Vicious Female with Apex Spoils [Quick Pass]

Chapter 39: White Swan 39

Two weeks before school started, Jingying and Huada both had military training. After two weeks, Ning Xiao took time out to see Yun Can'er at Jingying and found that Yun Can'er had made a lot of friends in school. Yun Can'er took her to the cafeteria and met Many boys and girls took the initiative to greet Yun Can'er, and Yun Can'er also turned out to be generous and smiled and nodded to them.

Ning Xiao's feeling is both gratifying and a little sour. This feeling is like her daughter has finally grown up and started to make friends by herself. With her own social circle, you are no longer the only one for her.

Ning Xiao didn't show her sour heart in front of Yun Can'er, but said comfortably to Yun Can'er during the meal: "Seeing that you are much more cheerful now, I can rest assured."

Yun Can'er was peeling shrimps, but when she heard Ning Xiao's words, her hand shook, and her fingertips were pricked by the shrimp heads, and the blood was soaked.

Ning Xiao was taken aback. Seeing Yun Can'er's hands were bleeding, she still didn't move. She stood up anxiously and sat down next to her, picking up her fingers and sucking in her mouth.

"Why are you so careless?" Ning Xiao took out Yun Can'er's fingertips. Seeing that the wound was no longer bleeding, he breathed a sigh of relief, "After eating, I will go to the infirmary to sterilize and bandage."

Ning Xiao curled up her fingers helplessly, and gently tapped Yun Can'er's forehead with her knuckles, "Just said that you can rest assured, you start to worry, you said, did you do it on purpose?"

Yun Caner's fingertips were hot, and she narrowed her eyes and whispered, "No."

Just now Ning Xiao said, "Don't worry." Yun Can'er suddenly felt a huge panic in her heart, as if Ning Xiao was about to let go of her hand and leave her alone.

Just as Yun Can'er became more and more desperate, Ning Xiao put her injured fingertips into her mouth...

Yun Can'er suddenly couldn't care about sadness.

"Ning Xiao, will you dislike me one day?" Yun Can'er's beautiful black eyes were full of anxiety.

Ning Xiao was taken aback and smiled: "Thinking about it, I don't like anyone and I won't dislike you."

Yun Can'er knew that the "like" Ning Xiao said was different from the "like" she wanted, but she was very happy to hear Ning Xiao say this.

"Me too, I will always like you." Yun Can'er said seriously.

Ning Xiao looked at Yun Can'er's eyes, her heart bulging, as if something was about to break through the ground.

She hurriedly lowered her eyelashes, stopped looking at Yun Can'er's overly bright eyes, and said, "Okay, hurry up and eat."

Silently picked up Yun Can'er's half-peeled shrimp, peeled it clean, put it in her bowl, "eat it."

Yun Can'er look at the injury on her hand

Mouth, glanced at the shrimp in the bowl again, and couldn't help holding the chopsticks tightly.

The reason why Yun Can'er wants to peel the shrimp is because Ning Xiao once said that she likes to eat shrimp, but does not like to peel it. But Ning Xiao just peeled the shrimp and put the peeled shrimp into her bowl.

She seemed to be unable to wait. It was one month before her birthday, but she wanted to confess to Ning Xiao now.

Ning Xiao is so good, she can't help being jealous as long as she thinks about the possibility that she might make other boy and girl friends at the University of China.

She was almost overwhelmed by vinegar during the two weeks of military training.

"Ning Xiao..."

Yun Can'er opened her mouth to speak.

Ning Xiao raised his head: "Huh?"

Suddenly a tall and handsome boy walked over to him. The boy greeted Yun Can'er first, then moved his gaze to Ning Xiao's face, "Hello, I'm Can'er's classmate, my name is Jiang Yunyi."

"Ning Xiao." Ning Xiao and Jiang Yun also shook their hands and announced their names.

Jiang Yun is also a classmate of Yun Can'er, so why should Ning Xiao show the other side some face.

Jiang Yun also stared at him, and sat across from Ning Xiao without seeing him, "Which professional are you? Why haven't I met you?"

Ning Xiao said with a composure: "I'm from Huada, come to Jingying to see Can'er."

Ning Xiao's popularity in Huada is no less than that of Yun Can'er. Faced with this look every day, she is numb.

The only difference is that BGI students love learning more than falling in love. Few people will act like Jiang Yunyi.

Jiang Yun also exclaimed: "You are so amazing, it turned out to be from BGI." Then he took out his phone and touched the back of his head shyly, "I don't know if I have the honor to add your WeChat?" Blinked peachy eyes.

I have to say that Jingying’s students are very seductive.

Ning Xiao smiled, took out his phone and Jiang Yun also added a WeChat friend.

Jiang Yun also knows how to score. He left immediately after adding friends, and smiled before leaving, "I have time to chat." A wink was attached.

Ning Xiao couldn't help laughing.

Teenage children have a little resemblance to her cousin in reality, which is very nostalgic.

Yun Can'er has been patient since Jiang Yunyi and Ning Xiao talked, and the two of them talked, the two of them added WeChat to each other, the wink of Jiang Yunyi, and the back of Ning Xiao watching Jiang Yunyi leave...

【Ding! The heroine's blackening value is 100%! Congratulations to the heroine for unlocking the "Blackened Heroine" plot. Please the host decides the plot direction by himself. 1. The heroine broke the law, was executed, and the world collapsed. 2. Satisfy the heroine's wishes, fall in love with the heroine, and the world runs normally.

Ning Xiao: "???"

[Xiaoqi, this is what you said about choosing the plot direction independently? ? ? Why are there two options! ]

What I want in the end is that Option 1 cannot be selected at all, how could she let Yun Can'er get there!

Can fall in love with Yun Caner...

[Xiaoqi, I chose 2 and I don’t have to fall in love right away. Everything has a process...]

【Ding! As long as the host and the heroine confess to each other within three months, it is considered successful, otherwise the heroine must reach the choice 1 plot after three months, and the world will collapse. 】

[...] Okay, Yun Can'er liked her in the first place, and she also had a good impression of Yun Can'er. Originally, she was trying to suppress her feelings as much as possible. Now there is no need to suppress it. Completing Option 2 is not easy.

Ning Xiao looked back naturally, and said to Yun Can'er: "Your classmate is very funny, and the personality is very similar to that of a cousin of mine."

Yun Can'er was taken aback, the hostility in her eyes instantly disappeared: "Cousin?" She and Ning Xiao had known each other for three years, and she had never heard of Ning Xiao having a cousin.

Ning Xiao nodded, "My mother's sister married to Country M and gave birth to a pair of twins. When we were in junior high school, we often video, but we stopped contacting when we arrived in high school."

Yun Can'er believed Ning Xiao's remarks for the time being.

[Xiaoqi, does my mother really have a sister? ]

"Ning Xiao"’s family relationships are all based on the system 13559. Ning Xiao remembered it, but because she hadn’t seen the so-called aunts and cousins ​​of biracial cousins ​​in this world for three years, Ning Xiao began to doubt the system. 13579 The accuracy of intelligence.

How can there be such a close relative who hasn't been in contact for three years, and now it's not in ancient times. Don't be too convenient for mobile and computer video.

[My mother is a very emotional person. What is the reason why she hasn't contacted her sister for several years? ]

【Ding! Your little uncle took drugs and went to jail, your aunt cheated on the rich, divorced and remarried. The rich came to China four years ago to design and annex the Ning family industry. Father Ning saw through it. Your mother and aunt have never contacted again. 】

[...] This reason is really dramatic.

Ning Xiao asked Yun Can'er: "Next month is your birthday. Do you want to go out or go back to the apartment?"

Yun Can'er heard the words, her black eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and she lowered her eyes and said softly: "Don't go outside, just go back to the apartment... Let's go there."

The author has something to say: Too sleepy, I want to sleep, good night everyone~(^з^)-☆

Today is another day of failure _(:з」∠)_

★Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-10-0723:51:02~2020-10-0801:19:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: 1 Fino;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!