Very Secretary

Chapter 438: magical powers

  Very Secretary-Chapter 438 Supernatural Powers

   "Gao Lan, who is he?" Huo Donglin was able to find this place because Zhou Weilong reported the letter to him. Zhou Weilong's exaggerated words made him angry on the phone.

   "Does it have anything to do with you?" Gao Lan looked at Huo Donglin with disdain, "Huo Donglin, let me tell you, I didn't like you before, even less now, and I will never like you in the future."

   It turns out that this kid is Huo Donglin. He looks handsome, but he has a small heart. Lu Jianhong secretly gave an evaluation, but because his father's threats in the Gao Fuhai incident made Lu Jianhong very shameless, so he hated the use of the house. The son will not be a good thing.

Huo Donglin was obviously irritated by Gao Lan, but he couldn't do anything to Gao Lan. This anger would naturally be sent to Lu Jianhong. After a few strides, he stepped in front of Lu Jianhong and said viciously, "Boy, I warn you, stay away from Gaolan."

  Lu Jianhong shrugged noncommittally, ignoring his threat, and Gao Lan cooperated with Lu Jianhong out of Huo Donglin's sight.

Huo Donglin punched the trash can on the side of the road bitterly, and said darkly: "Gao Lan, you forced me. Since you don't look at me, I won't make it easier for you. And you, Lu Fading!"

  With this anger, Huo Donglin hurried home. Howard was taking a nap. Huo Donglin knocked on the door and said, "Dad, are you asleep? I have something to ask you."

  Howard doted on the child very much. He opened the door and said, "What's wrong? You're very angry."

   "I have lost patience with Gao Lan." Huo Donglin said bitterly.

   "I've said it a long time ago, you can't control Gao Lan, so you have to listen." Howard said lightly.

"But do you know what she said?" Huo Donglin lied, "She said that the family of a public security chief is not in her eyes. What is this called? It is okay to insult me, but she also insults you." gone."

   "Just a public security chief?" Howard sneered, "Gao Fuhai is also a deputy governor. I want to see what he can do."

Hearing Howard say this, Huo Donglin knew that he was angry, but it wasn't enough, he had to pour oil on the fire to make it even hotter, so he continued: "Dad, I listen to my friends in the provincial government Said, the man surnamed Gao is very arrogant, saying that you can't touch him at all, and wishful thinking to marry your daughter to the Huo family."

  Howard slapped the coffee table with a slap, his expression was gloomy for a while, and then he said: "I see, don't meddle in this matter, I have my own plan."

  Gao Fuhai didn't have too many handles in his hands, the only thing he could talk about was the leak case. The last time Gao Fuhai had originally agreed to marry Gao Lan, he did not expect to change his mind temporarily, which left him with nowhere to put his face. If his son hadn't had any illusions about Gao Lan, he would have exposed this matter a long time ago. out. Now that the father and daughter don't show face, it is necessary to take some action to show them some color, so this matter must be exposed. Who is he thinking about stabbing now, the Governor Zhou Qifeng or the Provincial Party Secretary Long Xiangtian?

  Howard recalled what Long Xiangtian said when he came to him that day, asking him not to continue investigating the case. It seems that he got some wind, and if he told him, he might hit a soft nail. If this is the case, not only will it fail to achieve the effect, but it will also reveal the wind. Thinking of this, Howard still decided to bring this matter to Zhou Qifeng.

  Huo Donglin provoked Howard's anger and achieved the desired goal, but he was even more angry. Thinking of Lu Jianhong's contempt when he ignored him, this made him very unacceptable. Zhou Weilong called him and told him that Lu Jianhong was also a student of the Provincial Party School, which meant that he would be in Yanhua during this time, so there would be a chance to stop him.

  Huo Donglin suddenly had an idea.

  Howard picked a time when Long Xiangtian was not in the Provincial Party Committee, and went to Governor Zhou Qifeng's office, and the door of the office was closed. Howard knocked a few times, but no one opened it. It seemed that Zhou Qifeng was not there.

  In the corridor, Howard called Zhou Qifeng. The call was answered by Wang Qinghua, Secretary-General of the Provincial Government. Howard said, "Secretary-General Wang, is it convenient for Governor Zhou to answer the phone?"

  Wang Qinghua said lightly: "Governor Zhou has something to do, and it's not convenient to pick it up. What's the matter, just tell me. I'll tell Governor Zhou later."

  Howard was naturally inconvenient to disclose this matter to Wang Qinghua, so he said, "Then I will call again when Governor Zhou is convenient."

   After more than two hours, Howard called again, and the phone was quickly passed to Zhou Qifeng: "Hua De, what's the matter?"

   "I have something important to report to you face to face." Howard lowered his voice.

  Zhou Qifeng was slightly taken aback, and said, "Come to my office at 2:30 in the afternoon."

  At 2:10, Howard arrived, and Wang Qinghua said in the outer room: "Director Huo, at 3:20, Governor Zhou has a meeting to attend, you have to hurry up."

  Howard nodded, but cursed in his heart, **** it, a **** secretary general, what an air, the governor didn't say a word, but you are a dog.

But scolding is scolding, not only is his rank higher than him, but he is also behind the governor. Although he, the director of the Public Security Bureau, is also a high-ranking official, but here, he is really not bullshit. do not know. So he laughed along and heard Zhou Qifeng say: "Director Huo? Come in."

  Howard hurried in, Zhou Qifeng said in a deep voice, "I'll give you half an hour."

  Howard didn't say a word, and was choked by Zhou Qifeng. He felt a little uncomfortable, but this matter must have his help, so he briefly revealed the matter of Gao Fuhai's public election.

  Zhou Qifeng was listening all the time, and when Howard finished speaking, he said, "You should report this matter to Secretary Long."

  Howard was taken aback for a moment, what does this mean? It seems to be a bit dodging.

  Howard was also dazzled. What was his purpose of reporting to Zhou Qifeng? It was nothing more than bringing down Gao Fuhai. But Gao Fuhai is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Deputy Governor, and it takes a lot of strength to deal with him. Besides, if you don't admit to something like this, you can't be convicted of any crime with Yihuasheng's words. After all, everything It was all handled by Yi Huasheng. Moreover, even if Gao Fuhai is passive, it is impossible to predict what kind of turmoil will be caused by the provincial party committee and the provincial government. Zhou Qifeng naturally understood the reasoning behind it, but when someone said it, of course he couldn't say it clearly. Instead, he resorted to the "big shift of the universe" to push the problem to Long Xiangtian's side.

   (group number: 1360415), welcome to join. Another love letter. )