Villainess Wants To Turn Over A New Leaf

Chapter 35: |【35】Two more in one

After Lin Jingyuan drank a cup of tea, he left in a desperate manner, but before leaving, he let Kang An stay and wait with Kong Fu and the others.

The medicine Lin Feilu drank contained the ingredients to calm the nerves and help sleep. He was too sleepy for a long time. After sending the two bear children to sleep, another palace official came knocking on the door. Song Yu and Kong Fu went to see it together, and came back to report and said: "It was His Royal Highness and His Royal Highness who sent someone over and said that they would watch the night with the servants."

Lin Feilu feels that if she wears it back in the future, she might be able to write a novel or something, it's called "The Days When I Was Spoiled by the Three Princes and Brothers."

With the dual guardianship of the imperial army and the palace man, Lin Feilu Meimei slept, but did not dream of one. The next day when Song Yu woke up, Song Yu was serving her to freshen up. Lin Nianzhi's close-fitting maid came over with a pomelo. She also carried a bowl of hot porridge with some tonics to moisturize her throat and body, which had a faint smell of medicine.

Holding the pomelo smiled and said: "The princess asked her servants to make the porridge before dawn. It's been two hours, and the fifth princess should eat it while it's hot."

He said embarrassingly: "The eldest princess asked the servants to tell the five princesses, and the concubine Hui looks very strict. It is not convenient for her to come and see you, so you should pay attention to yourself."

Lin Feilu nodded earnestly, and thanked the eldest sister emperor obediently. After breakfast, he went to the Zhonghe Hall where the Emperor Lin was to be greeting. She has a strong sense of presence with Lin Di now, and it's not justified if she doesn't ask for peace as before.

When she was outside the hall, she met Lin Ting who had also come to ask for security. She jumped from a distance and waved hello to him.

Lin Ting smiled and stood there waiting for her. When she approached, she asked gently, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Lin Feilu nodded with a smile, and whispered: "Brother Dahuang, Empress Ruan Guifei didn't come to the palace together this time."

Her eyes were sharp and sly, Lin Ting couldn't help but smile: "So?"

She hasn't fully recovered her voice, with a hint of hoarseness when she speaks, but she can't hide her excitement: "We can go to the mountain to find small animals to play! I heard there are small foxes on this mountain."

Lin Ting's heart warmed, and she adjusted her clever bangs: "Okay."

When the two entered, they found that Lin Qing and Lin Jingyuan were already there. But the strange thing was that Lin Qing was sitting on the side, and Lin Jingyuan was kneeling under the hall, his head hanging down like a frosted eggplant, wilting too much.

Emperor Lin was sitting on the top of the cave, holding a book in his hand, while Concubine Mei accompanied her, quietly peeling the fruit with her eyes down.

Emperor Lin said: "I just passed the exam for your third brother. Now I am examing you. I heard that you did very well in Taixue years ago. Let me check if what the Taifu said is true."

Lin Jingyuan moved his body uncomfortably, and muttered in a low voice, "I'm here to ask Ann, and I can be spot-checked for my homework. It's too difficult for me."

It happened that Lin Ting led Lin Feilu in. When Lin Di saw the little dumpling coming in with his short legs wrapped in a red cloak, his face suddenly softened.

Lin Feilu saluted crookedly: "Xiaowu please greet my father."

Lin Di smiled and said, "Listening to this voice is much better than yesterday."

Lin Ting also asked for Ann, and Lin Di said: "Ting'er, also with the fourth child, I will test you again after the exam."

Lin Tinggong said yes, kneeling down in the hall upright.

When Emperor Lin was about to let someone give a seat to the fifth princess, he saw Xiao Tuanzi looking at the big emperor brother to the left and looking at the fourth emperor brother from the right. By the way, the little finger was also kneeling obediently.

He laughed, and didn't wake her up either.

Lin Jingyuan quietly glanced at Lin Ting next to him, and whispered for help: "Brother Dahuang, help me!"

Lin Ting pursed his lips and smiled, but did not speak.

Lin Jingyuan buzzed twice, and listened to Emperor Lin said: "Fourth old man, I ask you, Taikang has lost the state, and the five Kundi must be in Luoshang, telling the ring of Dayu as the song of the five sons, what are the five words? "

In fact, the content of his investigation of Lin Jingyuan is relatively simple. After all, he knows the virtues of this son. It is complicated. Maybe he doesn't even understand the topic.

Unexpectedly, with such a simple question as himself, Lin Jingyuan underneath was still scratching his head.

Lin Di almost wanted to hit him on the head with the inkstone with his hand, to see if he could hit his head more brightly.

Lin Jingyuan actually memorized this paragraph. He knew it was from the Xia Shu Chapter of Shang Shu, but as the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. He was nervous for a while, and he couldn't remember what the first sentence was.

Anxiously, he asked Lin Ting for help: "Brother Emperor! Brother Big Emperor! Brother Emperor Huang! What's the first sentence?!"

Lin Ting always abides by the rules, and of course it is impossible to help him cheat in front of his father, so he glanced at him embarrassedly and lowered his head.

Lin Jingyuan was too anxious, so he heard a petty voice quietly reminding him: "One said, the emperor has instructions.

Lin Jingyuan instantly felt a kind of enlightenment. Before the Emperor Lin went wild, he said loudly: "One said: The emperor has the instruction, the people are close to, and the people are the roots of the country, and the foundation is solid. I see the world as fools and women. One can win, and one person loses three times. Is the grievance clear, not seeing is the picture. To Lin Zhaomin, who is ashamed of the six horses, who is superior, how disrespectful?"

Emperor Lin raised his eyebrows in surprise, his face gradually eased, and his eyes showed his approval as he finished memorizing the content behind.

After he finished memorizing, Lin Di nodded and said: "Yes, it seems that what the Tai Fu said is true. He has grown in. Go and sit next to him."

Lin Jingyuan had a feeling of escaping from the dead, wiped off his sweat, and was about to get up after kowtow. He heard the upper-level Concubine Mei cover her mouth and asked curiously: "What did the fifth princess just say to the fourth highness? Just connect?"

The Emperor Lin had just focused on Lin Jingyuan, but he didn't pay attention to the little dumpling on the side. Hearing what Concubine Mei said, he raised his eyebrows and looked over.

Lin Jingyuan: I will kill Princess Mei.

Lin Feilu also had a panic on the spot when he didn't expect that he would cheat on the emperor's brother. He quickly glanced at his father. The body wrapped in the cloak was originally small, but now he shrank into a ball and buried his small head. I want to hide myself, the whole body reveals a message of "Can't see me, can't see me".

Lin Di was so cute that he trembled.

Deliberately majestic said: "Little five, what did you just say to the fourth?"

The little dumpling shook, raised her head reluctantly, and said with a wrinkled face, "I...I said..." She sniffed, probably because she was scared, so she was shocked. Hiccup, while hiccuping, he said: "It...hiccup...the first...hiccup..."

Lin Di couldn't help it anymore, laughing.

The smile in Concubine Mei's eyes faded a lot.

Xiao Tuanzi was almost crying. He hiccups and **** his nose, how pitiful and pitiful, Lin Jingyuan was angry and distressed, and suddenly said loudly: "Father! Don't blame Wumei! It's a stupid son, Wumei has to remind me. My! Father, please punish the children, the children are willing to receive the punishment!"

Unexpectedly, Emperor Lin just gave him a disgusting look and said, "Go aside."

Then Lin Jingyuan watched his beloved father come down, picked up the fifth sister who secretly wiped his tears, and sat back on the couch.

Xiao Tuanzi sat on his lap, tugged at his cuffs with a small hand, and watched him secretly for a long time. He asked in a low voice, "Isn't the father angry?"

Lin Di smiled and picked up the fruit that Concubine Mei had just sorely peeled and fed to her: "Father is not angry, sweet?"

Little dumpling smacked his lips, then smiled with his lips bent: "Sweet~"

Princess Mei: ".................."

Emperor Lin asked again: "Will Xiaowu memorize "Shangshu"?"

Xiao Tuanzi squeezed her two little fingers together softly, and said, "I can carry it a little bit."

Lin Di knew that she was smart, but she did not know that she could read and read. "Shang Shu" is very simple for Lin Jingyuan, who has studied in Taixue for several years, but it is very difficult for a five-year-old girl who has never been to Taixue. .

Emperor Lin suddenly remembered that Xiao Lan was literate.

I remember that when he entered the palace, he heard from the palace man that a lady Lan brought a few large boxes into the palace. The boxes were nothing but pens. It was because of this incident that he was the first newcomer to turn over Xiao Lan's brand.

Amazingly beautiful and talented, it's almost as long as he likes it.

The only shortcoming is that the personality is unpleasant, too dull, and never take the initiative to talk to him, every question and answer, as if not willing to say a word. Ordinarily, this kind of temperament, put it on others, has long been tired of him.

However, Xiao Lan froze for three years with her beauty and talent. It was not until Lin Zhanyuan gradually revealed her silly stupidity that she touched Lin Di's unfavorable scales and fell out of favor.

It seems that Xiao Lan taught her daughter very well.

He felt a little emotional for a while, suddenly thought of something, and turned around and asked the princess Mei: "I remember, you and Xiaowu's mother and concubine entered the palace in the same year, right?"

Concubine Mei was taken aback, and quickly recovered as usual, and said with a soft smile: "Yes, time is so fast, and my concubine has been with Your Majesty for seven years."

Lin Di also smiled and nodded.

He held Lin Feilu to finish the test of Lin Ting's homework. Lin Ting naturally had no problem, and sat next to Lin Qing with Lin Di's satisfied eyes.

Lin Qing tilted his head and smiled at him in a low voice, "If it weren't for the fifth person, I think the fourth child would inevitably have a board today."

Lin Ting couldn't help laughing: "The fifth sister is indeed smart. When the spring starts, she should be able to go to school with us too."

After the invitation, the princes retired. Lin Feilu originally wanted to leave, but Lin Di smiled and asked, "Do you still learn the chess you didn't finish yesterday?"

She nodded with bright eyes: "Yes!"

Emperor Lin asked Peng Man to set the chessboard and continued to teach the little team to play chess.

As expected, Concubine Mei was left aside again.

This time, Emperor Lin didn't tell her to retreat, but smiled and said to her: "The fruit peeled just now is good, Xiao Wu likes it, you peel some more."

Princess Mei: "..."

Lin Feilu glanced at her without a trace.

As a master, the expression management is still perfect after all. Yingying smiled and teased: "Yes, the concubine also learns chess with your majesty through the blessing of the five princesses. When the concubine learned chess with your majesty, your majesty was right. My concubine doesn't have such patience."

Emperor Lin smiled and said: "You are talking nonsense again, I am not patient with you yet?"

Concubine Mei groaned: "Your majesty's patience is not on the chess, he is clearly taught..."

She said, as if she suddenly remembered that Lin Feilu was still there, she stopped with a blushing face, but her eyes flowed, looking at Emperor Lin charmingly.

Lin Feilu: I suspect you are engaging in **** and have the evidence.

Emperor Lin also seemed to remember what happened back then. His daughter was still alive. His expression was a bit sullen. He gave Concubine Mei a reproach, but he was obviously a little absent-minded. Lin Feilu played two rounds with him and yawned with tears.

The Emperor Lin asked, "Are you sleepy?"

Before Lin Feilu could answer, he said to Peng Man, "Send the fifth princess back to rest."

Then Lin Feilu was taken away.

When I stepped out of the hall door, I heard Mei Fei's charming laughter.

Lin Feilu: Dog men and women who declare adultery in the day.

This Concubine Mei had some means, and in a few words she hooked Lin Di's thoughts back to her.

Forget it, go back to the room to make up for sleep.

I slept until noon on this night, and after lunch, someone from the palace came and said that the hot springs were ready, and the hot springs could be soaked in the afternoon.

Lin Feilu used to like to go to hot spring hotels in winter, happily **** his hair, put a ball on the top of his head, and went out to the hot spring with great interest.

There are many hot springs in the palace, and each palace has a spring. The imperial army was instructed by Emperor Lin, and they followed the five princesses wherever they left. However, in places such as hot springs that involved privacy, no one was allowed in or out except for the personal servant girls.

Lin Feilu thought to himself, it is impossible to be drowned by an assassin in a hot spring by himself, right?

But it is not impossible.

Some tangled for a while.

Just at this time, Peng Man came over and saw her, saying: "Fifth princess, your majesty is looking for you, come with the slave."

Lin Feilu followed Peng Man. As soon as Lin Di saw her ball head, he couldn't put it down, rubbed and rubbed it, and teased her: "The two small pinches have become one."

Lin Feilu: ... is it really good for you to be so naive as an emperor?

His face was still innocent and cute: "Father, where are we going?"

Emperor Lin took her hand and said, "You are soaking in the hot springs alone. I am not at ease. I will take you to a safe place."

Lin Feilu thought that Emperor Lin was going to let out his own hot springs for himself, but he did not expect that he would bring himself to Concubine Xi.

When Concubine Xi Gui came out in a single coat, Lin Feilu was a little stunned.

After seeing the legendary general for the first time, she was not as bright and beautiful as the harem concubine, on the contrary, her eyebrows were a little pale, her eyes were cold, her figure was not fragile, and she was stunned.

Seeing Emperor Lin coming over, she bowed a salute neither humble nor humble, and her cold eyes glanced lightly at the little girl next to Emperor Lin.

Lin Feilu: I was caught!

Lin Di smiled and said: "Tan'er, I will bring Xiaowu over and let her take a hot spring with you. You know about the station, and I don't worry about her alone."

Lin Feilu blinked, and was about to make a betrayal attack, so he heard Concubine Xi said quietly: "Why, does your Majesty treat his concubines as guards?"

Emperor Lin smiled, as if he was used to her tone of voice, and not annoyed, he pushed Lin Feilu forward: "I don't worry about it to others, I trust you the most."

Concubine Xi Gui gave a noncommittal smile and glanced at Lin Feilu again.

Lin Feilu saluted immediately, and said with a milky voice: "Xiao Wu pays respect to Concubine Xi."

Lin Di said: "My Xiaowu is so cute, and you will definitely like Tan'er."

Concubine Xi Gui was still looking cold, and bowed towards Emperor Lin: "The concubine takes orders."

Lin Di happily left.

As soon as he left, only Lin Feilu and Concubine Xi, and their respective maids were left in the hall. Concubine Xi Gui turned and walked forward without looking back, as if knowing that Lin Feilu hadn't moved, she whispered: "Come on."

Lin Feilu just stepped up with her short legs and blew a rainbow fart in her heart: This lady is so handsome!

As the saying goes, appearance is not the most important thing, temperament is! The temperament of this concubine Xi is simply incredible!

She had secretly inquired a lot about her in order to attack Concubine Xi. I heard that she was born in the border gate, grew up in the border gate, and learned martial arts. She had the potential to become a generation of female generals, but for some reason she ended up in the palace and became a noble concubine.

She has a cold and arrogant personality, disdain to fight for favor, and seals her concubine when she enters the palace. Even if she has no children so far, she sits firmly in the position of noble concubine due to family reasons, which is trusted and loved by Emperor Lin.

Isn't this the heroine of the heroine script in Gongdou Opera? ! It's not the same as that coquettish **** like Princess Mei!

Going up the steps, passing through the gauze curtains, behind is the steaming hot spring.

There was already a maid waiting on both sides, Xi Guifei only wore a single coat, standing by the pool, her clothes faded, revealing the beautiful butterfly bones and slender legs on her back, and stepped on the steps into the hot spring.

Lin Feilu walked over and took off her coat under Song Yu's service, but it was still wrapped in a bath towel she prepared in advance. She stretched her feet by the pool to test the temperature, and then slowly hid her body in it. In the water.

Ah, comfortable.

Long-lost hot spring.

I was squinting to enjoy, and heard Concubine Xi's whisper: "Don't go to the middle, the water is deep."

Lin Feilu tilted her head to look over, her back leaning against the edge of the pool, her appearance was steamed by the heat, showing some ruddy, but it was a bit warmer than before, and she looked less cold. The delicate collarbone faintly floats on the surface of the water, and the swan neck is so beautiful that it is worthy of the figure of martial arts since childhood!

Lin Feilu can't wait to take a long sigh: Why is such a beautiful young lady so cheap that her father! ! !

She honestly said "Oh", stepped on the water with her short legs, walked slowly to Concubine Xi, and squatted next to her.

After a while, Concubine Xi opened her eyes and looked at the little Douding next to her eyes. Her shiny eyes were filled with water vapor, and she looked at herself without blinking.

She asked: "What are you looking at?"

Lin Feilu said: "The empress is so beautiful!"

Concubine Xi Gui dismissed: "Little liar, he would flatter people at such a small age."

Lin Feilu can't wait to show her loyalty by taking out her own Yangou heart: "The little deer is not deceiving! It just looks good!"

Concubine Xi Gui looked at her with interest: "Oh? Then what do you think?"

Lin Feilu: "The lady's collarbone is very beautiful, **** and clear! She also has a neck, slender and elegant, as beautiful as a swan! And this waist, she doesn't need a knife to kill, she leans on her waist!"

Concubine Xi: "?"

Yan Gou saw that the beauty of her life was hard for her, and only when he received the bewildered gaze of Concubine Xi, he restrained him, and showed the child's delicacy: "It's pretty good anyway!"

Concubine Xi Gui looked at Xiaodouding for a long time, and finally laughed, and reached out her hand to touch her ball head, "It's just like Xingjiang described, she's a funny little girl."

Lin Feilu smiled shyly.

Concubine Xi Gui is very cold and talks less, Lin Feilu wants to brush her favorability, of course, she can't be noisy, quietly soaking in the hot spring. The hall was very quiet for a while, and Lin Feilu was drowsy by the heat. After all, this body was too young to be soaked for a long time.

Concubine Xi Gui glanced at Xiaodouding, and told the maid: "Take the fifth princess out."

Lin Feilu had a little head, as if suddenly awake, and hugged her slender arm.

Concubine Xi: "?"

Xiaodouding looked at her eagerly: "I still want to soak with the empress for a while."

Concubine Xi Gui asked: "Why?"

Lin Feilu: "If you have more bubbles with the mother, maybe you can have long legs like the mother. Xi Xingjiang always scolds me for being short."

Concubine Xi said coldly: "You don't care about him, you will be taller than him when I break his leg."