Very Secretary

Chapter 439: never give up

  Very Secretary-Chapter 439 Never Give Up

  The reason why Howard chose Long Xiangtian to come to Zhou Qifeng when he was not in the province was to avoid him, but now that Zhou Qifeng said so, it is hard for him to say that he reported to him because Long Xiangtian was not there.

   On the way back to the office, Howard thought about it calmly, and felt that it was too rash to go to Zhou Qifeng in this way, and he might leave a bad impression on Zhou Qifeng, after all, his starting point was not moral. More importantly, Gao Fuhai left him with insufficient handles to have a fatal impact on Gao Fuhai. Of course, Gao Fuhai's status as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and vice governor is also an important factor, after all, he is a deputy provincial leader.

However, the encounter with Zhou Qifeng did not make him give up the idea of ​​getting Gao Fuhai. After sitting in the office and thinking about it for a while, he decided not to seek help from the province. It was impossible to count on Zhou Qifeng. As for Long Xiangtian, It is estimated that the possibility is even smaller, otherwise he would not be allowed to continue the investigation. Therefore, he would not believe this matter only if it was brought up, and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection would turn a blind eye to it.

  When people relax, time always passes quickly, and half of the party school life in January has passed in a blink of an eye. Lu Jianhong was in a good mood. She went to class during the day, chatted with Gao Lan between classes, visited her mother at night, had a phone call with An Ran when she came back, and listened to the voices of the children. It was indeed a very pleasant life. Since Zhou Weilong uttered nonsense in front of him and Gao Lan last time, he hasn't seen any substantive actions. The only thing that bothers Lu Jianhong a little is that he doesn't know how to properly handle the relationship between him and Gao Lan. . In terms of dealing with Gao Lan's emotions, he really couldn't find a balance between her and An Ran as before. In fact, it was just a self-deception. What Anran said to him at that time, Anran has paid too much for him and for this family. If he is in the blessing and does not know the blessing, and the colorful flags are fluttering outside, he is simply inferior to a beast. Therefore, apart from the normal contact with Gao Lan in the party school, he tried his best to avoid alone contact with Gao Lan outside the school. He really didn't want any more intersection between the two, although he didn't have any conflicts in his heart.

   After class this day, Lu Jianhong greeted Gao Lan as usual, and went directly to the People's Hospital.

  Gao Lan was also struggling during this time. Her promotion is a foregone conclusion. There are two main reasons why she came to the party school. First, Qi Guodong has been chasing her too closely during this time. Qi Guodong is her colleague, although she pursues her closely, it is not too much, and she is not easy to lose face, after all, she still has to work together. In this case, leaving the unit to study at the party school can just let Qi Guodong calm down. The second reason is the most important. She only found out by accident that Lu Jianhong was also studying at the party school, so she asked Gao Fuhai to come forward to greet Fu Changjiang, the principal of the party school, and let Gao Lan join the class. But when he actually met Lu Jianhong, he was even more tortured. Gao Lan clearly felt that Lu Jianhong was deliberately keeping a distance from her. She was not the kind of boring person, so naturally she would not take the initiative to post it. After all, although their relationship was there, they couldn't see it. Here, unlike Zhun'an, the two have the condition to be sneaky, but in Yanhua, once they are discovered, it is not just as simple as being ruined. Therefore, she could only pretend to be indifferent and maintain a normal classmate relationship with Lu Jianhong.

  In the hospital, Lu Jianhong received an extremely exciting news. In a week, Liang Yuelan would be discharged from the hospital. Lu Jianhong was so excited that he screamed, but the nurses in other wards scolded him and told him to be quiet, making the two sisters who had been taking care of him here for a long time snicker.

  Because of this great news, Lu Jianhong stayed in the hospital for a while, but he fought with his two sisters until the veins in his neck burst out. The reason for the dispute was Liang Yuelan's ownership after he was discharged from the hospital. Of course, Lu Jianhong asked her mother to live at home, but her sister disagreed. The reason was that when they returned to Zhun'an, Lu Jianhong and his wife had to go to work and take care of the children, so they would inevitably not have enough energy. And the two sisters have plenty of time, so that their mother can get the best recovery.

  Liang Yuelan has been silent, the children are filial, which is enough to make her proud and gratified. I heard from nurses these days that the patient next door has two sons and three daughters, but there is only one younger daughter who is with the old man here. It was for the convenience of paying the medical expenses that they kept arguing. So Liang Yuelan was very moved that her three children were so filial.

In the end, she came out to mediate and agreed with the daughters' opinions. Lu Jianhong wanted to argue, but the elder sister said, "Jianhong, we are doing this for my mother's benefit. We will take care of her after she is discharged from the hospital so that she can recover as soon as possible. You You have to think about An Ran if you are not at home all year round. She has to go to work, take care of the children, and take care of her mother, I am afraid she will be too busy."

  After hearing this, Lu Jianhong fell silent. The elder sister's words reached his heart. If his mother's body was not given the best care and recovery because of his impulsiveness, it would be a great sin.

   Seeing that it was almost time for the party school, Lu Jianhong left the hospital.

   Picked up the car in the parking lot, just after driving out of the hospital gate, a woman walked quickly by the hospital door, and heard a pop, and the woman was knocked to the ground. Lu Jianhong broke out in a cold sweat. For so many years, Lu Jianhong had never had an accident while driving by himself. When encountering this situation, Lu Jianhong's mind was a little dazed, but it was not messed up, so he stopped quickly and came down to check.

  A woman fell down in front of the car and was getting up from the ground. It seemed that there was no major problem because of the slow speed of the car.

  Lu Jianhong walked over quickly, helped the woman up, and said, "How are you?"

  The woman checked her body, only her legs were scratched, and said, "I'm fine."

  Lu Jianhong finally let go of his heart, but with a responsible attitude, he still took the woman to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. After confirming that there was nothing serious, he completely let go of the stone in his heart.

  The woman made a request to Lu Jianhong at this moment. Because her leg hurts, it is not easy to walk. Can you ask Lu Jianhong to take her home.

  Lu Jianhong felt that he had knocked her down. She didn't make any other outrageous demands, but just asked him to give her a ride. The condition was not high, so she agreed.

   (group number: 1360415), welcome to join. Another love letter. )