Villainess, I’ll Pamper You

Chapter 87: Flower skirt (2)

Pei Wenqing was attracted by the space and Lingquan in Song Tiantian's hands, and Song Tiantian was different from the dirty women in the last days. Of course, he refused to let go of such delicious food. As for Yin Ke, he has always been in love with Song Tiantian and has become a queen of zombies, and has been guarding Song Tiantian by her side to protect her.

The big villains in this world are Han Wu and the Han family.

The reason is that one day Han Xiaojiao saw the jade pendant hanging on Song Tiantian's neck. She remembered it as an adult gift from her brother. Therefore, she wants to retrieve this jade pendant.

She surrounded Song Tiantian's squad with a group of zombies. As a result, this group of men was so powerful that they wiped out the zombies. Later, she thought of various ways, but nothing worked. In the end, he had to make his own shot and get the jade pendant from Song Tiantian himself.

However, Yu Tianzi has been recognized by Song Tiantian. After stealing for a long time, she disappeared again. Later, she found that she was still in Song Tiantian.

So, she took Song Tiantian away, and then planned to talk to the other party well, how to return her jade pendant. Song Tiantian was taken away by the front foot, and a few men chased him at the back foot. In this competition, Han Xiaojiao lost and fled.

She didn't give up, often thinking about getting the jade pendant back. The final outcome was that she was killed by Fang Cheng and several people.

Fang Cheng and others are often attacked by a beautiful female zombie. Many people know that many people have seen Han Xiaojiao. Later, when they came to the new base, Han Wu suddenly discovered that the jade pendant on Song Tiantian's neck was given to his sister Han Xiaojiao. Questioning where she came from, she said it was picked.

In fact, she did not know that Han Xiaojiao attacked the squad in order to get back the jade pendant.

Han Wu's power at the base was great, and the team they had hatred with Song Tiantian found the news and photos of Han Xiaojiao's death and showed them to Han Wu. Han Wu recognized it at a glance, that was the sister he had been looking for a long time, Han Xiaojiao.

At this moment, he became the villain of this world, and his lifelong wishes were to kill these people.

Of course, in the end, he failed and the Han family was defeated. These men are the protagonists of the world. They finally occupied the world and became the ruler of the world.

Song Tiantian is still their woman, and the woman who is hidden by them, no one can covet her. After the end of the world is stable, the population has plummeted, and they are keen to have children again, especially when they see that the children born by Song Tiantian are white and tender, they don't let her go.

In the next two decades, Song Tiantian is pregnant with her children, giving birth, and going back and forth.

Several men are getting more and more attractive and attractive. Suddenly one day, Song Tiantian thought it was really good and boring. Even if the world is peaceful, she does not seem to have a peaceful life, as if she has become a childbirth machine. Obviously paid so much, if it weren't for her spiritual spring, her space, could these men stand so high?

Why, they got so much, and still only regarded her as a little white rabbit, dodder flower. Everything is decided for her, and she is not asked at all, even if she brings this best treasure directly, she cannot like it.

She wanted to understand that from the beginning, they did not respect her one day. If you want to go to her, you want to let her have a baby, and she will not be given free time.

Finally, she made a decision to untie the space and lost the jade pendant.

When a few men came to ask her to ask for spring water, she said blankly, "My abilities disappeared," she paled and looked terrified. Even a simple person, after experiencing vicissitudes, acted completely Lifelike, "What should I do, my power is gone, and there is no way to get it out."

She observed the expressions of several men, all of them changed color, and hurriedly asked what was going on, and then took her to do various checks, and finally determined that the power really disappeared, and she saw their disappointment.

Without the nourishment of Lingquan, she is getting older, because she is just an ordinary person and has no abilities.

The men who originally said she loved her more and more ignored her. I can't see it a few times a month, and I'm not interested in her anymore. Especially when I came to see her, all I asked was, did the power appear?

She didn't feel it anymore, numbly waiting for death. Before dying, she saw the zombie king Yin Ke, who left with her dying.

A Xin drove for half a day and came to a gas station.

She walked over to refuel and was stopped by a slightly fat man. "If you want to refuel, you have to come up with a material exchange."

"If you don't have supplies, you can use other exchanges." The man's obsessive eyes fell on Axin's body, everyone understood what it meant.

In addition to him, there are several men behind him, all with a playful expression, with a woman in their arms. Although his hands were touching on those women, more eyes were still attracted by the tall Axin in front of him.

At this time, human beings already knew the importance of materials. In the same way, many women with weak strength have to attach men who are much stronger than them, just to survive.

There are also some women who are unwilling, but because they are too weak, they have no right to resist.

In the eschatological world, in addition to exchanging things with materials, you can also use fists.

Axin pulled out a long whip around her waist and flicked it. The man didn't expect that she would come as soon as she said it. The chubby body fell heavily on the ground and fell on the buttocks, splashing the dust from the ground, and he grinned with pain.

The other people who occupied the gas station did not dare to come up when they saw Ah Xin’s power. They only laughed, "Miss how much you want, please."

This woman is stubborn, they can't afford it.

The fat man was lifted up and sat with his head buried silently, even if he hated Axin in his heart, he did not dare to raise his head to warn him with his eyes.

In this world, their lives are worthless. In a short time, they have already experienced it. Powerful people can slaughter them at will, and they can easily kill weak people.

Just because he was angry and glared at the other side, his neck was broken by a whip, and it couldn't be marked. It is not too late for a gentleman to avenge ten years. Who knows if the other party will be planted in his hand one day. When not exceeding the other party, it is best to be a grandson.

Seeing Ah Xin not only fill up the car's oil, but also use oil drums to fill them, they didn't put one fart, let her move. Just now it was easy to throw the man who was almost 180 pounds out of five meters, and this woman could not afford it.

Han Xiaojiao was in the car, looking at Ah Xin's powerful look, and was particularly happy. It turned out that she was so powerful that she didn't have to worry about being bullied.

This way, she basically does not get off the train, fearing that someone will find it, which will cause trouble to Axin. Although A Xin said, don’t be afraid, she can go wherever she wants, and she can solve all the troubles, but she still thinks that it should be avoided as much as possible.

After A Xin left, the group of talents were relieved.

"That woman was so scary just now."

"A whip is five meters away, is it a martial arts master?"

City C is far away from here, and with the advent of the end of the world, many roads have been destroyed, driving past, the initial calculation is ten days. If you encounter a zombie obstruction, you don’t know how long it will take.

With Han Xiaojiao present, the zombie did not dare to come up for trouble. At most, someone saw Axin driving a off-road vehicle and wanted to pay attention. In the end, it was still thrown off by a whip.

Half an month after the end of the world, humans began to awaken abilities.

Han Xiaojiao watched that those people would discharge, set fire, release water, and freeze, staring at Axin every day, expecting her to be able to awaken abilities. With abilities, you can survive in this world.

As a result, there was no movement at all, and she couldn't help pulling La Axin, expressing her worries, and by the way asked if she felt a sense of awakening.

A Xin felt that Han Xiaojiao was worried about her, "I don't need to wake up the power."

Han Xiaojiao shook his head and said that he must awaken the ability. Although the whip is very powerful, the guys who can breathe fire and release water and freeze are even more powerful. She has seen a lot of eschatology and will become more and more powerful in the future.

A Xin heard Han Xiaojiao's meaning and led her to an open space, "I will too." After that, a small flame appeared at her fingertips.

Han Xiaojiao shook his head, indicating what this little flame could do, could it light a cigarette?

Axin controlled the flames to gradually grow bigger, eventually turned into a huge fireball, threw it away, landed on the ground, and burned a big hole directly to the ground, Han Xiaojiao was shocked to see.

You can control the size casually!

Is it so powerful?

A fresh water like spring emerged from Axin's fingertips. Han Xiaojiao hurried over and reached under the water to wash it well. He also told Axin that you actually put water, can I take a bath every day?

"Of course." A Xin eyes smiled, not to laugh at Han Xiaojiao's smell, but to indulge.

Han Xiaojiao was a little happy, and ah, he asked Ah Xin what else could he do, electricity, ice, wind... these? After Axin showed her power one by one, Han Xiaojiao was relieved to stop staring at Axin's awakening ability.

She asked if this is a power?

"This is not a power, but it is more powerful than power," A Xin led Han Xiaojiao toward the car. Next to the car was standing a tall orange cat with a pair of beautiful amber eyes. Looking at Axin in shock.

The expression is very exaggerated, two legs stand beside the door, two thick and cute claws are picking the door. It was originally looking at a car parked here, and thought of finding something to eat in it. Unexpectedly, he saw the scene just now and was so shocked that he forgot to put his paw down.

It should not be mistaken. The human will not only set fire, but also release water, but also ice powers... It rubs his eyes, and the two humans are walking towards it. This is not an illusion.

It turned and was about to run, and a dirt wall suddenly rose on the ground, blocking its way. If it wants to change direction, the earth wall will rise in that direction to stop it. At this time, A Xin and Han Xiaojiao walked in front of it.

The big orange cat trembles in his heart, even if it is about to overturn the boat in the gutter. The soil wall that appeared suddenly just now must have been done by these two human beings.

It doesn't want to die, there is a lack of food in the last days, there is so much meat on it, maybe these two people haven't eaten meat for a long time, and they will be beaten to eat it. And its beautiful fur, maybe it will be made into clothes.

No, no, it doesn’t want to die.


The big orange cat bulged with round eyes, snorted, and crawled on the ground, remembering to live with the **** officer in the past, and made the act of spoiling the **** officer.

Tumbling, selling cute, revealing a white belly. I also licked my paw, it looks really cute. In the past, as long as it used this trick, the **** officer must give all the dried fish to it and rely on it.

It still doesn't believe that the appearance of Meng Da Da, these two human beings will kill it, will be willing to kill it to eat.

Han Xiaojiao was stunned when he saw the big orange cat. He took Axin and walked over quickly. He reached out and touched the big orange cat, rubbed it, and was very happy. She wanted to raise a baby. Big orange cat.

The big orange cat reacted, and the cat snorted. Squinting slightly, he enjoyed Han Xiaojiao's touch very much. Ordinary, orange cat is the least known cat breed among cats.

Some people eat, some raise them, some shovel shit, isn't it just being touched by others? That's its specialty.

Han Xiaojiao rubbed the big orange cat's head, and then rubbed the other person's soft belly, and finally followed the other party's hair, looking a little dirty, turned back and A Xin said that she wanted to raise this big orange cat, now it is too Dirty, you have to bathe it.

Water broke out from the fingertips of Axin, and the face of the big orange cat drenched. The big orange cat did not resist at all. It had not been comfortable taking a bath for a long time.

I think it mutates in the end times, so many days in the vertical and horizontal, whoever encounters it can only run, thinking that it can stand up. Unexpectedly, in the end it still fell into the hands of human beings and wanted to be a liquid cat waiting to die.

After the shower, Han Xiaojiao pushed the big orange cat into the car, and found some food for the big orange cat in the car.

The big orange cat is sitting in the back row, holding the food in his hand, his eyes are bright, in fact, he has not eaten such clean food for a long time.

The bath just now was quite comfortable. It has been a long time since the **** officer dropped it.

Skillfully opened the snack pack, it tasted relish. It glanced at Han Xiaojiao who looked back at it. Well, this zombie is not bad, and she will be its new **** officer after that.

Just now, it has seen that Han Xiaojiao is a zombie.

Being able to eat mixed and wait for death, do nothing, just need to bask in the sun, sell cute, why go out and work hard?

After running for more than half a month, it has lost a lot of weight.

"Do you like it?" A Xin asked.

Han Xiaojiao nodded and asked if it could be raised? She glanced at the fat body of the big orange cat. After eating a few packets for a while, the food in the last days was very rare. She was hesitant.

"Bring it up if you like, raise it."

The big orange cat listens with its ears pointed. It turns out that this human is the one who made the call. Recalling the picture I just saw and the feeling of being unable to resist in front of this human being, it was not surprised. This human actually awakened so many abilities and was so powerful that a fireball burned a hole in the ground.

With such a powerful **** shovel officer, its blessing will come, and the mentally retarded cat will resist.

Speaking of an orange cat, there is morality, face, dignity and so on, where are some people comfortably raised. Nothing needs to be done, and the special moisturizing effect will make the silly cat go out and catch the mouse to eat.

Han Xiaojiao was very happy. After thinking for a long time, he expressed with A Xin and gave the big orange cat a name.

A Xin said to the big orange cat, "You will be called the big circle in the future."

The big orange cat's paw paused: Why is it called a big circle? This name is not tall at all, how to match it with such a noble meow? What big circle is better than small circle.

But because of a powerful human, he only murmured and sat behind to lick his paws. Han Xiaojiao touched it from time to time, it did not resist at all.

Touch it, touch it casually, and she will be its **** shovel officer in the future. This is the right of the **** shovel officer.

A Xin felt that since raising a large circle, Han Xiaojiao was much happier.

The big circle is a cat that has no special temperament, obviously its own strength is not bad, still like to eat lazy. He often follows Han Xiaojiao's side, rubbing Han Xiaojiao with its fat and soft body.

Although Han Xiaojiao can't make a big laugh and has too many happy expressions, she can feel her happiness from her movements. Later, she would occasionally sit in the back row, leaning on the soft body of the big circle. The big circle did not resist at all. As long as Han Xiaojiao gave it, it was a very qualified and happy big orange fat.

Another week later, A Xin drove to another city. The city is full of devastation, messy streets, dilapidated buildings, and some deep pits that have been smashed. In addition to these, the city is at most zombie.

With the existence of Han Xiaojiao, even if the whole city is full of zombies, they dare not step forward and approach them.

The zombie smelled a stranger's breath and was slightly ready to come forward, and Han Xiaojiao's fierce glare made him fall directly to the ground. Because of the stiffness of the body, it took a long time to get up.

The big orange cat was a little surprised. It knew that the new **** officer was a human-conscious zombie, and didn't expect that she could scare off the zombie. It seems that its shoveling officer is not just a simple zombie.

Because there are too many zombies in this city, people dare not come in. Some people who are afraid of death are bypassed from other places. Unless it’s a powerful squad, they will venture inside to collect supplies.

Han Xiaojiao touched the head of the big circle and said that he would go to the supermarket to get food for the big circle. The big circle can understand the meaning of Han Xiaojiao, more and more like this zombie shoveling officer. Farting and farting followed Han Xiaojiao, one person, one zombie and one meow, all walked into the supermarket full of zombies.

"They actually went in?"

"It seems that the zombies did not attack them."

"Fang Cheng, are we going to follow in?" Gu Dongling couldn't wait, "the supermarket and shopping mall were occupied by zombies, no one came, and our supplies are running out. I think, follow up, there should be no problem."

"Well, let's go in." Fang Cheng calculated and saw that the zombies were indeed far away from the supermarket. It seemed that they were afraid of the two women. Let's take it again."

It is definitely not good to rely on the other party to be able to scare away zombies.

Today is the end time, but no one tells them the rules. Slightly offend someone who is terrible, and hurt if not dead.

"Tiantian, you follow me, be careful not to go away." Fang Cheng said to the beautiful woman next to her, Song Tiantian nodded quickly, she had no powers, but in order to survive, she told the team, she Awakened the space power.

If it were really a person without any power, it would be no different from waste in the last days, and it would have no place at all.

As for the space, it is not actually her power. It was the jade pendant that was found when she escaped and passed the next bedroom, and opened the space unintentionally.

There is a Lingquan in it. For her own safety, she only exposed the space and did not contribute Lingquan. But for now, she only tells them that this space is only half the size of a bed, and she can't fit much, which is also the way she has left for herself.

Fang Cheng is taking good care of her, not necessarily because she has space.

Less than a last resort, she will not expose Lingquan, lest she bring danger to herself. She knows very well that weak human beings have a hard time surviving in the last days. The reason to choose this team is because these people seem to be pretty good for the time being.

"Tiantian, let's go in the middle," Gu Dongling suggested, and immediately went to the other side of Song Tiantian, looking a little overbearing. He lowered his head and said to Song Tiantian, "You can rest assured, I will protect you."

Song Tiantian didn't feel too much about Gu Dongling, but only felt that this man's character was more domineering. She moved farther and closer to Fang Cheng's position. As a result, Gu Dongling's face changed, and subconsciously moved to Fang Cheng's side.

"Dongling, don't scare Tiantian." At this time, Lei Zhe followed up and walked behind Song Tiantian, showing a simple smile to her. Song Tiantian's fear just now was cured by this smile.

Being protected by three men, Song Tiantian didn't feel it was an honor, but felt a hairy feeling in her heart. The main reason is from Gu Dongling, and the other party's eyes are too aggressive. The women who have lost their peers will occasionally show jealous eyes to her, if she can, she does not want these.

In the short eschatology, she had seen too much. She was afraid that she would die the next moment, unable to control her own destiny, and was only able to let others dominate.

The only good thing is that she has a space, no matter where she goes, with this life-saving is no problem. Her weakness is her heart disease.

Han Xiaojiao felt someone follow up the first time, watching the group of people slowly follow her, she ignored it. Just glanced, she continued to take the big circle into the supermarket to find food.

"You can take whatever you want."

Han Xiaojiao gave Axin a glance and said he could take it away?

A Xin nodded definitively, "Well."

Han Xiaojiao was happy, first went to the food shelf, pointed at the things to be taken away, and then stared blankly at Axin. A Xin waved his hand, and everything on it disappeared.

Han Xiaojiao was surprised, is this a spatial power?

No matter what power it is, being able to hold something is a good power. She pulls Ah Xin to hold a lot of things. The big circle is no exception. With a fat body, he quickly rushed to the canned cat food and dried fish area. After confirming the route, he turned back to please Han Xiaojiao. Han Xiaojiao understood what it meant, and took Axin to install canned cat food and dried fish.

The big circle watched that the food belonging to it was loaded, and the contented one rubbed Han Xiaojiao, amused Han Xiaojiao.

Next, Han Xiaojiao took A Xin to the place where she bought cosmetics, swept away the cosmetics, and looked at the dazzling array of cosmetics. She was very happy.

There is also a shopping mall above the supermarket. She took Axin to the women's clothing area and pointed to the beautiful skirts and clothes. All of them wanted Axin to put away.