Very Secretary

Chapter 381: discipline

  Very Secretary-Chapter 381 Discipline

   Lu Jianhong's biggest headache was the implementation of the invigilators. Although the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee attach great importance to it, in the eyes of many people, this is just an adult exam, and there will be great hidden dangers in the discipline of the exam room. It's certainly not fair to say. Discipline in the examination room is just a simple word, but it is very difficult to be serious. The invigilators will undoubtedly draw teachers from the school, but this time the invigilators are not students, but mostly leading cadres. Among them, it is inevitable that there are people who know each other, are familiar with them, have friendship, have been in a relationship with superiors and subordinates, etc. It is human nature and unavoidable to turn a blind eye to take care of them. Lu Jianhong thought for a long time, and called the principals of the three schools to hold a special meeting on strict examination room discipline.

  In the meeting room of the education bureau, the atmosphere was very relaxed. The three principals and the director of the education bureau, Wu Guangtai, were smoking and chatting, waiting for Lu Jianhong.

   Soon, Lu Jianhong arrived, and when they got up, Wu Guangtai introduced, "This is Minister Lu of the Organization Department." Then he introduced the three principals to Lu Jianhong.

  Lu Jianhong shook hands with them one by one, and said, "Thank you to the principals for taking time out of their busy schedules to come to the meeting."

After sitting down, Lu Jianhong first expressed his gratitude to them for their support of the public election work, and then said seriously: "This time, the three principals are invited to come here to discuss one issue, which is about discipline in the examination room. In the eyes of many people, the exam this time is just an adult exam, but in the eyes of the provincial and municipal party committees, this is a very serious exam, which is related to the fairness of public elections. The most important one is public elections The word is 'public', and whether the invigilation is strict is one of the requirements for testing whether it is fair. I won't say more about the specific principles. I believe that the political awareness of the principals is no lower than that of Lu Jianhong. I only make one request. We must ensure that the discipline in the examination room is serious and strict, and no cheating or even cooperating with cheating is allowed. If supervision is not effective during the examination, or the invigilators deliberately engage in private fraud, once discovered, they will be severely investigated and punished. It will be handed over to the judiciary.”

After a pause, Lu Jianhong said, "This is not scaremongering. I hope that the principals will pay attention to it and publicize it when they go back. Of course, this is just a means. The ultimate goal is to ensure the discipline of the examination room and show fairness. Hope to be unhappy."

   After saying some words of thanks, this meeting is considered over.

  Since the online registration method was adopted, the test admission tickets and the like were printed by the referees themselves, so Lu Jianhong didn't need to worry about this.

On this day, Lu Jianhong was busy with the work at hand, and before returning to the office, she received a call from Li Zongxian, the propaganda minister, who said politely, "Minister Lu, you have worked hard these few days. "

  Lu Jianhong smiled and said, "Minister Li also put in a lot of effort to promote the work of the public election this time. When it comes to hard work, Minister Li is not easy."

  Li Zongxian smiled on the phone and said: "Minister Lu, the last time I trained this child Lin for being ignorant, he offended Minister Lu. Please, Mr. Lu, have a lot of things. Don't take it to heart."

"Is there such a thing? Hehe, I forgot. I looked at the list, and there was him, so I applied..." Lu Jianhong looked at the records and said, "I applied for the office of the county party committee, I hope I can get good grades." .”

  Li Zong paused for a moment before saying in a low voice: "Minister Lu, I'm not afraid of your jokes. I just want to ask Minister Lu to help and take care of me."

Lu Jianhong knew Li Zongxian's intentions a long time ago, and said tactfully, "I want to take care of you too, but the regulations don't allow it. Secretary Jiang is staring at me. And this time the competition must pass the exam, even I don't even know the test questions."

   Putting down the phone, Lu Jianhong shook his head. Just as the phone hung up, it rang again quickly. It was Jiang Haifeng calling, asking Lu Jianhong to go to his office.

   Arriving at Jiang Haifeng's office, Jiang Haifeng said: "Minister Lu, is the public election going smoothly?"

Lu Jianhonghui reported: "The qualification review is over. The next step is the written test. The test room, invigilator and time have all been confirmed. Two days ago, I had a special meeting with the principals of the three schools on the serious test room, but I still I am worried that there will be violations of discipline in the examination room, so I want to improve the invigilation method and add one more invigilator to each examination room to ensure the stability of the examination room."

  Jiang Haifeng nodded, absent-mindedly, and said, "Did you get the test paper back?"

  Lu Jianhong shook his head and said, "To prevent leaks, I will only pick it up the day before the exam."

  Jiang Haifeng nodded slightly again, and said, "Okay, you can go out."

  Lu Jianhong left Jiang Haifeng's office. Jiang Haifeng thought about it, picked up the phone, put it down, picked up the phone again, pressed a few keys, but hung up the phone.

Jiang Haifeng received a call from an old classmate to intercede. Jiang Haifeng asked Lu Jianhong about the test paper. However, if he made a big taboo and took the initiative to ask the deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department for the test paper and test questions, wouldn't that be self-defeating?

Before Lu Jianhong arrived at the office, he heard the phone in the office ringing non-stop. Lu Jianhong deliberately slowed down. He knew that most of the calls at this time were to say hello and go through the back door. Jianhong had already received many calls of this type, but he blocked them all. Of course, the voices he faced were understanding, disdainful, and swearing on the phone, and some retired old leaders even said bluntly that he would not be able to work in Hucheng for long and was waiting to go back to Zhuan. go. This made Lu Jianhong dumbfounded, and even more annoying. In order not to be harassed, with Jiang Haifeng's consent, he set up a new mobile phone number. After get off work, the original number was turned off, and he asked Ke Yijun and others to call the new number. As for the office phone, he directly unplugged the phone line so that his ears would not be disturbed. Even so, the office is full of people every day, and some even wait at his residence at night, which makes Lu Jianhong unable to defend himself. Of course, there are also many bribers among the visitors, all of whom were punished by Lu Jianhong. In words, he pushed back.

   (group number: 1360415), welcome to join. Another love letter. )