Very Secretary

Chapter 526: Cold treatment

  Very Secretary-Chapter 526 Cold Treatment

It was only two o'clock after leaving Zhao Xuepeng's house. Lu Jianhong had another move, which was to pay New Year's greetings to Gao Fuhai. After all, he was his direct leader. Unexpectedly, at Gao Fuhai's house, he was left out in the cold. Lu Jianhong was puzzled by this neglect, and from the resentful eyes that Mrs. Gao occasionally looked at him, Lu Jianhong was even more at a loss. All this made Lu Jianhong feel like he was sitting on pins and needles, so before he finished his cup of tea, Lu Jianhong got up to leave.

  Gao Fuhai remained silent with a sullen face. Lu Jianhong left Gao Fuhai's house anxiously, but his heart seemed to be crushed by a mountain.

  Gao Fuhai has always been nice to himself, why did his attitude change so drastically after the Spring Festival?

  When he was walking down the stairs, he suddenly heard Gao Lan's voice: "Dad, Mom, are you going too far? When people come to pay New Year's greetings, at least you have to show some good face?"

   "Hmph, do you still have the face to speak out? The Gao family has lost all face, you go back to my room." Gao Fuhai yelled angrily.

   "Old Gao, what are you doing so loudly? I'm not afraid that outsiders will hear you." Mrs. Gao scolded.

  " Shut up, too, you spoiled me..." As the door was closed with a bang, they couldn't hear what they were saying, but Lu Jianhong's heart jumped wildly.

  It’s really a poor house with a leaky well and water running out. When bad luck comes, everything goes bad. Standing up for Zhao Jin seemed to have offended Governor Zhou Qifeng, and now his relationship with Gao Lan seemed to be a revelation. From Gao Fuhai's rebuke to Gao Lan, one can hear one, two, three. If this is the case, how to properly handle the relationship with Gao Fuhai will be the first problem that Lu Jianhong needs to face.

   Feeling lost and uneasy, Lu Jianhong walked downstairs.

  Just after walking out of the first floor, I saw a person running from another building, and someone behind him was shouting: "Catch the thief!"

   Without saying a word, Lu Jianhong kicked the thief head-on and fell into the green belt of the community.

  The thief rolled in the green belt, and the stolen money and gold and silver jewelry spilled out of his arms. But at this time, he was in a hurry to escape, and he didn't care about taking care of those things outside of him, so he fled in a panic.

  Lu Jianhong strode over and kicked him on the buttocks again. He threw himself on the thief and held him firmly. At this time, the man who was shouting to catch the thief also chased him and subdued the thief.

  At this time, the two discovered that they knew each other. This person was actually Gu Yue, the secretary-general of the government. It turned out that he lived in the same community as Gao Fuhai.

  Gu Yue called the police station where the community is located, and then said with a smile: "Fortunately, Secretary-General Lu is here this time, otherwise I will suffer a great loss."

  Lu Jianhong smiled and said, "It is our duty to be brave enough to catch the thief. What's more, this thief has no eyesight, and he actually stole from the secretary-general."

   Soon the police came and took the thief away. Gu Yue invited: "It's better to meet by chance than to invite you. Come and have a drink at my place."

   This was a good time to get close to Gu Yue to win a relationship, and Lu Jianhong would not miss it, so he readily agreed.

  The decoration of Gu Yue's home is very simple, not luxurious. The strange thing is that he is the only one in the house, and he has not seen his wife and children.

  Although he was puzzled, Lu Jianhong didn't ask any more questions. Talking too much was also a taboo in official circles, especially among colleagues.

Gu Yue seemed to be used to living alone, so she made a cup of tea for Lu Jianhong, asked Lu Jianhong to sit for a while, and then skillfully took out the dishes from the refrigerator and put them in the microwave, and soon four or five dishes were steaming hot out.

  Gu Yue's drinking capacity is not small, this has long been established in the office. Lu Jianhong's drinking capacity was also extraordinary, so each person had a bottle of Wuliangye, and the food was only moved by less than a third, but the two wine bottles were empty.

  Gu Yue was a little drunk, and said with a smile: "There are only a thousand cups of wine when you meet a bosom friend, come on, open another one."

  Although Gu Yue was laughing, Lu Jianhong felt that his tone was a little venting, and since he was the only one in the family, it was not difficult to tell that he had family problems. This is a very disturbing thing, coupled with his hard work, Lu Jianhong felt that Gu Yue was depressed, and it happened that he was also quite depressed. Bottle, it is really "drinking dead bear".

  When the second bottle was half finished, Gu Yue obviously drank too much, and began to talk more: "Lu...Secretary Lu, tell me, this person lives...for...for what?"

  Lu Jianhong's tongue was also a little big: "Why else, eat and drink."

   "Brother, you summed it up really concisely." Gu Yue said with a chuckle, "But you forgot that there is one more thing, and that is women."

  Although Lu Jianhong drank a lot and his mind was a little confused, he was still able to control the key issues, and said vaguely, "I have no experience in this area."

Gu Yue laughed harder than crying: "Jianhong, you are still young, let me tell you, this woman, you can't treat her too well. The better you treat her, the less she will take you seriously. Everyone said It is true that a man is a dog and a woman treats a man like a dog."

"Secretary-General Gu, you've had too much to drink. That's enough, let's stop here." Gu Yue's words after drinking made Lu Jianhong a little wary. It was not a good thing to vent out, listening too much, so Lu Jianhong quickly interrupted him. Qiao Weigang's evaluation of Gu Yue was that he was very scheming. With this kind of personality, life must be extremely depressing. Who knew that if he sobered up tomorrow, he would be wary of Lu Jianhong because he said something he shouldn't have said? Once a person is guarded by others, it is difficult to change the impression in others' minds.

   "Wine is made of grain, so it can't be wasted. It's shameful to waste it." Gu Yue grabbed the wine bottle and drank the rest of the wine in one go, and the result was that she couldn't stop vomiting.

At this time, Gu Yue's behavior was completely out of nature, a kind of venting that had been suppressed for a long time. Lu Jianhong felt sorry for him. No matter how successful a person's career is, without a good family foundation, life will not be perfect, because feelings cannot Being replaced by anything, the accumulation of money and the peak of career cannot conceal the importance of feelings.

After Gu Yue vomited, she became limp. Lu Jianhong managed to help him onto the bed and cleaned up the battlefield. Pay the price of being a babysitter.