily, and asked suspiciously: "What is this? Who entrusted you?"

  The man still smiled slightly and said, "You will know after reading it. I'm leaving."

  Sending the man away, Liu Jianguo closed the door, took a look at the scroll, and almost fainted from anger. It turned out to be a painting, which was the "Autumn Mountain and Red Tree Picture" that he gave Gao Fuhai. It is self-evident that Gao Fuhai sent the painting back at this time.

   Ma Mingshun quickly called Liu Jianguo, saying that he hadn't found anything of value in Cheng Daan's house, and was about to go to the labor camp farm.

  Li Haokun's shuanggui against Hu Weisen was under a very covert situation. Except for the relevant staff of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Jiang Haifeng, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, few people knew about it. But Lu Jianhong still knew. This news was not disclosed to him by Jiang Haifeng or Li Haokun.

In the morning, Lu Jianhong called the head of the organization department to his office for a meeting and asked to report on the recent work. Everyone made their own reports in an orderly manner. After Lu Jianhong made a summary and comment, they dispersed Meeting, meeting once a week has become Lu Jianhong's habit. It's true, all his subordinates are capable, and he doesn't need to do anything. If he doesn't hold a meeting every week to remind him, he is afraid that everyone will forget the organization department and him as the head of the organization.

  Li Haitao did not leave, but stayed in Lu Jianhong's office and said, "Minister Lu, I have another work report."

  This was Li Haitao's first report on work alone, so Lu Jianhong said, "Let's talk."

Li Haitao said: "Minister Lu, according to the division of labor, I am in charge of cadres and talents. Based on my experience in Huhai in the past few years, there are great disadvantages in organizational work, especially promotion work. The situation is common, and I am thinking that leaders always have their own subjectivity in judging people and things, and in addition, are those recommended by the organization department necessarily excellent talents? This is probably not necessarily the case.”

   "So what's your opinion?" Lu Jianhong said calmly.

   "Minister Lu, let me tell you the truth, if I hadn't adopted the method of open selection for the post of Deputy Minister of the Organization Department, it would be absolutely impossible for me to take up this position."

  During Li Haitao's public announcement, many people did report him in one way or another, and some even said on the phone that he had an affair with Huang Xiaoyun, Director of the Talent Work Division of the Organization Department. Lu Jianhong investigated this and found that it was groundless. When he found out about Huang Xiaoyun's relationship with him, he found that Huang Xiaoyun and Li Haitao were cousins, but what did it matter? The two of them didn't enter the organization department at the same time, but Li Haitao passed the written test and defense step by step.

  Lu Jianhong smiled and said, "Aren't you the deputy minister now?"

Li Haitao continued: "Keep up with the organization department and make progress every year. This sentence shows the disadvantages. During the few years I was in Huhai, I felt that the organization department was a very popular department. If I want to be promoted, I will do my best. However, because of my understanding of some of them, I am not qualified to be promoted at all, but in the end I still cannot deny the views of the top leaders, and thus offended many people. I have been thinking that this kind of promotion is in line with the needs of career development. Is it on the track? Those who rely on gifts and interpersonal relationships without real knowledge go up, can they benefit one party for one term as an official?"

  Lu Jianhong still looked calm, and said, "This is a common phenomenon, and no one can change it."

"I have an immature idea. Now all over the country are engaging in 'public nomination and public election', but they are all mere formalities, so I want to get the support of Minister Lu to invigorate the 'public nomination and public election' and recruit talents from the whole society so that Those who are truly competent and capable serve as leading cadres, which is conducive to the development of organizational work."

  Li Haitao's thoughts coincided with Lu Jianhong's. The method of taking a written test plus a defense for the position of deputy minister was just a signal flare that he threw out to test the reactions of all walks of life, including the municipal committee. The creation of the position of deputy minister within the Organization Department was just a smoke bomb he released, because he knew it was unfair, and it didn't meet the wishes of some people. In order to pursue balance, he naturally adopted an open selection plan.

However, the current political situation in Hucheng is very unstable. It is difficult to get support from the Standing Committee if it is strictly followed by "public recommendation and public election". Very insightful, how about this, you make a comprehensive implementation plan, we discuss it at the ministry committee, and when the opinion plan is mature, I will bring it to the Standing Committee for study.”

  Li Haitao was very happy to see Lu Jianhong supporting him, and said, "By the way, Minister Lu, there is one thing that you may not know. The Secretary of the Huhai County Party Committee, Hu Weisen, was shuanggui."

  Lu Jianhong really didn't know the news, she was taken aback, and said, "Is it true? I haven't heard of it."

"It's been kept secret in the city. It's been several days. It's been rumored that the lake and the sea are crazy." Li Haitao said with heavy personal emotions, "Hu Weilin is messing around in the lake and sea. He's so daring, what? Dare to take money, dare to use anyone, dare to do anything, he should have gone in a long time ago. This time he was shuanggui, Huhai does not know how many people are afraid."

  Lu Jianhong said sternly: "Haitao, justice is managed by someone. Investigating and dealing with criminals' economic problems is not within the scope of the organization department's responsibilities. You are not allowed to discuss it in the future. Do your job well, let alone publicize it everywhere, you know?"