Very Secretary

Chapter 546: dare not be careless

  Very Secretary-Chapter 546 Don't Be Careless

   It turned out that her worries were unnecessary.

After hearing this, Klausti just smiled and said: "Our investment attitude is very sincere, and I hope that your government can negotiate with a sincere attitude. As far as I know, the current government is basically commercialized. A government whose pursuit of profit maximization is not much lower than that of businessmen."

This is the truth, but Lu Jianhong didn't change his face, and said lightly: "You don't need to evaluate this aspect. Of course, we treat investors equally, and we will not write empty checks for the benefits we should enjoy, and they will never appear It's a case of favoritism."

Lu Jianhong's words were well-founded. At the same time, he also felt that although this project required some tough negotiations, the investor's sincerity was indeed there. Judging from their work attitudes, Lu Jianhong had a hunch that this project was likely to be won. Of course, this was based on the smooth negotiation. Key leadership approval is required.

  Lu Jianhong's judgment was very accurate. The land that Klausty was looking at was on the edge of the Yanhua Economic Development Zone. In recent years, Yanhua, as the capital city of the province, has developed rapidly, and the original industrial park has been unable to adapt and meet the needs of development. Therefore, the expansion of industrial parks is inevitable. Yanhua submitted an application to the provincial government in the name of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, and the provincial government responded and basically agreed, but it needed to come up with a detailed plan.

   This plan was passed by the Standing Committee a year ago, and it has been implemented since the year 2010, and large-scale demolition is underway.

  At that time, Klausty took a fancy to the land on the edge. It was at the intersection of several main highways, and the traffic was extremely convenient. However, since the expansion had not yet been implemented, Klausty’s attitude was to make a decision after moving.

The last time I came, the demolition over there was in full swing, so Klausti did not hide her investment intention at all. Of course, the attitude of being sure to win does not mean that she will have the slightest concession in enjoying the preferential policies, but will Taking the opportunity to open the lion's mouth, this is also the usual style of businessmen. For example, if you want to buy a pair of trousers and the asking price is 300 yuan, then the bargaining party will definitely offer a price lower than your minimum limit. The meaning is the same, the same method but the same result.

   As a result, Lu Jianhong was ready for a protracted war.

   "I don't know when that land can be requisitioned." Klausti said with a straight face, "As far as I know, the demolition here is very difficult."

   Lu Jianhong could see through Klausti's intentions at a glance. Of course, this was also a strategy. Pointing out the opponent's shortcomings and amplifying them could be a good way to win the initiative for himself. However, this method did not achieve any effect in front of Lu Jianhong. Lu Jianhong smiled and said, "Miss Clausty, what you said like that gave me the illusion that you are not here to invest, but to invest. investigating."

  Claustillo was a little embarrassed, and Lu Jianhong continued, "But since it's brought up, I have the responsibility to answer it for you. I can assure you that as long as the two sides reach an agreement, the construction will never be delayed."

  This sentence is a bit ambiguous. God knows when the construction will start. Just some approval procedures before the start of construction will take a while, and I don’t know how long it will take for this project to be negotiated. Of course, one thing is certain, once the negotiation of this project is successful, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government will put pressure on the Yanhua Municipal Party Committee to ensure the progress of the demolition and the launch of the company.

  Clausty nodded, and finally got to the point, saying: "Then the next issue, which we discussed last time, is the issue of land prices."

  Lu Jianhong leaned back and didn't speak. He just looked at Klausti and motioned for her to continue. Lu Jianhong knew very well that at this time, it was not suitable for him to speak more. False words were fine, but when it came to substantive issues, he had to keep silent, otherwise he would lose his words if he made a promise that did not belong to him , then there is trouble.

  Claustie continued: "After discussions among the company's public officials, it was unanimously determined that your land price of 500,000 yuan per mu is too high."

  Lu Jianhong remained calm. In fact, this problem gave him a headache. It is easy to fall into a dead end if you get entangled in this issue, because this is on the table, and the price reduction can be used to calculate how much less income will be lost. Although last time, his move of the Great Shift of the Universe seemed to be very useful, but it was his temporary idea, and the specific tax policy was not decided by him, and it was not approved by the main leaders. Know whether it will conflict with the tax incentives stipulated in the document. Thinking of this, Lu Jianhong couldn't help but curse, fuck, why are you fighting alone? If the province does not come forward, at least let the Yanhua City Government come to discuss it. After all, one more person means more strength. He was really worried that another 380,000 words would come out of Klausty's mouth.

Unexpectedly, Klausti didn't make an offer. Obviously, the tax conditions that Lu Jianhong said last time had affected her. She didn't know that Lu Jianhong had just picked it up, so she asked tentatively: " I would like to know your attitude."

These words made Lu Jianhong almost fall off his chair. This tentative move was too untechnical, and it completely gave up the initiative. However, Lu Jianhong still had a little doubt whether it was a joke. What flower gun? Logically speaking, the chief negotiator shouldn't make such a low-level mistake, right?

  So, Lu Jianhong was still cautious, and secretly reminded himself not to get carried away: "From my point of view, the price of land is a matter of principle, and there is no room for maneuver. This is also an express regulation of the provincial party committee and the provincial government."

Klausty just smiled lightly, put down the topic, and said: "From the preferential policy information provided by Mr. Lu, the content of the preferential policy mainly includes land and taxation. Let's put the matter of land aside for the time being. , let’s talk about tax issues.”

  Lu Jianhong breathed a sigh of relief, but he still didn't dare to be careless. It's not like no one has played with the idea of ​​retreating. He tried to speak in a calm tone, "The information on tax incentives is very comprehensive."

  Clausty said: "I haven't seen any favorable conditions for foreign investment."