Very Secretary

~: Disaster

  Very Secretary - Chapter 440 Disaster

  Under the guidance of the woman, the car drove further and further away, leaving the straight asphalt road and becoming bumpy.

  " How far is it?" Lu Jianhong sighed helplessly in his heart. It seemed that it was impossible to get back to the party school on time.

   Just thinking about this, the woman suddenly said: "Can you stop for a moment, I...I have an urgent need to pee."

  Lu Jianhong glanced at the woman, who looked embarrassed: "I...I can't hold it in anymore."

  Lu Jianhong couldn't laugh or cry, but there were no street lights here, it was pitch black, and there were toilets everywhere, so even if he wanted to peep, he couldn't see anything.

   "Please hurry up, I'm in a hurry." Lu Jianhong stopped the car, and the woman hunched over into the darkness, and Lu Jianhong heard a crash.

  Lu Jianhong thought to herself, this woman is really bold, and she is not afraid of herself. If she were a pervert, wouldn't she be in big trouble? Maybe it's because she looks too upright, which makes her so relieved. Just as he was so obsessed, he suddenly heard the woman scream "Ah" in the dark. Lu Jianhong was startled, and stuck his head out of the car window and said, "What's wrong?"

   "There are snakes." The woman's voice was trembling.

  Lu Jianhong was stunned for a moment. It's a big deal now. It's really hard to live tonight. I don't know if this woman was bitten by a snake or if the snake was a poisonous snake. But saving people was the most important thing. Without thinking too much, Lu Jianhong got out of the car and rushed towards the woman in the dark.

   It was a bush. As soon as Lu Jianhong rushed in, the woman hugged Lu Jianhong, and Lu Jianhong suddenly felt something was wrong.

When the woman hugged him, Lu Jianhong's hand was subconsciously wrapped around her, only to find that her pants were not on, and her tentacles were slippery. Just as she was about to push them away, the surroundings suddenly lit up, with a few flashes of light The two of them were shrouded in a piece of light.

  Lu Jianhong was dazzled by the light, before he could react, he heard the woman's cry: "Help!"

  Lu Jianhong's heart sank suddenly, and he realized that this was a conspiracy completely aimed at him.

Everything was going according to Lu Jianhong's train of thought. The owners of those flashlights were the police, who restrained Lu Jianhong, confiscated his mobile phone, took out his camera, took pictures of the scene, and requisitioned them. Lu Jianhong's car roared out.

  Lu Jianhong was handcuffed behind his back in the car, and didn't say a word. It was obvious that this was a premeditated move, and it was useless to say anything at this time. However, Lu Jianhong was not panicked at all. He wanted to see what tricks he could play.

  The car was driving fast, and soon entered the urban area, then turned a few turns, and stopped in front of a building. Lu Jianhong was pushed out of the car. He saw that this was the Sanhe District Public Security Bureau of Yanhua City.

  There was no one in the police station except the policeman on duty, and they greeted each other, "Fang Bureau, who has been arrested again?"

   "Rape!" Fang Ju turned to look at Lu Jianhong, expressionless.

"Someone rapes these days?" The policeman on duty was a bit older, he glanced at Lu Jianhong, shook his head disdainfully, and said, "He looks good, quite masculine, why did he do such a foolish thing? You can't **** even if you go to **."

   While speaking, Lu Jianhong had been taken to the interrogation room inside, and no one paid any attention to him after that.

  Lu Jianhong was a little annoyed in her heart. The reason why she adopted such a non-arguing attitude was because she wanted to know who would trip her up so viciously, and she didn't expect to ignore it.

   After sitting for nearly an hour, still no one came, Lu Jianhong couldn't sit still, and shouted, "Is there anyone?"

   After calling several times, the policeman on duty walked in sleepily and said, "Young man, now you know how to call? Why did you do such a thing as rape?"

  Lu Jianhong said: "I didn't rape, give me the phone, I want to call."

   "Shouting, you're quite arrogant." The policeman on duty made a serious face.

  Lu Jianhong said sharply, "I'm Lu Jianhong, director of the Organization Department of the Hucheng Municipal Party Committee. Bring the phone immediately."

The policeman on duty was startled by Lu Jianhong's officer, and after a moment of surprise, he said, "You're the head of the organization? I'm also the secretary of the provincial party committee! Don't follow me in that way, boy, I advise you to be more honest. "

   After saying this, the policeman on duty left the interrogation room. Lu Jianhong was on the verge of crying. It was a scholar who met a soldier, and he couldn't explain why, so he had to wait until tomorrow.

When the policeman on duty returned to the duty room, he always felt a little uneasy. This young man did not look like a rapist, and the aura he showed just now was really a bit like an official. After thinking about it, he went to the station to check Looking at the situation of the cadres in Huhai city, the head of the organization of the municipal party committee was indeed called Lu Jianhong, but it wasn't the young man in front of him who couldn't be sure. So he found the cell phone left by Fang Zhiping, the director of the bureau, and hesitated whether to give it to Lu Jianhong. If he was really the head of the organization, the matter would be serious. To **** an ordinary-looking woman in the grass, especially if the leading cadre is young and handsome, it is simply "the king of **** doesn't have j8, and ghosts don't believe it". However, he was still very cautious and turned on the switched off phone, intending to find a random number to call to confirm Lu Jianhong's identity. There are so many coincidences in the world, and the number he was looking for happened to be Zhao Xuepeng's number, but he didn't expect it to be Zhao Xuepeng, because the number Lu Jianhong saved on his phone was "Uncle Zhao".

  The policeman on duty dialed Zhao Xuepeng's number from his office phone. The phone rang several times, but no one answered.

  Maybe he fell asleep, but just when he was about to give up, the phone was connected suddenly: "Who is it?"

   "I'm the Public Security Bureau of Sanhe District, Yanhua City. Do you know Lu Jianhong?"

  Zhao Xuepeng was slightly taken aback, why did the police station call his mobile phone? Did something happen to Lu Jianhong? But he didn't expect that Lu Jianhong would be accused of rape, so he said immediately, "Yes, what's the matter?"

   "Oh, nothing, just to confirm the identity."

  After hearing this, Zhao Xuepeng knew that something must have happened to Lu Jianhong, and said, "Ask your chief to answer the phone."

   At this moment, the policeman on duty could basically believe that what Lu Jianhong said was true, and he was a little flustered, but Zhao Xuepeng's request made him even more uneasy, and he couldn't help saying, "The director is not here."

   "Then ask him to call me back immediately!" Zhao Xuepeng's voice was so severe that the policeman on duty shook his hands and said, "Okay, okay. Are you..."

   "I'm Zhao Xuepeng!" Zhao Xuepeng cut off the phone.

   Zhao Xuepeng? The policeman on duty listened to the busy tone in the microphone, muttered something, and suddenly froze, this could not be Zhao Xuepeng, Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee, right?

   (group number: 1360415), welcome to join. Another love letter. )