Very Secretary

~: thunder

  Very Secretary - Chapter 250 Dire Bell

  Lu Jianhong turned his head to look at the Yiren bird with whom he had had skin-to-skin contact. The sentimentality made him feel a sense of sadness involuntarily.

"I have no parents, no brothers, no sisters." Meng Jia held Lu Jianhong's arm and said quietly, "I don't even have a home, I think, I'm all alone, my figure is monotonous, what I said It's me."

  Lu Jianhong looked back at the door, which was tightly closed, then grabbed Meng Jia's hand and said, "Meng Jia, the pain is only temporary, and happiness lies ahead."

Meng Jia leaned her head into Lu Jianhong's arms and said, "No, Jianhong, you know what, I really want to be with you, but I'm afraid it will affect you, so I dare not come to you, you Do you know how much I miss you?"

  Everyone saw Lu Jianhong's strong side, so that no one would think that people like him were vulnerable, not even An Ran. Andy Lau once sang, it's not a sin for a man to cry, but a man's tears are not for others to see. He should cry quietly by himself, and after crying, he goes on the road again.

Before Meng Jia came, Lu Jianhong was shrouded in an inexplicable sadness. Meng Jia's words added to the sadness. Lu Jianhong couldn't help but hugged Meng Jia tightly. Suddenly, he felt that he was with Meng Jia. Together, we can completely tear off the mask of hypocrisy and become a real person.

  Meng Jia kissed her lips as if raving. Her lips were soft and cool, which made Lu Jianhong feel distressed. At this time, Meng Jia was just a woman, a woman who needed care and care.

  Meng Jia's tongue got into Lu Jianhong's mouth, seducing the deep love in Lu Jianhong's heart like a snake, and Lu Jianhong responded enthusiastically. In the office, apart from the slight sound of the air conditioner, there was only the heavy snorting of the two of them.

  When Lu Jianhong pulled down the zipper of the down jacket and reached into Meng Jia's underwear, the tentacles were slippery and warm. Meng Jia's body trembled, and she hugged Lu Jianhong tightly.

  Lu Jianhong realized that his hand was cold, so he wanted to take it out. Meng Jia squeezed his hand hard and said, "No, don't take it out, I'm not afraid of the cold."

  Dough-like softness was kneaded in Lu Jianhong's hands, and Meng Jia's whole body was already limp, and she breathed. Lu Jianhong rubbed her chest with one hand, picked up her body with the other hand, and put her on the table.

Lu Jianhong was already intoxicated in a daze, rubbing Meng Jia's almost paralyzed body wantonly while tugging at Meng Jia's pants. . Meng Jia raised her **** slightly, and Lu Jianhong won the first battle.

  While preparing for the next step of the campaign plan, the phone on the desk suddenly rang. The ringing of the phone was like a thunderbolt, which woke the two of them up immediately.

  Meng Jia blushed and was wearing pants. Lu Jianhong looked at the caller ID. It was An Ran's phone number. After a few rings, the phone stopped ringing. Lu Jianhong took a deep breath and scolded herself for having poor concentration. Meng Jia even blushed and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

  Running to the bathroom in a hurry, I found that there were wet marks on the underwear, which was sticky and pulled, which was very uncomfortable. I took out a **** liner from the bag and put it on, and then I came out in a good mood. In front of the bathroom, she heard Lu Jianhong on the phone: "An Ran, you are looking for me. I forgot my phone in the office and just came back. Is there something wrong?"

   "It's snowing heavily in Zhun'an. It's already twenty-eight. You haven't come back yet. I want to ask when you will come back?"

  Lu Jianhong secretly scolded herself as an asshole, and said, "It's snowing too much today. Let's see when it stops. If it doesn't stop tonight, I'll go back tomorrow."

   "Then be careful on the road and tell Niu Da to drive slowly." An Ran reminded her to hang up the phone.

  Meng Jia waited until Lu Jianhong hung up the phone before coming out, and said, "Secretary Lu, I'm leaving."

  Lu Jianhong really wanted to keep her, but after the scene just now, he really didn't know what to say and what to do. Could he continue the unfinished battle just now? Neither of them are that shameless.

   "Then, you go slowly." Lu Jianhong did not see her off, but stood in front of the window and watched Meng Jia's pink figure downstairs gradually disappear into the wind and snow. Lu Jianhong's heart suddenly became heavy.

  Sitting in the office and smoking a cigarette, he suddenly felt so bored, so he called Mi Xinyou. Knowing that Lu Jianhong was still in Mount Li, Mi Xinyou said in surprise, "Xiaolu, it's the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, and you haven't had a holiday yet?"

   "Let it go, the snow is big, I can't go back for the time being."

  Mi Xinyou laughed and said: "Coincidentally, I didn't leave either. Well, no one is going to work anyway, so you wait for me there, and I will go with the third child to find you fighting the landlord."

  It's good to relax occasionally, of course, the poker game will not be kept in the office. Taking Niu Da with them, the four of them went to a family in the water town, opened a private room, turned on the heat, and played mahjong.

Mahjong until dark, checking the accounts, Lu Jianhong won a small 5,000 yuan, Niu Da was lucky, won 15,000 yuan, and laughed happily: "I said, Mr. Rice, you are bribing the wrong person in disguise, right? "

  Niu Da's sarcastic remarks made the two very upset, and they asked to continue fighting again. Lu Jianhong begged for mercy and said, "At worst, I will refund you five thousand yuan. I will not accompany you if you stay up late."

Lao San and Da Mi had no choice but to set their sights on Niu Da, clamoring to consume Niu Da's loot. That night, Niu Da paid for bathing and singing. As for whether there were any other activities to promote communication between men and women, it was unclear. I know, because Lu Jianhong went to bed after eating. This night, he didn't sleep well, and had many nightmares at night, in the dream, he seemed to hear a sneer.

At dawn, the snow had already stopped. Lu Jianhong dialed Niu Da's number and went to several main roads to look around. The sanitation workers were busy clearing the snow. When the secretary came down to express his condolences, he felt warm. of.

   After picking up his mood, Lu Jianhong decided to go back to Zhuan, which was his real home.

  In the middle of the car, Wan Jiaqing called: "Jianhong, where are you?"

  " On the way back, how about you?" Lu Jianhong said lazily as he was dozing on the back of his chair after not sleeping well all night.

   Wan Jiaqing's tone was very serious: "How long will it take to arrive in Zhun'an?"

  Seeing that his voice was wrong, Lu Jianhong sat up straight and said, "What's wrong? What happened?"

   "I have something to do with you. It's related to you. I can't explain it clearly on the phone. Contact me as soon as you arrive in Zhun'an."

  Lu Jianhong suddenly felt a little flustered for no reason. After hanging up the phone, he stared blankly at the cars and trees passing by from time to time outside the car window, his mind went blank. This feeling had surrounded him for a long time. He faintly felt that something was about to happen, and this year did not seem to be a completely peaceful year.

  (The annual meeting is done, thank you brothers and sisters, when you come back, each person will get a souvenir, huh, huh. Love letter)